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Posts posted by aikim

  1. :GM_FCA:

    :yahoo: for Joyful Noise Tour, 2012! Hope they release the entire tour schedule soon so we can all make plans.

    Last day of the 100 degree temps..cool front coming in this evening..so glad..I am so tired of the heat and having the ac running!

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  2. :GM_FCA:

    Yay for Friday! Right before I left work yesterday the air conditioning went out; waiting to see if I get a call this morning saying not to come in...wouldn't mind starting my vacation early. Going to be 102 again today before the cool down..do not relish the idea of spending the day in a library with no air conditioning.

    The tickets for that concert in Pa we found out about go on sale July 21 and the show is Dec. 8...hoping they announce the whole tour soon so the rest of us know what to expect...that may be the reason for the chat..either way..can't wait!

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  3. :GM_FCA:

    Having a day off in the middle of the week is throwing me off..I know I am going to keep thinking today is Monday, LOL! We are looking at 105 today and near 100 tomorrow before a cool down..glad about that since I will be on vacation next week and I would like to be able to sit outside and enjoy the week.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  4. :GM_FCA:

    98 today! Looking forward to having the day off tomorrow. Emily called last night and I may get Austin tonight and tomorrow. His tooth finally popped through and he is fine although she said is going through one of those things kids do at that age when they only want to eat certain things..his is fruit, yogurt and applesauce. I told her don't worry, at least he is eating healthy things.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  5. :GM_FCA:

    Happy Canada Day ! More of the same here, heat and possible thunderstorms this afternoon; need to go out in the yard and do some clean-up..leaves and branches around from the last thunderstorm. Lots of people in suburbs surrounding me without power but word is that they should be up and running sometime today. So far we have been lucky and had not lost power.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  6. :GM_FCA:

    Did not sleep well last night, the AC could just not keep up with the hot temps and even with the ceiling fan going it was just plain stuffy in the bedroom; felt like I tosses and turned all night..going to be a long day at work. Glad it is Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow. We actually had a little bit of hail last night..not a lot but the kids were running around the yard picking it up, LOL.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  7. Hearing some thunder outside..please God let it rain..this heat is unbearable..AC on and ceiling fans going and my house is still around 80 degrees..guess everyone has their AC cranked up and can't keep up.

    My little guy is having a tough time..talked to Emily and she was driving around trying to get him to sleep..getting a molar and had a 102 degree fever yesterday and diahrea; been crying all day..I was supposed to have him this week-end but that is a no go..not sure I am up to dealing with a cranky baby. She had an ultrasound today, little girl is doing good..looks like she will be the same size as Austin..he was 8 and 1/2 pounds..can't wait to see pictures!

    ETA: It's Raining :yahoo:


  8. Do you think Clay can ever do anything right, for some folks? Poor guy! If I were him I'd give up and run his foundation!

    No, I don't think so; I a beginning to think that some are not happy in this fandom unless they are bitching about something.

    Leaving work in a half hour to go grocery shopping, I don wanna..it is way too hot!


  9. :GM_FCA:

    Bracing for the heat today..supposed to be over 100 degrees. Hope my garden survives. I have a few little tomatoes and the squash and zucchini are coming in. We have been watering like crazy but the extended forecast is not showing any rain in our future so I am thinking that may come to an end.

    Hope Clay has business in NYC besides hanging out at book signings!

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  10. :GM_FCA:

    Another Monday..these week-ends go by so fast. Talked to Emily yesterday..they made it back from Florida just in time to miss the storm.. Wishing we would get some rain here, it is so dry. Mark is going to get back to painting so the house should be done this week..then we need to get new shutters and new outside lights. Always a project to be done around here.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  11. :GM_FCA:

    Tired this morning..the dog was up at 1:30..he smelled something outside and then whined until I got up and let him out so he could check it out..probably a stray cat or rabbit or something but it took me forever to get back to sleep after that. The hazard of having the windows open and beagle mix doggie.

    Beautiful this morning, I really should do some cleaning today and work out in the garden.


  12. What stands out to me is that there are two sets of rules..one set for the fans and one set for Clay. The fans are allowed to:

    Bitch about his hair.

    Bitch about his clothes

    Bitch about his career choices

    Bitch about his music

    Bitch about his friends.

    Go on twitter and Bitch about his friends

    But Clay is supposed to:

    Suck it up

    Always respect the fans feelings

    Always put the fans first even before his friends and family

    Never complain about fan behavior

    Consult the fans on who he has as entertainment at the Gala

    Basically grovel to the fans because they spend money on tours and support his Foundation.

    He is do all this because he is a celebrity and we basically made him what he is and he would not have National Inclusion Project if it weren't for the fans.


  13. :GM_FCA:

    Seems even on the week-ends I cannot sleep in..my body clock is set to get up at 6:00 a.m. so here I am. Couchiel I agree with your post..it does feel like we are in some kind of time warp...bottom line is Clay is allowed to have whoever he wants for a friend and it is not ours to judge. I doubt very much that fans would like it if Clay were to start judging who we hang with. Never understood why there seems to be a set of rules for "us" and a set of rules for Clay. He always seems to be held to a different standard. He is human, he is allowed to get pissy and call out the fans if need be and disagree with us. This fandom can be totally self-absorbed at times and needs to realize that Clay's world does not revolve around us and our feelings and that is as it should be.

    Hopefully today will be a better day...going to be beautiful here and I intend to enjoy it.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


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