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Posts posted by aikim

  1. Clay was spotted in Chicago last night..Andersonville on the north side which is a predominantly gay area..probably a stopover on his way to Canada:

    facebook post, Clay sighting

    Royen Kent Fun fact: tonight at Lady Gregory's, I sat Clay Aiken and his date. They were there for a while. People kept passing and double-taking. FUN!

    15 minutes ago



  2. The transcripts for chats 2, 3 and 4 are up at the OFC! Go to the chat room and scroll down to where the 4 chats are..there are links underneath so you can read.

    I did the one for chat #4..yeah it was tough watching and listening to Clay over and over again and having to see him run his hands through his hair all those times, LOL!

    I was very surprised they did not edit it..I added a few of my own touches!

    Congrats also to Shortyjill who transcribed Chat #3!


  3. :GM_FCA:

    Had a wonderful relaxing getaway..did not find any treasures antiquing but enjoyed looking. Was so looking forward to the Packers game last night and was thoroughly disgusted by the officiating..worst I have ever seen...Green Bat should have won that game..that last game was an interception..much cursing at the TV last night.

    25 Days until the Gala! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  4. :GM_FCA:

    Thank you for the birthday wishes! We are heading out to Michigan this afternoon for the week-end; looking forward to a nice get-away! Last night hubby surprised me with a birthday cake and two new Wizard of Oz Ornaments...he gets me the new ones every year on my birthday. Some day I hope to have room to display them instead of being packed away.

    28 Days until the Gala!: :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  5. Someone want a husband..cheap? Today is our anniversary..our 30th anniversary...I come home from work and he is not home..we are supposed to go out for dinner. Where is he..buying a card because he forgot our anniversary..we have plans to go away this week-end for our anniversary..you think that would have been a clue. He damn well better come home with more than a card and he better remember my birthday is Saturday.

    Oops..he's home!

    ETA: Just a card but he did have time to go out and buy my daughter a car today..we've been sharing my car and it has just not been working out...at least we are going out for dinner.


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