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Posts posted by aikim

  1. :GM_FCA:

    Sorry I have not been around much...this week has been crazy..have been on vacation but not really vacationing. Been going to my daughter's every day to help with the kids and dealing with her dog who broke her leg and needs surgery..was supposed to be yesterday, but now being done today. Emily has not been able to drive since the c-section so I have been doing all her running. Told her she is going to miss me next week when I go back to work.

    Sounds like the Gala was a success..have been reading re-caps when I get a chance. Haven't been on the computer much.


  2. We welcomed our first granddaughter this evening..Sienna Grace, 6 pounds, 15 ounces, 19 and 1/2 inches long..was a very long day as Emily and Mike were told to be at the hospital at 12:30 and due to some emergency c-sections, hers was pushed back..lots of pacing for Nana! We will go see her tomorrow, cannot wait to hold her.


  3. :GM_FCA:

    I watched the debate and I don't think a good moderator allows one participant to continually interrupt and talk over another participant. I thought Joe Biden was rude and disrespectful with his laughing and smirking and I would say that no matter what party he was from. Paul Ryan had to deal with not only Joe Biden interrupting him but also the moderator at times. I thought it was a good debate and Paul Ryan came across as very classy..maybe a little understated, but I thought he got his points across well..when he was allowed.

    8 Days until the Gala! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


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