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Posts posted by aikim

  1. Yeah, looks like were in the eye of the storm now, but another tweet or whatever and I think it will kick up again. All I am saying is that I am very embarrassed by the behavior of some fans...some seem to have a really self-inflated sense of their own importance in Clay's life.

    Fear. I applaud you for using your voice and trying to get this rectified.


  2. :GM_FCA:

    I am here, always reading if I don't post. Seems like not much was going on yesterday, even Clay was quiet, but I did see that Twitter was not working for a while.

    So yay for Friday..looking forward to the week-end, no plans but working in the garden and just relaxing.

    The heat has finally broken and it is absolutely beautiful out..was able to turn the AC off..love having the windows open!

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  3. I love Clay!

    QUOTE (ClayIzzaQT @ Jun 19 2012, 09:12 PM) post_snapback.gif

    claytweet.png Clay's Tweet is in response to this Tweet

    CCM Insider ‏@CCMInsider

    Please pray for CLAY AIKEN Today, we are praying for his salvation! Learn more http://goo.gl/Y8FwF #lgbt #prayer #evangelism





    Clay Aiken Clay Aiken ‏@clayaiken

    @CCMInsider How's about you let me and God worry about my salvation so you can spend your time kissing my ass? :-)

    I LOVE the smiley face at the end. Bwah!

  4. After reading through all the angst on other boards about poor Clay having the temerity to tweet about a friend, I remembered why this is such a sane outpost. I was beginning to think most of Clay's fans were a bunch of f$%%$%g lunatics.

    I don't think, I know..like I said..feels like I went back to middle school.

  5. :GM_FCA:

    Going to be another hot day here..we are looking at 90's all week. Hubby has one side of the house left to paint but won't do it when it is so hot..I think I will suggest he put in the new ceiling fan we bought for the kitchen that has been sitting in the front room for the last month. We also have new lighting..now that the living room is remodeled we are starting on the kitchen..yikes!; that is going to be a project.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Have a great day everyone,


  6. Spec on Clay's tweet: Barry was not supposed to sing last night and ended up doing so at the last minute..Clay was supposed to sing after intermission, but there was no intermission. Possibly the show was cut to accommodate Barry's ego....er..impromptu concert and hence leading to Clay possibly having to change his song which resulted in him messing up the lyrics as pointed out by some Clay fans. Again,..all speculation, supposition and musings of Clay fans with nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon..i.e. just a normal day in the Clay fandom.


    ETA: Yep he killed on the song, looked gorgeous and who the hell gives a fuck if he missed a word or two...if he did he covered it flawlessly as usual.

  7. Report from the venue:

    Clay is wearing beige shorts, pink and blue striped long sleeved shirt with t-shirt underneath, sneakers..it is 95 there today. He is rehearsing and sang "Even Now"..Barry was there listening. He will be wearing a tux tonight. Reporter from an Indy paper is there and tweeted about him singing "Even Now". Clothing report from 2old4clay at CV. Hair looks like it did the other night.

    Cellcert will start at 7:00 eastern time

  8. :GM_FCA:

    Don't forget..tonight Clay will be singing the SSB at a local sporting event in Raleigh...hopefully there will be a lot of tweets about it. Not sure if any fans will be in attendance..this has to do with his local high school.

    2 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  9. :GM_FCA:

    Beautiful sunny day here, but we could really use some rain..seems like it keeps missing us. Temps are going to cool down from the 90's to the 70's so I can turn off the AC and open up the house. Hubby will be back painting the house today. I am also hoping for a tour in the Fall/Winter since I will not be going to the Gala and I really need to see Clay...been too long!

    4 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  10. :GM_FCA:

    Had Austin Friday night and all day yesterday so no time to get on the computer; it is fun having him, but he really tires me out, especially now that he is walking...just spend the whole time following him around. Went to bed at 8:00 last night! Heading downtown to the Printer's Row book fair..always wish I had more money to spend,but it is great looking at all the books and I always come home with something.

    6 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


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