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Posts posted by aikim

  1. :GM_FCA:

    I personally hate speculation about his personal life on the boards and I find it rather sad that he would have to come up with diversionary tactics to nip it in the bud..he shouldn't have to do that. He has made it perfectly clear that his private life is off limits; disappointing that his own fans can't respect that. (end of grumpy post)

    15 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  2. :GM_FCA:

    Everyone have a great week-end..hot here too..we may get rain tonight..hope so as the garden could use it. I had Austin yesterday which is why I did not post the countdown. He walked for the first time at Nana's..about 10 feet from the living room into the kitchen. Emily and Mike were so upset they didn't get to see it. Not sure why he chose that time. They are going to Florida in 3 weeks and are hoping he will be walking by then. We tried getting him to walk when we dropped him at their house and he refused..I think he knows they want him to and is just being stubborn, LOL!

    20 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  3. Wait.....they actually vaulted a version of Lean On Me with the Aresenio solo cut out? I just saw a reference to it elsewhere. Give me a freaking break!

    Yep..no end to the pettiness of Clay fans..the guest list has just been announced for the Gala..Arsenio, Dee, Debbie and Ruben and some are not going because Arsenio is going to be there. Do they really think Arsenio is going to care if they show up or not? He is still going to be there..the only people end being hurt are NIP and Clay.

    At some point you just have to let it go..being angry is not going to change the outcome.

    ETA: To be fair there is a full version in the CV Vault, but I think it was still wrong to have a cut version..people need to grow up already.


  4. Can't say I am not disappointed Clay lost..I lobbed a few "fuck, fuck,, fuck's" at the TV..no remote this time though, LOL! But in thinking about it he really has won..he went on this show to bring awareness to The National Inclusion Project and he accomplished that; he wanted to win money for the Foundation and he did to the tune of $360,000; he wanted to change people's perceptions of him and show the world who Clay Aiken really is..he has done that through his leadership skills on the show, his humor; his humanity; his "classy Clay moments" and in his interviews and appearances where he has shown his intelligence and his steadfastness (is that a word?) in his beliefs and his willingness to fight for them. He has gained the respect of his fellow contestants and his twitter followers and those who watch the show.

    I won't say poor Clay or feel sorry for him or rail at Donald Trump. This was a TV Show...a TV Show whose whole purpose is to create drama and conflict and they succeeded. Clay knew this going in..he has been there before..but he took a chance and worked hard and he showed the world what he is made of..for that I say..

    Good job Clay..I am proud of you and I love you and I am very proud to say "I am a fan"...you will never be second in my heart.


  5. Clay looked great this morning..thought I would die when he ran his hand through his hair. So loving this look..I believe it is symbolic in that he is leaving his AI runner-up status behind and this is his new Celebrity Apprentice Winner look!

    So excited..Emily just called and they are having a girl! Can already see Austin terrorizing his little sister! Going to be so much fun shopping for a little girl!


  6. Spent yesterday at my MIL's in Champaign..it was a very nice day but we stayed longer than I anticipated and got home 2 minuted before the show started! I think I hopped out of the car before my husband had the motor turned off and made a beeline foe the TV..did not want to miss one minute!

    I thoroughly enjoyed the show..I think Clay came off as a very good project manager; always in control but delegating tasks; kept Aubrey in check and was always aware that his butt was on the line and this was his to win or lose and other's egos were not going to get in the way. Loved seeing him with the kids. Win or lose, he has already won with the exposure the National Exclusion Project has gotten, the personal and professional contacts he has made and the higher public profile he has gotten for himself via the show and his political appearances.

    Speaking of which, he did well on FTN; looked good..I was very impressed.


  7. From The OFC News Section:

    Clay is going to be appearing as a panelist on CBS's prestigious news show Face The Nation THIS Sunday, 5/13! This is HUGE, everyone!! Spend your Mother's Day, or part of it, with Clay as he joins in the discussion about same-sex marriage with esteemed panelists Tony Perkins, Evan Wolfson, and Mark McKinnon, among others. Make sure to tune in -- this is a BIG DEAL! History in the making with Clay!
  8. From CV..add Face The Nation to upcoming appearances:

    QUOTE (rcknrllmom @ May 10 2012, 10:15 AM)

    I have a friend who works for CBS news and she just messaged me that Clay will be a guest in their DC studio on face the nation Sunday with Bob Schieffer

    Also Showbiz Tonight:


    Showbiz Tonight ‏ @showbiztonight

    @shebop_aka_cyn & @clayaiken speak out about @BarackObama's same-sex marriage comments! Tonight! 11p @hlntv

    (I am getting dizzy trying to keep up, LOL!)

  9. I won't be able to go..was hoping to this year but my daughter is expecting her second baby at that time..maybe try again next year, but I hope many more fans can go and have a wonderful time! Just say Hey to Clay for me..I am beginning to think he is never going to come to this part of the country again!


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