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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Happy Birthday Clay! 3 Days until The True Colors Concert! 8 Days until The Gala! 30 Days until January and The New Single! 73 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Broadway League Tweet (posted at CC): aikim, my niece lives in Iowa and uses that library. I've visited it, and IMO, your director has a good idea going. From what I was told, those pans circulate all the time. So many people have kids who want "special" cakes, but no one wants the expense of buying a special pan, only to use it once. Hence, the idea of circulating these pans... I hope so..took me all day to get them cataloged, bagged and labeled. We are also buying a dishwasher so we can clean then when they get back. I will let you know how they do once they are on shelf. Kim
  3. I am spending my morning cataloging...Cake Pans! Yes, our Library Director saw an article about a Library in Iowa that was doing this and decided we should too. Not sure how well they will circulate..these are the Wilton fancy cake pans..princesses, a horse, a bear, etc....I have about 15 total. We had to order various size bags to put them in since we can't actually label the pans and I have to copy all the instructions..talk about a pain in the butt. I hope she doesn't get anymore bright ideas. In other Clay news..very interesting tweet from CV via the Conclayve: Bringing this over from The ConClayve, originally posted there by nyama.
  4. Happy Birthday Clay! 4 Days until The True Colors Concert! 9 Days until The Gala! 31 Days until January and The New Single! 74 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Another Big Bang Theory fan here...Christine Baranski is a hoot as Leonard's mother..don't miss the episode when she and Penny had a girl's night out..what a hoot! 5 Days until The True Colors Concert! 10 Days until The Gala! 32 Days until January and The New Single! 75 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. 6 Days until The True Colors Concert! 11 Days until The Gala! 33 Days until January and The New Single! 76 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Disappointment is understandable..I think we have been spoiled with all the clack we have had over the years, but this is Clay's Gala and his decision and I think we have to respect that. The sense of entitlement annoys me to no end...this is not about the fans, this is about The National Inclusion Project and Clay's career. Kim
  8. 7 Days until The True Colors Concert! 12 Days until The Gala! 34 Days until January and The New Single! 77 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. 8 Days until The True Colors Concert! 13 Days until The Gala! 35 Days until January and The New Single! 78 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Kitchen is finally cleaned..turkey carcass has been turned into stock and disposed of and my fridge is crammed with tupperware (Clay would be scared, LOL!) and I am going to relax the rest of the day. No shopping for me today, maybe on Sunday, but the weather is supposed to get really crappy this weekend..cold, rain and possible snow showers so we will see if I feel like venturing out. Kim
  11. 9 Days until The True Colors Concert! 14 Days until The Gala! 36 Days until January and The New Single! 79 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. 3 days of cooking..15 minutes to eat...dog planted himself under Austin's chair and ate everything he dropped; kitchen is a mess; refrigerator is crammed with tupperware..Packers won, yay! I am so tired but I know if I lay down on the couch that is going to be it...but I have the next 3 days off and am so looking forward to it...may get in some Christmas baking though. Kim
  13. Happy Thanksgiving all..hope you all have a wonderful day! Having the whole family over so I need to get cooking..going to be fun! 10 Days until The True Colors Concert! 15 Days until The Gala! 37 Days until January and The New Single! 80 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. 11 Days until The True Colors Concert! 16 Days until The Gala! 38 Days until January and The New Single! 81 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. 12 Days until The True Colors Concert! 17 Days until The Gala! 39 Days until January and The New Single! 82 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 13 Days until The True Colors Concert! 18 Days until The Gala! 40 Days until January and The New Single! 83 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. AWWWWWWWW. Thanks Clay, we love you too! This is so awesome. I'm glad the excitement is back! Are we OK bringing red reports over here, knowing that CV is a totally private board, and we're, well, not? You're asking me..I was wondering too..if you don't want me to I won't. Kim
  18. Edited again.... Couchie..we don't know who the competition is..actually some fans do but don't want to say publicly. Oh and Clay said twice no matter what happens he loves us Kim
  19. 14 Days until The True Colors Concert! 19 Days until The Gala! 41 Days until January and The New Single! 84 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. 13 Days until The True Colors Concert! 20 Days until The Gala! 42 Days until January and The New Single! 85 Days until the Premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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