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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Chiming in from the south side of Chicago...snow, snow and more snow. Left work early which turned into a three-ring circus..Daughter No. 3 has my car today so hubby was supposed to pick me up..he leaves work at 3:00 and picks me up at 4:00..well I was leaving work at 3:00..tried calling him to tell him I was leaving early..can't get a hold of him (pet peeve..what is the point of having a cell phone if you are not going to answer it)..one of the girls at work says she will drive me home and I okay that will work, until I realize I don't have my house keys because Daughter No. 3 has them. So I call Daughter No. 2...does not answer her cell phone..call Daughter No. 4..ditto on no answer. By this time I am beyond frustrated. Try hubby again nothing. Finally Daughter No. 4 calls me at work and I tell her my sad story and she says she will come and get me. Now Daughter No. 4 and No. 2 work 5 minutes from me..never occured to me to have my friend from work just drop at one of their jobs and I could hang out there. Total "duh" moment (but nothing new for me). So Daughter No. 4 picks me up and we head home..roads are a mess and people think because they have these big honking SUV's they don't have to adjust their speed. This is the Chicago area..this kind of weather is nothing new! So I get home and finally get a hold of hubby to tell him to come home and not to the library. Just shoveled the walk..he can do the rest with the sno blower. In case you were wondering..Daughter No. 1 is in Indiana so she wasn't involved in the cell phone round robin. Note to all family members...WHEN I CALL ON YOUR CELLPHONE, ANSWER IT! (yes I know, keep an extra set of house keys in my purse.) Kim
  2. Love the Clay/Adam video! 30 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 31 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. JDFanBuzzPD Jason Dixon Sitting in the VIP lounge before the Adam Carrolla show with @bmaloney and Clay Aiken. #bignames 7 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply says he is a program director for Raleigh 99.9
  4. Pic of Clay from someone who was waiting behind him to get something to eat: @nealtheaThea Neal Clay Aiken 'razzi shot! http://pic.twitter.com/sQyERWCe Clay Tweet: QUOTE Clay Aiken @clayaiken 37s He's a great guy. Fingers crossed that I escape unscathed! pic.twitter.com/MOJ38niE (picture of his ticket)
  5. In the interview I posted, Adam said Clay was tenacious, a hard worker and very competitive...that people thought he was going to be a pushover and he is not and mentioned that Clay is going to his show in Durham tonight. 31 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 32 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Another interview with Adam..Clay mentions: http://www.lovelineshow.com/b/Our-Time-with-Ace/-913185668139131297.html
  7. Adam Carolla interview with Dennis Miller; Clay mention: http://dennismillerr...6489890898.html Clay Tweet: clayaiken Clay Aiken Wikipedia may b blacked out, but the mobile version of the site is working fine. So much 4 the right hand talking 2 the left hand over there1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply
  8. 32 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 33 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. 33 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 34 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Spin Update:Mediabase is now showing 4 stations playing "Bring Back My Love"...they have not listed what the 4th station is however. There have been 11 spins over the last 7 days which is an increase of 4 spins over the prior 7 day period. All spins have been overnight. Bring Back My Love" is now on the top 50 AC Chart at number 48 with a bullet (that means spins are increasing).
  11. 34 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 35 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. 35 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 36 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Couchie Are you still breathing? OMG what a finish to the 49'ers game..I so glad they won! Kim
  14. Clay was at Book of Mormon last night. 36 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 37 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Radio News: 2 AC stations each gave "Bring Back My Love" 2 spins yesterday... WJXB-FM 97.5 Knoxville, TN WTFM-FM 98.5 Johnson City TN All spins were "overnight". If you are in the listening area, it might not hurt to contact them with a request?
  16. Couchie Not my birthday but my grandson's but thanks for the wishes! My boss just called to tell me the library won't be open until 11:00; guess he forgot I was not working today, LOL! So I can legitimately say I had Clay Aiken in bed with me last night; snuggled in, fired up the Kindle and spent an enjoyable hour and 15 minutes listening to Clay talk and laugh..I love that interview! 30 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 38 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Home from work, it is really nasty out; has been snowing all day..rain/snow mix first and now snow..so there is ice under the snow. Roads are really bad..how is it by ldyj? Glad I am off tomorrow! Kim
  18. Expecting our first real snow of the winter, starting this afternoon and possibly 5 inches by tomorrow..good news is I am off of work tomorrow so I won't have to drive in it. Better news..Kindle Fire users..I was going through the app store last night and found a free app for the Adam Corollo show; downloaded that so fast...and yes Clay's episode is there..so tonight after hubby leaves for work, I am having a date with Clay! 31 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 39 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. New interview..very choppy editing: http://nbcbuzz.tv/20...er-youre-hired/ Clay tweet a picture of Durham: https://twitter.com/#!/clayaiken/status/157282554385403905/photo/1
  20. Good luck Fear and thank you for the birthday wishes! Kim
  21. Happy 1st Birthday to my little guy Austin..that year went by so fast! Jamar No I do not support Newt; not sure who I am going to vote for yet..so far none of the Republican candidates have really impressed me. 32 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 40 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Even if I don't vote Democratic; if that party wins the election I still have to deal with them as my President and Vice President...so yeah, it would matter who it is. Personally, I have very little trust in any politician no matter what party...I think they all have an agenda and there is way too much "I'll scratch my back, if you scratch mine" going on and I don't think many of them really care about the American people. As for the Clintons..no respect for either of them after the whole Monica Lewinksy thing and especially for Hilary...I cannot respect someone who would stay with her husband after he cheats on her numerous times. Maybe it is old-fashioned thinking, but what kind of example is that for her daughter? The whole thing didn't sit well with me. I know many people say what they do in their personal life doesn't matter as long as they make good decisions while in office. I say..if someone makes such bad decisions in their personal life, why should I trust their decisions as President or Vice President? My sense about Hilary is that it has always been about her political career and she will do anything to have it including sucking it up and staying with a man who has disrespected her...I just find nothing admirable about her. KIm
  23. 33 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice! 41 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. I am glad Clay is tweeting but probably good that I am not..we are on opposite sides politically and I might be tempted to respond to him, LOL! Kim
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