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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I've seen the commercials for X-factor and it just looks like an idol clone to me..just seems like there are way too many music shows out there with the same format...imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery..but now it just seems like overkill. 80 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Thanks for all the anniversary wishes..it was a quiet day, just watched football and then went out for a hamburger, we are such party animals, LOL! 81 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Happy Birthday LDYJ! Today is also my wedding anniversary..29 years! 82 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Donald Trump was on Extra yesterday and said this year's Celebrity Apprentice will be the best ever and they will announce the contestants soon! 83 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. 84 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. 85 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Sitting here waiting for my daughter to pick me up..this is my youngest Sarah, her birthday is Oct. 1 and she wants a new winter coat, so I am going with her to shop for it and pay for it...as she said, just bring you checkbook! She will be 22, can't believe my baby is that old already. Mark is almost finished painting the living room and Monday we should be able to start putting the new floor down..can't wait! Furniture shopping after that..It will be so nice to have this room done and not have to look at tools and ladders and other assorted tools laying around. So, won't be going to the Gala, I really wanted to but we really need the money for the living room and then Christmas. I am really hoping to go next year though and maybe plan for a week so we can spend some time and not be so rushed. Kim
  8. 86 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. 87 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. 88 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a good day! Kim
  11. I did the same thing! Went from Red Skelton to Bonanza and then Carol Burnett..about fell off my chair laughing..that was TV! Would much rather watch good comedy than all the reality crap we have on now. Harvey and Tim..the heck with the skit..just watch to see Harvey crack up! Kim
  12. 90 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Speculation about Clay being on Celebrity Apprentice on Reality Blurred..info came from Clay fan boards..someone is snooping, LOL; also now on Twitter and Ricky.org: http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/the_celebrity_apprentice_5/2011_Sep_09_clay-aiken?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
  14. 81 Days until The Gala! For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc.... Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. So far it seems like most are making do..rescheduling...there are a few that may not be able to make it, but I think most are happy that the change is because of Clay's career..so looking on the bright side. Speaking of looking on the bright side..I couldn't make the October Gala, but I am seriously considering asking hubby if he wants to make a trip to Raleigh in December..sort of a combined, birthday, anniversary and Christmas gift...I have days off coming...it is so so tempting! Kim
  16. Gala Date has changed,, looks like Clay has something coming up!: GALA CHANGE: http://www.inclusionproject.org/news.php?id=130 9/08/2011 Important Information about the Champions Gala Thank you so much for your generous support of the National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala scheduled to take place in Raleigh, NC on October 21 & 22, 2011. We are so excited to be spending a special evening with you in celebration of the work that the National Inclusion Project does for children across the country. However, I am writing to you with news of an important date change. Due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict with a network television show, I am unfortunately not able to host you on the original date. So to avoid disappointment, the Gala has been rescheduled for December 9 & 10, 2011, and I do hope you will be able to join us then when we will be delighted to celebrate the impact that has been made on the lives of children with and without disabilities. We have been fortunate to be able to reserve Fletcher Auditorium located in Downtown Raleigh, where I will be able to give you an expanded performance. Since the event will be during the Holiday season, it will give me a chance to share some of your favorite Holiday songs, which we have not had the opportunity to do in several years. We are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but very much look forward to seeing you December 9th & 10th. We have all updates and answers to many questions at www.inclusionproject.org/gala. You can then contact my colleagues at the National Inclusion Project office with further questions at contactus@inclusionproject.org or by calling 919-314-5540 and please remember to inform your guests. With warm regards, Clay Aiken National Inclusion Project Co-Chair ````````````````` my bolding !! wassup?
  17. 44 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. 45 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. 46 Days until the Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. 47 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Rain has moved out..blue skies and an absolutely gorgeous day! Kitchen is all spic and span clean and I can actually see my countertops! Hubby is replacing some parts of the sub-floor in the living room that are weakened before he puts the flooring down..hoping that will be in the next couple of weeks..still some painting to finish. Going to relax and enjoy the day! Kim
  22. Been raining here since last night so I guess I will continue my Labor Day clean-a-thon. Hope it is dry tomorrow as I really need to get out and do some yard work. 48 Days until the Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Stove is cleaned and shiny..I even pulled it out and cleaned behind it..lots of dust..really had to scrub to get some of the grease off the sides. Everything from the counters is piled on the kitchen table..trying to figure out how to re-arrange so the counters are not so cluttered. I think that is going to be a hopeless task..too much stuff and not enough room. Have fun at the Gala ldyj, one of these years I am going to get my butt down there...but until then I will live on clack..hope Clay sings some new songs and the Foundation makes lots of money. Jerry Aiken is at the convention in Atlanta this week-end..hope they do well there! Kim
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