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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Finally had a chance to watch The Talk..hubby was so sweet and had it all cued up for me so I could just push play and watch. Oh and he had to tell me right away that Clay was growing a beard..had to tell him that Clay often has stubble. So...best interview he has done in a while..he looked gorgeous, the ladies were respectful and let him talk. I love the little snippets we got about Parker..so cute that he doesn't like Daddy to sing and I melted when Clay referred to himself as Daddy..think that was the first time he ever did that. He looked great in the DDD preview and I cannot wait to see the show! Usual talk about Idol, yada, yada..wish he would have done a reprise of "take" when Holly brought it up! Retirement question..totally did not get a vibe that he was leaving anytime soon..just sounded like the usual response he gives to the question. He is 33 now, so I can totally see him looking to the future and looking at other options..but I think he is going to be around for a while. To sum it up..I was smiling and thudding the whole time and will be watching that video again and again and again..... Kim
  2. Loving waking up to so much Clack! The Panel discussion is in the vault at CV! Funny or Die Video is also up; watch and then click on funny to vote (or die if you really hate it) http://www.funnyordi...rs-untold-stori Can't wait for The Talk today, I am going to be absolutely useless at work. 6 Days until DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. gareem said it was drop dead delicious. Clay sat in the second row in the audience and gareem was directly behind him. He sat next to a CV member but I won't spoil her fun in telling it herself. Very, very furry forearms that were within licking distance. He was good in his part. NONE OF THE THREE GUEST STARS, WHO HAPPEN TO BE GAY, PLAYED A GAY CHARACTER. Clay got the part because the creator and director of the series personally called him, and asked him to be a part of it. The creator and director, Josh Berman, and Clay had dinner together last night a a very expensive, classy restaurant. The director has done serious business there before. The panel was outstanding. The show was outstanding. All actors seemed to have really bonded.
  4. CNN UPDATE: Clay was casually dressed. He came in the screening room and sat right with all the fans!!!! Yanked a few chains, then said I know these ladies (classic Clay). He was funny, charming and relaxed. The episode of Drop Dead Diva is FABULOUS!!!!!! Everyone is going to LOVE IT and Clay’s part is awesome!!! He was asked to appear on DDD earlier, but was unable to due to timing – he was thrilled to be able to participate I’m running out of adjectives – when musicfan gets back she can fill in the details – but Clay was his wonderful, charming, handsome, charismatic self!!!!
  5. From Outfest Discussion Panel: From Scarlett on FB Jeans brown shoes cute sweater love the hair Scarlett on FB: Director said how impresses at what a talentes actor he is, very natural, FUN! From Scarlett: QUOTEJeans brown shoes cute sweater love the hair
  6. More pictures: http://mrpoplife.typepad.com/having_my_say/2011/07/clay-aiken-new-july-2011-pics-spotted-at-outfest-event-.html?utm_source=feedburner
  7. Great pictures of Clay! My take on the whole "my gays" thing..well, I guess and if Clay and the others had a problem with it they wouldn't have had done the video to begin with...as has been said..just a fun thing to do and they all looked like they were having fun. Looking forward to reports today! 1 Day until Clay is on The View! 7 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. The E Promo of the FOD video is now in the vault at CV! I stayed up to watch last night..my God, i do not know how people watch that stuff..only for Clay would I watch that crap. But he was worth waiting for. Off to watch my download again! 1 Day until The DDD Discussion Panel! 2 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 8 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. I use chrome and have the remember me box checked and I still have to log in at times. Kim
  10. New tidbit! Please let there be clack! ETA: Preview of The Talk on Monday: http://wwwimage.cbs.com/daytime/the_talk/video/?vs=Previews
  11. Hmmm..maybe I should not post the tidbits? Just keeping people informed. Fear The video chat will be posted on the site so those who missed it can see it and the rest of us can watch over and over and over....... Promo's airing for The Talk on Monday..used a picture of Clay at the award show he was at with Tori (long hair) and one from GLAAD...hoping someone capped the promo! Kim
  12. No they haven't taken questions for the chat at OFC...I am assuming when they announce the date they will give us instructions on how to submit questions. 2 Days until DDD Panel Discussion! 3 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 9 Days until Clay is on DDD! VIDEO CHAT END OF THE MONTH! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. 3 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 4 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 10 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Got my car back! It took a little longer because they lost power from Monday's storm so were a day behind, but all is well. It was a crankshaft sensor..overheated...$300 to replace..not too bad..could have been worse. Just glad to have it back..hate not having a car. Gosh, just thinking about all the songs Clay has sung is mind-boggling..we really are very lucky fans to have so much. I was going through my personal collection the other day and it really struck me how much we have had in 8 years..looking forward to much more! Kim
  15. 4 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 5 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 11 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 5 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 6 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 12 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. 6 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 7 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 13 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. That was such a fun night! Interesting that they still have it hanging up a year later! Kim
  19. 7 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 8 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 14 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. So this has been a really sucky day..tooth pulled..driving on my way to pick up the grandbaby and the car dies. Forgot my cellphone, my daughter didn't have hers..so the two of us are sitting there wondering what the hell to do. We are right by a turn on to the expressway. I put on the flashers and finally two good samaritans stop and help us push the car to the side of the road and let us use their phone so I can call Mark. He comes out and we end up having the car towed. He thinks it is the fuel pump. I hope it is nothing major. Stands to reason things were going too well and God had to give me a reminder not to get too cocky. So I have a sore mouth, no car and no grandbaby to cuddle and make it better...but I do get to spend the rest of the week-end doing homework..Oh joy! Kim
  21. Back from the dentist...they called at 8:00 to see if I wanted to come in earlier than my 9:00 appointment and I said sure, might as well get it over with...went a lot faster than what I expected. It actually took him more time to numb me up than to pull the tooth. I was home by 9:30. It wasn't a wisdom tooth..just a regular tooth, but I have no tooth on the bottom on that side and it really was a useless tooth. Rather than filling the cavity, he decided to just pull it. So far so good, they gave me three Ibuprophen before I left and the numbness still has not worn off...will see in a couple of hours. But last time I had a tooth pulled I was pretty good with just ibuprophen and an ice pack. I actually had no problem with turning 50...but now that I am heading for 54 in Sept and 60 is around the corner..yeah, that one is going to be a biggie. When we were at my daughter's bridal shower 3 years ago, her husband's grandmother saw us standing together and asked If I were her sister..that was a real ego boost I tell you...not so sure how she felt about it, LOL! Kim
  22. So I get to spend the morning getting a tooth pulled, can't tell you how thrilled I am about that! Emily called and wants me to baby-sit tonight but that is all going to depend on how I am feeling..thinking of telling her to just bring him here for the night so I don't have to drive back and forth and I will have hubby and my other girls to help out. 8 Days until Clay is on The DDD Discussion Panel! 9 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 15 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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