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Everything posted by aikim

  1. 45 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. There are 4 people from CV going...so most likely clack. Sounds like a great trip Merrieee! Kim
  3. Clay to take part in 2011 Outfest.... July 7 - 17 in LA..... http://losangeles.broadwayworld.com/articl...y-7-17-20110608 <snip> Margaret Cho, Lance Bass, Clay Aiken, series creator Josh Berman and director Jamie Babbit will take part in a panel of Lifetime's "Drop Dead Diva." The discussion follows a sneak preview of an upcoming episode inspired by the headline-making true story of Mississippi teen Constance McMillan who was denied access to her high school prom because she wanted to attend with her girlfriend. This special episode will air during the upcoming third season of "Drop Dead Diva" which returns June 19th on Lifetime at 9pmET/PT.
  4. Interview with Margaret Cho in out.com Catching up with Margaret Cho Quote Speaking of Georgia, Drop Dead Diva starts its third season this month, and includes appearances from Wanda Sykes, Clay Aiken, Lance Bass, and Kathy Griffin — which sounds like the gayest dinner party in modern history. Pretty gay. And pretty great. I know Wanda and Kathy very well. Lance I actually met at Kathy’s house years and years ago. And Clay is a new friend. I enjoy working with all of them.
  5. Favorite performance ever? All is Well in Merrillville..I still get goosebumps when I watch it..I remember sitting there holding my breath with the rest of the audience and then the eruption when he nailed that last note. And for pure fun..Those Magic Changes. 46 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. 47 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. "waves to luckiest1"... another "well now" believer here! 48 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. My smiling boy Austin: http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j165/aikim_2006/IMG_6592.jpg
  9. I never thought much about being a Grandma until I was one..I just figured it would happen at one point...but never thought I would enjoy it so much. I had 4 kids in 6 years and it was such a whirlwind, I felt like I never really got to enjoy them so it is nice being able to just enjoy having a baby around without so many other distractions. And of course, than I can give him back to his mama..best of both worlds actually. Kim
  10. Adventures in Babysitting...getting there was half the battle. Monster thunderstorm rolled through while I was driving to Emily's and the worst of it occurred while I was stuck in traffic trying to get through a construction area (for some reason the state of Illinois always decides to construction on an every road at the same time..ugh!). Pet peeve no. 45..people who know the road is merging but wait until the very last minute to get over and then expect you to let them in. Just so you know, I won't...yeah, I can be a bit of a bitch about that...not going to let you cut in front of me after I have gotten over and have been waiting for 10 minutes to get through the stoplight. So we finally get through that mess, the storm finally begins to abate and then it is time to play "dodge the puddles (well more like small ponds, LOL) all the way there. I have never seen so much standing water...had to do a lot of swerving and driving around huge amounts of water and low areas. One dead stoplight later and we are finally within a minute or two of Emily's house. By this time I have to pee so bad my teeth are floating; turn down her street and there are branches in the road and we pass by one house where the owner is standing outside looking at a huge tree that was felled by the storm and is half in his yard and half in the road. Finally get to Emily's..make a mad dash to the potty before I even say hello and then it is on to the actual baby-sitting. Part II...Been only two weeks since I have seen Austin but I swear he has changed...he is trying to sit up now and he loves to stand. I was sitting on the floor and standing him in front of me and I could actually hold him with one hand and he would just stand there and look around..I think he will probably be walking before he crawls. He has not turned over yet, and does not like being on his stomach. So we had a fun time "talking" to each other and watching TV..he likes watching the TV...he found Jeopardy especially enticing. Bottle time, diaper change and Jammies on and I figure he is ready to settle down for the night. Nope...not sure if he was over-tired; has gas or a combination of both but at 8:00 he suddenly had a meltdown and I spent the next hour walking around with him trying to get him to calm down. He finally did fall asleep and then I walked a little more to make sure he was really out before I put him down. Success! Nana then collapsed on the couch with a pepsi until mama and daddy got home. Got home at around 10:30, tired, smelling like baby spit up and with an achy arm and shoulder from holding him...carrying around 15 pounds of baby is an armful. But it really is all worth it when he flashes that toothless smile at you! 49 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. I cannot believe I left T&T off my list..I kept looking at thinking it was too short...so anyway: T&T: What Kind of Fool Am I..I was in heaven in Waukegan when he sang that song about two feet in front of me! Kim
  12. Spent the morning doing homework, we have to read articles and then journal what we read..trying to get a lot of that done and out the way now. Hubby is outside putting down more pea gravel and then is going to work on some landscaping behind the house..hotter than blazes outside, but I am not going to complain after all the cold weather we had. My roses are blooming and all the veggies are doing nicely..spinach is coming up! Kim
  13. MOAM - Haven't listened to it in ages, but "When You Say You Love Me"...just a good upbeat song and I love singing to it in the car. MCWL - O' Come All Ye Faithful Medley...he hits some notes in that song that still make my toes curl. ATDW - Broken Wings...Just love the whole feel of the song. AIW - All Is Well, with Emanual second. OMWH - Everything I Don't Need Now if you want to talk his demos...anything he sings by Motown! Kim
  14. Well, well, the repairman for the fridge here is today instead of Monday..poor dog is having fits in his cage..he hates being caged up..but we can't have him out when there are strange people in the house. I think hubby would have preferred he come on Monday when I was at work..I can be uh..a bit vocal, LOL! ETA: He just left..turns out some sort of sensor went out that will have to be replaced...probably get that by the middle of the week and we have an extended service contract so no cost to us! I like these kind of repairs! Kim
  15. Looks to be another beautiful day..hope I can enjoy some it...homework to do and then I am baby-sitting Austin tonight..Emily says he is laughing now! 50 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Went to school right after work last night and then to bed when I got home, so I haven't been online since yesterday afternoon...poor gerbils really seem to be having a tough time of it lately..except for Jamar's who is retired and probably just enjoying laying around. A poster at CV was in contact with Vanessa at the OFC and she said they would be posting info about the video chat in a couple of weeks..looking forward to it! 51 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Our weather has cooled off too...70's today but then back up to the 90's by the week-end. 52 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Yes, we do..guess I will be buying just what we need and not a lot of extras. Cooled off here but we are expecting more 90's over the week-end. Heard they are having tornado warnings on the east coast...stay safe anyone in the area. Kim
  19. Just home from work..hubby called for service to the fridge and they cannot get out until Monday! Just dandy..what I am supposed to do until then..can't buy anything that needs to be frozen..as it is I had to cook up chicken before it went bad and now I have to go through and toss things..I just love wasting food! As you can tell, I am not a happy person right now! Kim
  20. That really stinks..hope she can find something soon..I think you really do have to look on the bright side of life at times to keep your sanity. Kim
  21. First day of school under my belt..this is going to be an interesting class. It is Children's Library Services so we have several projects to do that involve storytelling and activities to go with the stories. I am so not good at doing things in front of a group people (granted we have a small group, only 8 people, but still...)..one of the stories has to be done from memory, no notes and we pretty much have to act it out! The class goes to July 21st so a lot packed into those 7 weeks...lots of reading to do and we have to keep a journal. The teacher is also 7 months pregnant, so lots of jokes about "birthing babies", LOL...she was looking really tired so I hope she makes it through the class! And to add to my stress, my refrigerator has decided to stop working..the freezer temp keeps fluctuating. We have an extended warranty and will be calling for service but after reading complaints at the GE troubleshooting site, I am not hopeful. Lots of people with the same complaints and not getting very good service from GE. I really can't afford a new refrigerator right now. 53 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Back to work today, it was nice having 3 days off and school starts tonight; going to be a hassle getting their because they are doing construction on the only expressway to get there and alternate routes will also be backed up as everyone is trying to find different ways to get around. Class starts at 6:00 which means we will be driving right around rush hour. Going with another girl from work who is taking the course. 54 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Potato Salad and pasta salad done..chocolate cake in the oven...later we will do the rest of the food. Warm, but there is a lovely breeze and I have the windows open, but still turned on the fans. Now I need to wash up some dishes and then probably go back outside and sit for a while. Kim
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