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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I think it is Parker. Aikenite at CV has a friend in Raleigh who has seen Parker and confirmed that the boy in the t-shirt and baseball cap was not him so I am saying little blonde boy in the dugout is him. Kim
  2. Amazing what a little clack can do for the fandom; need to go watch that a few more times! FOD Video Premier this month! 76 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Was just coming to post the video...8 years later and I am still blown away by the power of his voice! Kim
  4. There are pictures over at CV..he looks great..hair is really red! Kim
  5. Update from Cindydoe at CV who brought us the Mother's Day sighting...her brother saw Clay in the backseat changing Parker's (presumably..there has been much analyzing going as to whether it was really Faye and Jaymes with Clay, was the child really Parker, etc....common sense tells me it was so I am going with that, LOL!) clothes. Nice article about the game tonight: http://www.durhambulls.com/team/press_release.html?id=1670
  6. CV is having a cellcert tonight so we can here Clay sing the SSB; not sure what time it is..there is also a fan going who is taking a video camera and hoping to get clack..keep your fingers crossed! FOD Video Premier this month! 77 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Okay this is for real..looks like Clay took Faye, Jaymes and Parker out to eat:
  8. treenuts, I really feel for you. I hope your child someday realizes the grief you are suffering as a result of his/her actions. I was fortunate to have my oldest son for a week and a half. He cooked for us several times and helped me get rid of some construction materials. But my youngest son sent me an ecard and again I won't see him despite living 2 miles from us because of his wife. Fear: I am so sorry you are having to deal with the issues with your DIL...I wish your son could see that she has problems and needs help and not let her come between you and your family. How is Mr. Fear doing? Kim
  9. Treenuts to you..we really need to remember that this isn't always a happy day for some...I was reminded of this went I logged on to Facebook and saw a post from my daughter's friend who lost her Mom at age 16 and when I think of my own Mom who has been gone for 15 years and how I wish we could have had a better relationship. I hope someday you will be able to re-connect with your child. Kim
  10. Having a wonderful day so far...breakfast..yummy strawberry crepes, hash browns and bacon; then off to get mulch and some plants and spent the rest of the morning gardening. Lettuce, mint and basil are planted..still need to get the spinach in..maybe next weekend if it is nice. Stopped at the cemetery on the way home to wish my Mom a happy Mother's Day...my parents are buried in an old Lutheran Cemetery with other family members and sad to say it is not kept up well...need to go back do a little tending around the grave marker. Just been enjoying the day..beautiful sunshine today and it has been nice just sitting outside enjoying it. Kim
  11. Happy Mother's Day to those celebrating today; special memories to those whose mother's are no longer with us..to Grandma's and Aunts and those who nurture and make a difference! Speaking of making a difference: 1 Day until Clay is singing the SSB at DAP! FOD Video Premier This Month! 77 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim ETA: Lou just clarified at CV that it was not Clay but her friend's son..she misunderstood; sorry about that.
  12. Congrats on the new phone ldyj! I worked in the yard a bit, fertilized the rose bushes and put in new mulch, it looks nice. Still have more mulching to do and hoping to get my spinach and lettuce in..will do that tomorrow if it is nice. First breakfast out in the morning with the family. Kim
  13. Fell asleep on the couch about 8:30...I really needed that good sleep..feeling much better today..I was so exhausted last night. Speculation is that the High School Band will be playing at the baseball game with him and perhaps he was meeting with them..that makes sense to me. Or maybe he has friends that teach there. I think it would be hard for Clay to go back to teaching now. 2 Days until Clay is singing the SSB at DAP! FOD Video Premier This Month! 78 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. I'm back! Very long day but enjoyable! We had to be at the library at 6:00 a.m. to catch the limo and got the convention hall at 7:00...we were a tad early..they were still setting up! They actually asked us if we were volunteers. I went to three programs..one on Vintage Cookbooks which is right up my alley..another on bookmobiles..we don't have one at our library, but what a great way to reach the community and the third on Collection Development. Very informative day and we had lasagne for lunch, I am still stuffed. Going to take a hot bath and get comfy..probably will be asleep early tonight. Saw a tweet over on CV that Clay was at Broughton High School in Wake County today..wonder what he was doing? Kim
  15. Going to be gone all day..going to the Reaching Forward Conference..this is held every year for libraries..it is a lot of fun...you get to go to different programs and get breakfast and lunch...going to be a long day, but enjoyable. The library always gets a limousine to take us up there..it is about an hour away. 3 Days until Clay is singing the SSB at DAP! FOD Video Premier This Month! 79 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Wonderful story about the kids who were with President Bush when he received the 911 news and how they perceived his actions; quite different from how the press spun the story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20110504/us_time/08599206932700 Kim
  17. jmh I loved your post; you said exactly what I was thinking. Hoping we get some kind of clack of this! 4 Days until Clay is singing the SSB at DAP! FOD Video Premier this month! 80 Days until Clay is on DDD! In OFC News: The new feature talked about will be introduced next week! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Clay will be singing the National Anthem at the Durham Bulls Baseball Game Monday Night..unfortunately the game is not televised. This is a minor league baseball team in NC. Not surprising some are seeing it as a come down from singing the NA at the World Series..I personally cannot see a downside to being seen and supporting your community. It could help the Foundation too and who knows, Parker could be seeing his first baseball game, LOL! DurhamBulls Durham Bulls Just got confirmation...Clay Aiken will perform the National Anthem at the DAP game on Monday. FaceBulls get a...http://fb.me/PMh0jzD1 1 minute ago whole tweet QUOTEDurham Bulls Baseball Club Just got confirmation...Clay Aiken will perform the National Anthem at the DAP game on Monday. FaceBulls get a 14-hour jump on the press release to buy tickets. Why? Because we love you!
  19. I'm all signed up for my next class in my LTA course..this will start May 31 and go through July 21..short semester because it is during the summer so it will be two nights a week. Another girl I work with is also taking the class so it will be nice to have someone to go with. This one is Children's Library Services. Congrats to all who got tickets to the Gala...I hope they have a great turnout! FOD Video Premier This Month! 81 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. FOD Video Premier this month! 82 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. While it is welcome news that Bin Laden is dead...there will still be terrorists to take his place and I do fear for some kind of retaliation. Probably the happiest person right now is President G.W. Bush; he deserves as much credit as Obama for working so tirelessly after 911 and to the end of his Presidency to capture this man; have to say, part of me wishes it could have been him making the announcement. It was a joint victory for both Presidents. But the biggest credit goes to our military for continuing to fight the good fight and for their bravery and sacrifice since 911. FOD Video Premier this month! 83 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Finally have a couple of minutes to check in; I am so tired. Forgotten how much work babies are..he did sleep through the night..put him down around 9:00 and he slept until 5:00..but I was up every two hours...listening to every noise and checking on him. The dog even woke me up at 2:00 a.m. whining because Austin was fussing. He really has been good though, just likes to be held and walked around. Had to make a run for formula because my daughter did not leave enough..this baby is eating every two hours...really think by now he could have some cereal but she won't give him any until he is 6 months. But he is a big boy, 13 pounds at 4 months and I think he needs a little more than formula. But what do I know, I only raised 4 kids...apparently the book knows better (according to my daughter, LOL!) FOD Video Premier this month! 84 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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