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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Had a nice day at my MIL yesterday and we did get to see the sun..started the drive in rain and by the time we got there, it was sunny and warm. The sun is shining! Such a nice sight to see. Going to be 92 here today..I plan on planting my butt in a lawn chair and just enjoying the day. 55 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Heading to my MIL in a bit..they live in Champaign, Il which is about 2 hours away and she says it is sunny and warm there..here it is cold and foggy and threatening rain..do I dress for their weather or ours? I have decided to dress for ours..it will be chilly when we get back..hope the rain doesn't follow us down there. I am despairing of ever having a nice week-end or even seeing the sun again...this weather is truly getting depressing. Kim
  3. Ldyj You are correct, the person who posted it realized their mistake and corrected it..guess they got too excited and didn't read carefully. Boy did we get some rain last night..poured for at least an hour, but looks like the sun will be out today. 56 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. So has anyone seen the funny or die thing yet? Tori says this weekend. From Twitter: QUOTE@CLAYONLY @torianddean Hey Tori...when is the Funny or Die with CLAY AIKEN going to be on video???Claymates are getting anxious...LOL torianddean Tori Spelling Memorial Day Weekend in full effect! Have a good and safe one tweeps! What's everyone doing?
  5. Remember the lady who threatened his life at the OFC and then dared to show up at a concert. I think it was during the last Christmas tour. Yikes. No wonder he enjoys a little time off at home. I did an hour zumba class this morning as well as some free weights. I usually meet a friend at the gym. Got the skylights washed. Next outside job is to pressure wash the decks but not this week. Mr Fear had a great report from his doctor and so they set up the next knee surgery on August 1. He has improved immensely in the last two weeks and can walk with one crutch as he still has one bad knee. The recovery was supposed to take six months but it has only been four. Those first three months were killer and I'm not looking forward to going through it again but if he can walk without fear of his knees giving out it will be worth it. So glad to hear Mr. Fear is doing so well..best of luck on the next surgery. I didn't hear about the lady at the OFC..how scary...I do remember when JP was in the audience at Cary and I so admire Clay for just going on with show..must have been quite difficult. Kim
  6. Cloudy skies or not, I planted my seeds..beans, spinach and watermelon are in; planted a cherry tomato plant and parsley. I have tomatoes and strawberries for my topsy turvey planters; hoping to get those in tomorrow. My lettuce is coming up and I have two pepper plants doing quite nicely. I so love going out in the garden and picking veggies during the summer..nothing like a home grown tomato! Been doing laundry too! I always say there is a lot more we don't know, than we do so I always tend to give Clay the benefit of the doubt on things because I figure he has more information than we do. I imagine he had a lot of security risks that we don't know about and I am grateful that he has Jerome. Kim
  7. Back from the garden center, bought some tomatoes and strawberries and a parsley plant...my basil is already in and the oregano I planted last year came back as does my chives. Now just need to get it all planted. Also need to plant some more bean seeds and I have watermelon seeds to plant. I found a bush variety that does not take up a large amount of space..so giving it a try. We have planted watermelon before and have had some success. Looking forward to heading to the Farmer's Market's around here, we have a couple of good ones and get some really nice veggies..will be interesting to see what they have considering the weather we have been having and around the country. Kim
  8. Going to my MIL's tomorrow but other than that no plans..just hoping it warms up so I can get my garden in..seems like I have been saying that forever, but the weather just is not cooperating on the week-ends when I am home. 57 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. 58 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Couldn't figure out what you meant and then I read jmh's post...hee! Must be that Librarian thing! Kim
  11. Hope Clay had a good time at Spamalot...nice that the family had an outing together. 59 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. I think you nailed it..I was the same way..always worrying I was going to miss something..it really became all encompassing and I don't think that was healthy. I am enjoying it much more now because I can check in and see if there is any news and then go about my life. My feeling has always been it is Clay's career and life and I have no control over either so no point in worrying about it. Kimj
  13. 60 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim Tweet: QUOTETomKuell Tom Kuell @taylor_sage and clay aiken came through the drive through today! what a pleasureful day at chick-fil-a!
  14. And might I add I will never know why some hang around when all they do is bitch and complain; never like anything Clay does; criticize every decision and think he is ruining his career...move on then and find someone who will do all the things you think he should do for his career that Clay is not. I mean honestly, how many times does Clay have to say he will not twitter before some fans get it or maybe they just like banging their heads against the wall. I really try to understand that they want the best for Clay but they have to realize that what they want and what Clay wants is not necessarily the same thing. As much as he appreciates us and our support and loyalty; I think it can be suffocating at times and he needs time away from us; it is totally unfair for some fans to make Clay personally responsible for their own happiness. That is on us and us alone..Clay is a bonus...to make him one's whole life and then freak out when he is not around is just not healthy. Kim
  15. Beautiful day here today; looking forward to listening to the interview again...had problems with the sound last night. 61 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. And get a hard hat..I feel the ground shifting and fear the doom and gloomers will be out in full force soon. Kim
  17. Clay interview tonight: QUOTE (ClayIzzaQT @ May 23 2011, 06:24 PM) I'm streaming WRAL's 6:00 PM news and Debby Morgan just promo'ed an interview with Clay that will air at 11:00 tonight. She said he would talk about what life is like after Idol and what it's like to be a daddy!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  18. FOD Video Premier this month! 62 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Drew posted this on twitter.... QUOTEthedrewlachey Drew Lachey Congratulations to my friends Merle and Chris on their wedding. It was a great day with great people and Elvis was even there. Awesome.
  20. New tweet: Merle Dandridge from Spamalot got married this week-end so speculation this may have been the wedding: QUOTE (naturalclay @ May 22 2011, 11:29 AM) * So there's a tweet QUOTE PickMeEvents: Leaving a wedding where drew lachay and clay aitken both sang. Viva Las Vegas:) Another tweet: From Twitter: Tony Cordasco Ohh, lest I forget, another odd Sat. night twist: that WAS @clayaiken escorting some bride @mgmgrand
  21. Beautiful day here this morning; contemplating taking Austin outside for a bit if I can figure out how to open up the stroller, LOL! He was up a couple of times last night, but went right back to sleep after a bottle and diaper change. FOD Video Premier this month! 63 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. austin says hi...we are sitting at the computer..he likes watching. nails...your hubby sounds like mine..every nail possible.
  23. Off to pick up the grandbaby in a bit; we are having him the whole week-end..kind of overcast right now..they were not predicting rain until this evening so I hope it holds off. FOD Video Premier this month! 64 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. Back from my MIL's...it was beautiful down there..in the 80's; we went to an Estate Sale at my SIL's MIL's house...bought some towels and doilies and a tablecloth. Went out to lunch and just enjoyed the day. Nice having all the windows open in the house. Picking up Austin tomorrow morning at 8:30 to spend the week-end. Kim
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