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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I don't believe the weathermen either...best way to judge the weather, stick your head out the door! Kim
  2. What is that I see out my window..could it be...why yes it is..Mr. Sun has finally made an appearance..be nice if he stuck around a few days! FOD Video Premiere in May! 80 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. I would never even know if Clay forgot words or sang the wrong words if it wasn't for fans always pointing it out...never knew he left out words to Vincent on AI until Paula mentioned. It sounded fine to me! Kim
  4. I have to agree keepingfaith; I always take what Clay says..especially in concert, tongue in cheek. I remember during the SHRP tour when he sang the Michael Jackson song..can't remember the title..but it was the one where did the shtick about needing the audience's help because he didn't know the words and some fans really believed he didn't bother to learn the words. I just have to shake my head at times. Kim
  5. Clay added this to the public side of his private FB (no I don't go there, posted on CV)...thought it was interesting: http://www.modernwhig.info/ FOD Video premiering in May! 81 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. FOD Video Premiere in May! 82 Days until Clay is on DDD! Still overcast and dreary here...where is the sun? Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. You're welcome! Hope in the coming months I have more to add to it! Kim
  8. FOD Video to premiere in May! 83 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Back from babysitting..Austin was not happy today when I got there...I think he was just tired; had to walk him around for about 30 minutes before he stopped crying and went to sleep...didn't help that mommy and daddy couldn't seem to get out the door...he get a little calmed down and then they would hear him and start up again. Finally they left for good and then I got him settled. After he slept, ate and had a diaper change, he was good to go. I haven't watched any of the videos yet from Funny or Die, but I think it is a good thing for Clay..he needs to let people see the funny side of himself. I think doing things like FOD and DDD are good for people to see what Clay is capable of. Kim
  10. 84 Days until Clay is on DDD! The sun is shining! Reading around and mixed views on Clay doing the "Funny or Die"video...some think it is a good thing and some are not happy because they tend to be a bit irreverent and crude. But they are popular and I think probably something Clay would enjoy doing and a good way to get his name out there. Hopefully these little things are just busy work until he goes back to Broadway! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Glad you are okay jmh and hope your mother's house is okay! Emily called a little while ago and I am babysitting Austin tomorrow...brightened up my week-end for sure! Kim
  12. Glad to hear everything is okay Fear, been raining here all day..no storms, just a steady rain. Made a pot of soup for dinner and biscuits. Kim
  13. New twitter pic! Tweeter is at a photo shoot at Tori Spelling's House...something with the show Funny or Die..online videos? Doing some sort of comical gay show and he took this pic with Clay about 5-10 minutes ago..so Clay is in L.A...guy sure gets around! http://yfrog.com/h3h3cosj Hope everyone in the Raleigh area is okay..check in please! Kim
  14. Been a while, but I think I remember: 85 Days until Clay is on DDD! and Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. The Advocate has a blurb about DDD...it is scheduled for July 10! I can start counting down! http://www.advocate.com/News/Daily_News/2011/04/15/Aiken,_Bass_Attend_Gay_Prom/ Kim
  16. New pic from DDD...he looks gorgeous!! http://t.co/eXgN7PV ETA" Too late but you can't have too many pictures of Clay!
  17. For Friday! Unfortunately, Spring has decided to take a vacation for the week-end and the next week, rain, wind and cold coming our way. Guess I will be forced to do the dreaded house cleaning instead of soaking up some sun working in the garden, blah. I was an AMC fan for many years..have not watched in a quite a while, but for a long time it was my escape from the craziness of life..sorry to see it go...the replacement shows look like crap and ones I will not be watching. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Wake up! rise and shine! It's Thursday..week-end is just around the bend! So Jacob sang BOTW on AI last night and from all reports (I don't watch) it was not good and Clay's version is getting a bit of a buzz from it on twitter! DDD news was picked up by an AI news site in Brazil! On the homefront..hubby is occupying himself building birdhouses and re-fashioning a plant stand that used to be in the living room into a baker's rack for my kitchen. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Yikes! Would not like that at all! So the meeting went pretty well, the Police Chief was there and another Officer. The Police Chief basically said in a most diplomatic way that we f'd up and we need to get our act together. What happened was that a young man came in who vaguely resembled someone on camera that was suspected of stealing and was falsely accused...the parents justifiably raised holy hell and threatened to sue the library. Problem is the library does not have any written policy in place and the staff handled it wrong because they were not sure what to do. In a way, as bad as it was, it was a good thing, because we needed that wake-up call. So now the Library Board, Lawyer and Director are all going to be sitting down and figuring this all out. In lighter news, the OFC has posted the news about Clay being on DDD and TC has also posted on FB! Kim
  20. Breakfast meeting at work today; should be interesting, we have been having a theft issue and a police officer is going to be there to tell us how to handle certain situations. Unfortunately, the library has been lax on certain policies and had an issue the other night that was not handled properly and resulted in a very angry patron. All I can say is I am glad I work in the back trenches and not out in front with the public, I give a lot of credit to those that do. Still excited about DDD...I will do a countdown as soon as we get an official date! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. I am truly excited that Clay will be playing someone other then himself..mail order bride case? Will he be the guy that ordered the bride? I think this episode could be a real hoot! Since it is the 5th episode probably not until July..but it is Clay on my TV! Hope there are more things on the horizon. Kim
  22. Something to add to the countdown..I miss doing that in the morning! Kim
  23. Speaking of remodeling..our bathroom is done! So glad to have my bathroom back...everything from the small bathroom we were re-doing was in mine and believe me 4 people using one bathroom was not fun. So now we can get back to working on the living room...have to finishing some painting on the ceiling and then we can tackle the floors..putting in hardwood laminate and then I get to buy new furniture. Been a long process and tiring but I am beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Kim
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