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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I wasn't in Raleigh either..going to try an stay up for the concert tonight, but no guarantees. This has been a great tour and I look forward to finally catching up on clack and to whatever is next in Clay's career...I know it is going to be exciting. Kim
  2. 9 Days until the First Day of Spring! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Sending good thoughts and prayers to those affected by the earthquake. 10 Days until The First Day of Spring! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. 11 Days until The First Day of Spring! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. 12 Days until The First Day of Spring! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. 13 Days until The First Day of Spring! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. 14 Days until The First Day of Spring! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Hello All, After getting back from Waukegan I had to unpack and re-pack for a trip to my MIL..just home so I have been offline since yesterday afternoon..so sorry to hear Memphis had been cancelled. I know someone who had a M&G for that show and I no she must be devastated. Can't believe I forgot to mention meeting gbmifan; so very nice to meet you! Off to catch up and see what else I missed. Kim
  9. A different Perspective I had made plans to attend the Waukegan Show and like many purchased my ticket through the OFC...Row G and I thought not bad..wish it had been closer, but I never seem to get lucky getting those primo seats so I was happy I was as close as I was. Last week I got a note from Ldyjocelyn whom I was attending with and she asked if I wanted to upgrade to Row B Pit seats...didn't take more than a nano second to say "Yes"! I knew we were going to be close, but I was unprepared for exactly how close we were until we sat down; literally 5 feet from the stage! I think I must have said "OMG, I can't believe how close we are" 15 times. So while were waiting I chatted with the lady next to me who turned out to be alisfan and met some CH'ers who were in the row ahead of us. I have never been so antsy in my life for a show to start..I was bouncing my seat and of course we started late. Finally the lights went down; the overture began and soon Clay was going to be right in front of me! The curtains parted and there he was...I think the fog pretty much descended at that moment, because for the rest of the show I just watched him. He sang beautifully as always...but he favored the side of the stage we were on and pretty much was directly in front of us every time he sat down. I just sat there with my mouth open just watching him..his facial expressions, the way he handled the mic, the way he sat..taking in every moment as he crafted each song. And it is a craft..he doesn't just sing a song...it is a concerto with his whole body..I was mesmerized. My favorite song on the whole CD is "What Kind of Fool Am I" and he sang that right in front of me...I was in hog heaven, swaying and mouthing the words along with him. That will probably be my favorite moment in my whole fandom...I think I pretty much tuned out everyone around us and it was just the two of us and that song. In between the songs he was funny and chatty; striding back and forth on the stage; connecting with the audience. I call BS on his assertion that he is not romantic...the man is totally a romantic and proved it last night with his serenade of Something About Us to Felix and his wife...the sweetest thing ever and at the end he went and gave them each a hug. Unchained Melody...again I spent most of the time watching his hands on the mic stand and how he used his whole body to convey the sentiment of the song...he really is a master at that...he really becomes the song...he just doesn't sing it. In My Life was like a sweet lullaby to end the show..heartfelt and tender and when he got up, put the mic on the chair, said "goodnight" (off mic) and turned and left...it was perfect. The spotlight stayed on the chair with mic for a bit and we sort of hoped he would come back, but knew he would not. The set was shortened, possibly because it began late and they had time constrictions...no Both Side Now...he did not do Breaking Up Is Hard To Do or You Don't Have to say you love me...but we got other things: Something About Us and The Dance Trying to remember I Survived You Who's Sorry Now..he said we were the most creative and I think we were. I think it is my voice you here in the video shouting out Burlesque...I was so tickled that he did it...my first choice was actually Gregorian Chant but that had been taken...so in trying to come up with something that hadn't been done...I thought of Burlesque...now if only he had taken his sweater off, LOL! It was a wonderful evening...small crowd so it was truly intimate...and for me, probably being the last time I see Clay for a while...an absolute high note. So thank you Clay for giving me a night I will remember for a long time. Kim
  10. We will try to control ourselves but you know that "Aiken Animal Magnetism", might be difficult. Hope everything goes well for Mr. Fear! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, Today is the day..6 and 1/2 hours until I am on the road to see Clay! Still have to pack; we are spending the night in Waukegan. Going to be 52 today but a chance of rain later...hope it holds off so we have a chance at the bus. I am going with Jazzgirl and ldyjocelyn; can't wait ladies! New interview from the Chicago Tribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/events/ct-ott-0304-clay-aiken-20110304,0,3170983.story Kim
  12. Thank you to my dear friend Sandy (Fearofh20) for getting my post signed..it came in the mail today! At the risk of repeating myself ad naseum, back in 2007 I made a post at the OFC and Clay quoted and replied to it..I have been wanting to get it signed forever. Sandy was gracious enough to ask him to sign it for me during her M&G. The only reason I had asked her to do so was because I knew she had a PBS M&G and OFC M&G...unfortunately, the he did not sign things at the PBS M&G in Charlotte and I figured it may not happen. But she brought it with to her OFC M&G and begged Mary to let her have two things signed and was able to get it done. So today it came in the mail..she put it in a folder and then between cardboard in the envelope so it wouldn't get wrinkled..it was merely a computer print out. Just his signature, but I am thrilled that he saw it...Clay, I will never forget the moment when I realized it was my post you had replied to...I was probably fangirly for the first time in my life and I will never forget it. My 15 minutes of fame in the fandom. to Sandy...you're the best! Kim
  13. "Tomorrow; Tomorrow, I Love Ya, Tomorrow!" 1 Day until Clay is Wowing us in Waukegan! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone Have a great day! Kim
  14. Ldyj I had to laugh when I saw your post, I was also going to suggest Gregorian Chant Friday Night, great minds! Apparently during The Real Me, a lady was having a medical emergency and there were paramedics attending her, that is why Clay went to the opposite side of the stage so people would concentrate on him not her. Apparently she was well enough to go to the bus after the show and got to shake Clay's hand. 2 Days until Clay is Wowing us in Waukegan! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. 3 Days until Clay will be wowing us in Waukegan! May 10, 2011- Clay announced another tour. Since his fans have such diverse tastes, he will do an all request tour. Unfortunately Ben quit, saying " No way". Details to be announced later. One million years or until hell freezes over (which ever comes first) until Clay gets his body tattooed with all the states he has toured in (do we then get to sign our names in our particular state?) September 18, 2015 -- Clay hosts a one-night only benefit singing the entire catalog of the Beatles. He has to stop on the middle of "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?" when the stage is rushed with fans saying "Sure!" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 4 Days until Clay will be wowing us in Waukegan! May 10, 2011- Clay announced another tour. Since his fans have such diverse tastes, he will do an all request tour. Unfortunately Ben quit, saying " No way". Details to be announced later. One million years or until hell freezes over (which ever comes first) until Clay gets his body tattooed with all the states he has toured in (do we then get to sign our names in our particular state?) September 18, 2015 -- Clay hosts a one-night only benefit singing the entire catalog of the Beatles. He has to stop on the middle of "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?" when the stage is rushed with fans saying "Sure!" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Links from last night..don't miss the death metal WSN, what a hoot (assuming you can take your eyes off of Clay's pants ) The following Scarlett clips from Westbury have been uploaded to You Tube: Who's Sorry Now, Banter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t51JasyVlXU Who's Sorry Now, Soca Style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebhI3-MBbYI Who's Sorry Now, Klezmer Style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZK-dvIeMVo Who's Sorry Now, Sousa Style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkKxBdHtAdE Who's Sorry Now, Death Metal Style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkGNhyTP5cQ Links can travel.
  18. 5 Days until Clay will be wowing us in Waukegan! May 10, 2011- Clay announced another tour. Since his fans have such diverse tastes, he will do an all request tour. Unfortunately Ben quit, saying " No way". Details to be announced later. One million years or until hell freezes over (which ever comes first) until Clay gets his body tattooed with all the states he has toured in (do we then get to sign our names in our particular state?) September 18, 2015 -- Clay hosts a one-night only benefit singing the entire catalog of the Beatles. He has to stop on the middle of "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?" when the stage is rushed with fans saying "Sure!" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. 6 Days until Clay will be wowing us in Waukegan! May 10, 2011- Clay announced another tour. Since his fans have such diverse tastes, he will do an all request tour. Unfortunately Ben quit, saying " No way". Details to be announced later. One million years or until hell freezes over (which ever comes first) until Clay gets his body tattooed with all the states he has toured in (do we then get to sign our names in our particular state?) September 18, 2015 -- Clay hosts a one-night only benefit singing the entire catalog of the Beatles. He has to stop on the middle of "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?" when the stage is rushed with fans saying "Sure!" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. 7 Days until Clay will be wowing us in Waukegan! May 10, 2011- Clay announced another tour. Since his fans have such diverse tastes, he will do an all request tour. Unfortunately Ben quit, saying " No way". Details to be announced later. One million years or until hell freezes over (which ever comes first) until Clay gets his body tattooed with all the states he has toured in (do we then get to sign our names in our particular state?) September 18, 2015 -- Clay hosts a one-night only benefit singing the entire catalog of the Beatles. He has to stop on the middle of "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?" when the stage is rushed with fans saying "Sure!" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. 8 Days until Clay will be wowing us in Waukegan! May 10, 2011- Clay announced another tour. Since his fans have such diverse tastes, he will do an all request tour. Unfortunately Ben quit, saying " No way". Details to be announced later. One million years or until hell freezes over (which ever comes first) until Clay gets his body tattooed with all the states he has toured in (do we then get to sign our names in our particular state?) September 18, 2015 -- Clay hosts a one-night only benefit singing the entire catalog of the Beatles. He has to stop on the middle of "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?" when the stage is rushed with fans saying "Sure!" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. 9 Days until Clay will be wowing us in Waukegan! May 10, 2011- Clay announced another tour. Since his fans have such diverse tastes, he will do an all request tour. Unfortunately Ben quit, saying " No way". Details to be announced later. One million years or until hell freezes over (which ever comes first) until Clay gets his body tattooed with all the states he has toured in (do we then get to sign our names in our particular state?) September 18, 2015 -- Clay hosts a one-night only benefit singing the entire catalog of the Beatles. He has to stop on the middle of "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?" when the stage is rushed with fans saying "Sure!" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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