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Everything posted by jumpingjacks

  1. Due to life sucking, I have to sell my Omaha Clay ticket. It is located in the Orchestra Pit, Section CC, seat 104 (dead center). Price and fees comes to $129.50. I will mail to you. Thanks.
  2. Eddie Izzard is a huge favorite of mine. He would be PERFECT for King Arthur in Spamalot. Matter of fact, I thought it was him in Denver. He is too, too funny!!!
  3. Gibby, I live in Western Nebraska so Denver is the place I go for my addiction to live theater! I also doctor out there. I had a vascular fistula put in at Rose and my nephrologist is at Sky Ridge. Just returned from my check ups this evening, actually.
  4. I love the idea of Clay in Spamalot but which character would he play? I'm leaning toward Dennis...or...Sir Gallahad for short. He would be a hoot. He's too tall for Not Dead Fred. Hey, maybe the King!!! Whoot!
  5. Very quick catch up and one remark... Whoever is going to Spamalot....HILARIOUS...I've seen it twice. Once in Houston this summer and last Sunday in Denver. Laughed through the whole thing from start to finish. Have fun!
  6. When we were very little (there are 7 kids in my family) my mom would take us all into her bedroom to sing Christmas carols while "Santa" and my dad had a lovely conversation while Santa filled our stockings. Lots of banging of pots and pans and HO, HO, HOing happening. I always wanted to carry that tradition on to my family, unfortunately, my cats can't sing!!!
  7. I was thinking of sending the one in of how I held my mom in the kitchen while my sister held my dad in the living room so they wouldn't beat the crap out of each other while trying to put up the Christmas tree... Clay might identify with that one....
  8. Does anyone else think that the people who are complaining the loudest about the "famewhores" and the Christmas stories are some of the biggest famewhores out there? What I read as a lurker on another board surprised me. Why does it continue to surprise me, I wonder. I guess I thought I'd seen it all. I wonder if some of these people have ever heard that when you point a finger at someone there are 3 fingers pointing back at you?
  9. Does anyone here know how to hook up a wireless router? I want to use it for my wireless laptop... Do I plug the router into the modem and this computer (Mac) into the router? My laptop is my work computer and I would love to be able to bring it home to work sometimes...it's a PC.
  10. Bookwhore, CV had the "cellar" thing during the initial run of the asshat. ETA: the rest was just not fun so I edited it.
  11. Let me clarify something and then I won't talk about it again. I wasn't crying over Clay as in, "oh my God, the poor guy, whatever will he do". I was so wrapped up in the hate that was being posted it hurt my heart and made me cry. I don't think that's unusual, but maybe it is. *shrug* I found out rather quickly that there are pukes lower than scum and they post on the internet. Someone, me, who cries at Hallmark commercials took a pretty big kick in the guts when reading some of that trash. Clay doesn't make me cry, unless he cries, then all bets are off.
  12. Yep. That's me, to a tee. In the beginning I would find myself crying...constantly crying...it was the most bizarre experience of my life. Seriously. I finally took my life back and couldn't believe that I had allowed something about someone I don't know bother me so much. I've never dealt with a "fandom" so it was all new to me. Now, not so much (well except for this latest crap but I'm done with that, too). I read, I love Clay, I buy and go to concerts.
  13. But jumpingjacks, why? It is incredibly easy to avoid, once you make the decision. Don't go to the boards that involve themselves in it. If not the whole board, then don't go to the threads. Don't go to the blogs. Don't click on the google alerts. Don't play with the sharks. But most of all, don't punish yourself, and ultimately, Clay, for the acts of a limited number of assholes. Just. Don't. Do. It. I don't have to go there to know what is happening. People are saying this stuff is showing up on Google alerts. I turned mine off about a week after the first round of the JP shit. Now Chexxxy is replaying all of it on a "fan" blog? WTF is that? If people didn't get enough of it the first 1000 times JP posted it, let's have it again on a fan blog. I don't play with anyone. I stopped that about the same time I left the "private" area of CV. I couldn't deal with that crazy prick any longer. I'm not talking about not being a fan of Clay...hell...I'll be a fan, always.
  14. I was banned from the Chexxxy board because I went against the admin. Simple, really, with her it's do as I say or I'll ban your ass. Never been a follower...always pretty much did and thought what was in my best interest. Being a Clay fan is no different, for me. I don't understand spending more than a fleeting second on something that I have no control over nor have the ability to change. What's the point except a lot of wasted time. This latest round of crap has just about pushed me past the point of being a member of the online fandom. There is no rationalizing with this crew who are spewing things left and right...it's all about them. If they were perfectly honest with themselves, they'd admit Clay fell out of the equation a long time ago. Now it's all about who is going to win. Guess what. No one wins and Clay loses. I doubt the thought has ever crossed their minds.
  15. I think they need to have Clay's attorneys issue a cease and desist order. What they are doing is criminal in my opinion and I think the fans being targeted should press charges. This shit is NUTS. Seriously nuts. I think the fraud squad and JP have accomplished what they set out to do...attack from the inside. Fans going after fans, naming names, etc. It's so freaking ridiculous. Where does it stop? WHEN will it stop?
  16. I was driving home from church and heard "INVISIBLE" on my Top 40 radio. Yes, yes I did...I about ran into a bus!!! I can count on one hand how many times I've heard Clay on my radio, let alone at midday!!! I had that thing turned up so loud I'm sure I looked like a loon!!!! Jack is GORGEOUS!
  17. Hi everyone, it's been awhile. I've been reading but have no time to post. Hope everyone is doing well. I miss Clay.
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