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Posts posted by gbmifan

  1. Good morning everyone. Thanks for all your hugs. Life goes on, my husband went to do ski patrol today. It is not my day so I opted to stay home and catch up on laundry and cleaning, and if my son and dil call for support today I will go over to them. I want to give them space to grieve and to also pull together to get their life on. The love is there so I know that they will survive and hopefully when ready allow themselves to have another child.

    I am loving any reports from the shows, I will not get there, so every little bit is fun. Keep them coming.

    Just two days ago my husband and I were planning our March ski trip and deciding where we want to go. I think right now we are going to Big Mountain in Montana. We both love skiing and I think we both need this trip. We usually get done with skiing in March and then jump right into biking. We have already signed up for two five day trips. Just have to get in shape to ride 60-70 miles a day. The option is always 100 miles on most rides but I am done with that many miles, to long in the saddle. The last time I rode that was when I did 400 miles in 4 days, and I decided that was way to much work.

  2. I am a true believer that things happen for a reason. With his lack of oxygen for so long, if he would of survived, he would of been severely developmentally disabled. We would of coped and loved him, but God saw to take him. You know when your children hurt you hurt for them. I will always remember, after I held him this afternoon, that he was a beautiful baby, with the most perfect features. My DIL wanted some pictures taken so she could remember him. She had some done of his perfect hands and feet.

    I am sorry for those who could not see Clay after the show, he needs to take care of himself so he does not miss any.

  3. I am sorry but this is going to be a sullen post. Life sure can take some horrible turns sometimes. My first grandson was born last night 9 weeks early. Had a really ruff go of it and early afternoon passed away. Sometimes it is so hard to let the words flow to anyone what this feels like. My son and wife are beside themselves. Yesterday afternoon the nursery was just finished and she was to have her first shower tonight. Now in less than twenty four hours the happiness is gone. The doctors talked to them and reassured them it was nothing she did, that the lungs were the problem, and that even if the baby was full term the outcome would of been the same. The also reassured her that any other children probably would not have the same condition, that it was not genetic. We told them they needed to go home today and be together and talk, sleep because they have not for almost two days, and know we love them dearly.

    Clay related: Love the AP review!!

  4. I wish I could get excited about someone this year. A couple of the guys were good, but not enough to get me to vote. I really was not impressed by the girls. Maybe next week will be better . I just do not get Carly, vocals ok but not great. I can not stand the pimping. Let their talent talk for them, I do not need a judge to brag them up so I will like them.

  5. Yes, I am so excited about the possible May 6th date. My mother kept telling me when ATDW came out, and it seemed like it was being delayed from spring to fall that she would not be around if he did not hurry up. Today when I was at her house I mentioned the May release and she said she can hardly wait. No mention this time about not being here. She also will be 87 in June.

    I took over my tape of Mike and Juliet show so she could see it. In her area it is not on. I went on vacation and forgot that I had not let her see it. I was very surprised that she loved the color of his hair and also liked the strait look. Her favorite hair was the ATDW album cover.

    Everyone keep bringing the recaps of Spamolot. I loved reading them and seeing the pictures. For us who can not go these have been a God send.

  6. Boy, had a lot of page to catch up on. Been one of those weeks. Was involved in a little auto accident on Wednesday on snow covered roads, our trip to North Carolina was cancelled because my Husband's boss called and emergency meeting and the only flight out not full was earlier that day.

    I read elsewhere about the CD speculation again. I learned to not pay attention and thus will not get upset. I was really oblivious to all the angst last time. Did not join the OFC till after the CD came out thus missed most of the drama. Thank goodness. I refuse to get caught up in it.

    I am loving all the after the show pictures and the few short clips on the varies FOX stations. This will be my only look at him. There still is no way I can justify going, so I will enjoy all the recaps.

  7. I cannot believe how cold it is, the wind chill tomorrow is suppose to be the same, and I have ski patrol and I am going to freeze. Our drive home last night from Vermont to Michigan was very interesting. We had a funny noise in the front of the van and decided before we hit the border into Canada to have it checked out. We found a repair shop and discovered we had a bad wheel bearing and if we would of driven the 700 miles we had we would of lost our wheel. We got lucky. Then we get outside of Toronto and hit a snow storm and the roads were very slick. We still manage to make the trip in 14 hours.

  8. I am in love with the picture posted on this page by GIBBY, he is gorgeous!!!!!!

    Took me most of the day to catch up after being gone for eight days with no internet service. I was skiing in Vermont and we had lots of snow. I skiied three out of four days in powder. At one point on a double black hill the snow was about three feet deep. One of my friends fell and we were laughing so hard she could not get right up. I can say my thighs were very sore, and they would just burn after a long run.

    About the video, I loved it, but can understand why he did not. It was not him, but I wish with his new CD he does one we will all appreciate and he brings the sexy out.

  9. We are looking at 6-8 inches of snow tonight through tomorrow. I have to work about one hour away and called another employee who lives near by and she agreed to pick me up. Hope we do not get stranded there because I am leaving on Saturday morning for a week skiing in Vermont. No internet access for one week, will I survive!!!! I will miss the recaps and photos. He is looking mightly fine these days.

    As far as other fan behavior, I will not comment. It is hard being in someone elses shoes.

  10. I am sure Clay is not the only celebrity to get crap written about him, but he sure has his share. I do not know of any other contestant from idol who has had to put up with the amount he has. I feel he is one of the most talented to come from this show yet the press at times seems to ignore that and centers on incidental things that do not have anything to do with the great person or entertainer he is. I have learned to mostly ignore things but it still bothers me at times, especially when some other idols always get great press.

  11. I have read all the articles over the last few days and I can say I wish they were not written in the tone they were written in. I believe that woman did not get him. It was a hard article to read and understand were she was coming from. So disjointed. I sometimes wish he would stop putting himself down, but that is him, and I do not think it will stop all together. I think he has a hard time taking compliments. It just amazes me that everything he says makes headlines. Even though this article bothered me and the reactions to it also, I hope he can laugh it off. I know sometimes things probably bother me more than him. I have never responded to anything written about him, I do read the comments. I do not feel he needs us to defend him. He is an intelligent person and can take care of himself.

    Got my pins and love them. My friend and I will have to take those and the playbill and imagine we are there.

    Cute story, as you know my mother is 86 years old and loves Clay. My sister e-mailed me yesterday and said to have mom show me a picture she gave her. She said her husband was tired of driving around with it in her car, She lives in Kentucky and gave it to another sister who was visiting. I got to my mom's house and looked in the corner of her bedroom and sitting there was a huge poster in carboard, of Clay's album promo for ATDW. I do not know where she got it. My mom looked at me and said, when I am gone it yours. I looked at her and said, that will not be for a long time, so enjoy!!!!

  12. My ride home tonight was fine. Dry roads, so all the plowing and salt worked well.

    My husbands sister has a big birthday this Feb. and her dauther wanted to have a surpirse birthday party for her. I already had my work schedule and did some fast talking today to change for a three day weekend. We have to fly into Raleigh then drive two hours to the beach. I could not miss this since now my three boys are also going with two of them bringing their wife and fiance. My middle child is coming from Fla. I have not seen him in 6 months, so I could not miss this. Plus finacial wise we could not turn this down. Air fare is free because my neice has enough points (she works for Southwest) to get us tickets.

    Maybe I can talk her into tickets to NYC.(Just kidding).

    I still can not believe how Clay looked just gorgeous today. Thurs. again I will have to tape and see it late. I also have to tape it off of a Detroit station since our local station does not carry it. I know this is hard to believe, but I have just an antenae, no cable or satelite.

  13. Just got done watching The View, he looked awesome. Hair was a little to straight. But who cares. I got to hear his british accent!

    My drive this am was horrible. I white knuckled it all the way there. It normally takes me 50 minutes. This morning was one hour and 25 minutes. Then I get there and was pulled to another unit who needed help instead of mine. Needless to say I was not happy for quite a while this am. But after I held and feed that first preemie who weighed about 3 lbs. I lightened up a bit.

  14. I am loving all of the reports from this weekend. He is so beautiful in those stage door photos. I hope reports keep coming since I will not be there.

    Reports from our weather people is for three inches of snow tonight. I hate lately driving an hour in bad weather. I am suppose to work a twelve hour shift tomorrow and I am dreading the drive. I think most of all I hate the 4 wheel drive vehicles blowing by me then almost or sometimes lossing control and going off the road and almost taking me with them. They go 70 miles an hour and do not consider slowing down. Ok I will stop complaining!

  15. I have tried this last week to pick up my exercising and eating less. I have lost 3 lbs. My goal is 30 so that is a start. I think also skiing in the very cold weather this last week may have contributed to burning more calories. I know this is going to take awhile. My son gets married in Sept. so I hope to lose enough by then.

  16. I am loving every picture, recap, and video from last two days. I am living all of this through the great write ups of all of you.

    He looked so adorable and cute after the show both last night and this afternoon.

    I could not wait to get home today to view. I froze my ass of at ski patrol. It started at 12 degrees and went downhill. Wind chill was below 0. When i got home I first made coffee with baileys then hit the jacuzzi. Of course our jacuzzi is outside. I ran quickly to it. Afterwards I just have been vegging just looking at our great guy.

  17. [Rohdy Husbands do get in the way sometimes. Mine has the option now to work at home if he wants to. It is driving me nuts. I am use to doing my own things on my days off, and now I feel like I have to tell him everwhere I am going. I do not know if I will survive retirement when the time comes. My son by the way put a purchase agreement on a home in your town, now if he can sell his.

    I cannot get my computer to bold names. I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

  18. I am so excited about tonight I have just kept busy all day, few things I did accomplish. Paid bills, ordered from Victoria Secrets, sent some thank you notes, sewed patches on new ski patrol jackets, worked on my other job paper work, counted money from our library book sale, made my husband lunch(something I told him I would not do if he opted to work from home), and some general pick up around the house. Now I can not think of anything else to keep myself busy, I am at my desk in the basement, if my husband comes down he will always find some project. Some reports from tonight can not come soon enough. It is so neat to see the bus and theater pictures. Love him.

  19. Rhody - I am with you, I would love to be there tonight or any other night. Hubby does not understand. I will live, but it is hard. I missed a few tours. One being in Clio because I could not get myself to go by myself. Foolish, now that I think back. I also did not see JNT 06 because I could not travel. I am very nervous about tonight. I know he will be great, but like many of his performances I get like this the first night. I love the video from last night. He is one gorgeous man.

  20. Couch Tomato: I hope your mom is alright.

    Love that interview, I can not wait to May. I would love a summer tour but realize I will be gone one week out of every month, and with my luck he would be near me then. I know think positive.

    I was watching idol and a girl auditioned from our little town, she went through. I was not listening that close so I missed her named.

    I am watching the local news on Fox here and they did not make a comment on her. But I had to laugh because the Midland bank robber was shown twice and of course I recognized that concert shirt.

  21. I am just sitting here waiting for Rewind to start at 11pm. I usually tape it but I do not work tomorrow so I will stay up. It is funny because we all know how it went, but have to watch anyway. I missed it the first time, because I was teaching a class and did not start watching to about the second week once the top 12 were selected.

    I cannot wait for fan reviews of Spamolot. I know that everyones opinion will vary, but good or bad it will be interesting. I hope that those who are always negative will a least try to find something positive to report. I am one who may not like everything he has done, but I can always find enjoyment in him.

  22. I really think Clay is a little bit nervous for his opening. You never know with him. He is always saying he is not prepared or something is not quite right, and then he blows us away. If he is not perfect we will have to deal with it. I think if they were worried at all he would not have been able to go home this weekend. He is probably still sore and feels he will never get it right. I am sure by Fri. it will click.

    I watched Quiana this am. Thought she did a great job, but I sometimes think she is yelling to much instead of sing. I especially notice this when she duets with Clay. She tries to overtake the duets instead of complementaring(SP) each other. I know others think differently and that ok, everyones love of music is different.

  23. When I get down to my goal weight my boobs actually go to a DDD bra. Right now I am a H or I. I get teased at work that I must have back aches or indentations in my shoulders to carry them around. I have neither, so I can not justify a reduction. Just need to lose weight so they will be smaller. I remember years ago before children I thought when I wore a D cup that it was huge. Never did I imagine years later I would be dealing with this size.

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