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Posts posted by gbmifan

  1. Thighs, thighs, thighs!!!!! But also can't take my eyes of the Rivet.

    Just got back from 4 days in Nothern Michigan, weather on Fri. was cold and raining, but did not stop us from going to four wineries. Bought 13 bottle of wine. At least it cleared up and was warmer on Sunday and today so we were able to bike. Fall is starting, some trees are changing colors. We were being lazy, so we only did 30 miles each day.

    I wish Clay would blog, do not like it so quite. I know he has more to do then keeping in touch with us all the time. Just enjoy reading whatever he has to say

  2. Chocolate for sure is a food group. I have a least some chocolate after every meal even breakfast. I know that sounds sick.

    I grew up eating Liver and Onions at least once a month, but after getting out on my own would only make it about once a year.

    Love all of your pictures. My sister tried taken pictures last Christmas tour, and nothing turned out. My friend tried this summer and nothing turned out. So I so enjoy anything that is posted.

    It is so nice to come and read respectful post. Clay deserves respect.

  3. I try to eat healthy, but I cannot lie, I love anything with chocolate. I also grew up putting salt on apples, oranges, watermelon etc. I still do this. Exercise alot but sure doesn't help my weight, never lost a pound this summer and biked almost 2,000 miles.

    I have been reading for the last three days all of the opinions of many people. I just don't get myself upset until I know the truth. I read many pages over at the OFC and cringed at what was being said. I may have not liked the idea of that tour, but I am easy and would have probably gone. I hope that people will just let this go and play nice, but I know that some people over at the OFC will never stop being critical.

    I may not post much, but I sure enjoy reading.

  4. Hi, I have been a lurker for sometime. Shy about posting. Have been a fan since the beginning but did not get into following up on things till Spring 2004 because of taken care of my mother after a stroke in fall of 2003. She did well and has gone to three concerts with me since, but this year at age 86 slowly taken it toll. She settled for a t-shirt instead. I am married with three boys ages 28,25,and 22. All live outside of the home. I work part-time as a RN in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. I also love physical activity. I just rode by bike for 310 miles over 5 days. I only get to one concert a tour I started going Chritmas 2004. Husband doesn't understand but is a good sport. I regret to this day not going to Clio in 2004. Wanted to but nobody would go with me, so I stayed home. Never again. I took a concert virgin with me to Sterling Heigths and she is hooked and we will go to Kalamazoo in Dec. I am a member also at OFC, but never post because I get fustrated and refuse to respond. I Enjoy all of your comments and wit. I may not post much but will always be here.

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