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Everything posted by spikesmom

  1. couchie - no worries - the post is fine... whatever you did, no harm done! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I'm in the "they'll all be in NYC together" camp... I see this as very different from "regular" working guys who travel for business and sports guys... I'd only compare them if Clay was going on tour, different cities every day, tour bus, yada, yada - but this is a four month stint in one place - much easier to make happen, IMO.
  2. couchie - I finally caught the show too and that macaroni salad, with a few minor differences, is what my Mom always made... Mom used actual sweet pickles but I bet the sweet relish works just as well - it was always her secret ingredient... good stuff!
  3. hee... I know what you mean - not about having it for a daughter's wedding but it seems like every time I go on vacation the darn thing makes an appearance... it's a drag... it can go away any time... I'm over it... it served a purpose but I'm over it... really, I am.
  4. Add me to this club - I keep waiting for anything to tell me menopause is even coming... a hint, just a hint would be nice...
  5. Well, you know the old saying... "do as I say, not as I do".... or something like that... Of course, I do have an idea of something he could do with his sperm.... What? It's all muski's fault - I study her posts....
  6. Well I could have misinterpreted their posts! Probably not. I will say that at least they are predictable! Here's hoping that fans who couldn't get there last time get the chance now!
  7. Well, crap, I hope so... I did read but apparently not very well... or I can read, but I can't comprehend? Apparently between the baby and the Olympics, I'm over stimulated!!
  8. The hat made it all work, cindilu! On the hospital stay topic, did you all really leave that quickly? I remember that my first was born on the 23rd and went home on the 27th, and just about the same number of days (3-4) for the other two. I didn't have a C-section, Mike was born on a Thursday (early 7:21 am) and my doc said I could go home on Saturday - my insurance rocked at the time and they let me stay until Sunday so I did! So I was there pretty much three full days...
  9. Bookwhore - thank you! I thought I was going blind! I see a piece of blanket but no foot...
  10. Cotton, I think I'm going to wander around today following you and just WORD your posts. I read those same posts at CV and wondered about the upset person too. I was taken aback that it would be ok if Jaymes had used an anonymous donor. I definitely do not get that either. Clearly there are people who are disappointed and are struggling. I'm not having a problem with it but I tend to be a "live and let live" assuming it's not illegal, which it is not. The fans do not have all the facts. There can clearly be more to this than meets the eye or maybe not. But the point is, Clay has absolutely no obligation to tell us anything, nor do I expect him too. I can live with "going with the flow". The situation is what it is. Clay sounds happy. That's enough for me. Oh, and I work with someone who goes to church every Sunday and she is very judgemental about how others live their lives. She must have missed the Sunday they talked about it, huh?
  11. Further to this, there are many fathers with jobs that take them away from home for weeks at a time, and they are still wonderful fathers. It's about quality time, not quantity. And now... with technology the way it is, staying connected across the miles is so much easier. claytonic - I tried to say several things last night and just couldn't put my words together without feeling like I was putting others down for their feelings. Thanks for saying what I was trying to say and doing it so well! And I agree with so many others who have stated that he hasn't been gone that long? I don't get the worry at this point. Clearly others have gone away for much longer periods of time and come back just fine. Why can't he?
  12. I remember Perma talking about it probably being a C-section too, I guess I just didn't take that to mean it would necessarily have to happen that way. Best laid plans and all that jazz. And I totally get the picking the date for a C-section - I know others who have had them and yes, the day was planned. And I understand the hour - surgeries have times assigned, so I get that. You gotta start somewhere or when do you show up at the hospital... It's the 8:08 that's escaping me... I guess I just see that as being lucky... causing him to say "wow"... cuz if it's planned down to the minute, not so wow to me... :8: I was very pleased, like many others, that they got the announcement out their own way, scooping everyone and it appears for the most part that the news outlets are treating this respectfully.
  13. Yes, I'm wondering this too. I see it being stated as fact but I dunno. Would be considered prudent because of Jaymes' age and so to not cause any undue risk to the baby? Obviously I was much younger when I had my son and C-section wasn't on my radar unless there would have been a problem during labor/delivery so I don't know how it really works... I'm curious.
  14. Whew! Took a bit to catch up today! I guess something's going on? Congrats to Jaymes and Clay!! And Welcome to Parker Foster Aiken!!!
  15. Happy Birthday YSRN!! WAH!!! Why can't I see Perma's pictures??? They're just little red x's in a box... Bummer! muski - nice dream... it's what I hope for him - he's out just enjoying himself, having a good time with someone special! Don't know how you guys were able to hold it all together when Clay was ill... it was hard enough to just hear about it during the cellcert and watch the clack later... I think I would have been in tears.. and I'm a sympathetic puker so it's probably a good think I wasn't there live! Even though he didn't, the hurl faces might have done it for me! I'm into SYTYCD this season too... I'll be happy with just about any of them although Courtney is my fourth choice... my favorite is Joshua... read a short article about them today online and they all seem pretty nice and just happy to have made it this far... clayzedover - what a nice story about your brothers... those kinds of stories are so cool to hear! Off to read... I have to admit, this downtime is kinda nice... I'm getting lots of reading done!
  16. Ha! Just came from watching it! Yes, very cool. My favorite couple from the show too....
  17. I always forget, but it's always a nice surprise to log in on Tuesday's and get the new banner! Beautiful cindilu (as always!)!! Perma - glad to hear you're ok. We got an e-mail at work from our VP about the quake (as we have employees worldwide but a good size presence in CA - think large telecommunications company). KAndre - love your recaps... look forward to each chapter! Wine - ooooohhhhh... started out a white wine lover - and sweeter like Rieslings... moved into red as I have several friends that are big into it... my friends tend to like Shiraz... started with Merlot and have since moved more into Pinot Noir, Beaujolais and a Domaine du Sac (which I have no idea if that's just the name one of our local wineries christened it or if it's a kind that others have too but it's good... shows what I really know about wine! heh.). Went to a winery up in Interlochen (well, actually up the peninsula) when we were up there for the JBT - had a really nice ice wine there - sweet and pricey! - one glass was plenty! And have gone to one of the local wineries here - we actually have quite a few in Wisconsin. The one here was having a wine tasting so you could sample all their wines... that was nice. Made it a lot easier to make some purchases... No gala for me... my oldest niece is getting married that day. So no sitting at the computer either awaiting reports... it's a good thing she's my favorite...
  18. Oh my gosh! These are beautiful!! You are very talented!
  19. Happy Birthday KAndre and Crazy For Clay!!! Caught a quick segment on The Food Network yesterday where they explained how Cheese Doodles came to be and showed how they are made! Made me think of the FCA right away! Now I'll have to pay more attention to see if we actually have those around here. I'm more familiar with Cheetos... Anyway, it was fun to catch! Scarlett - adorable T-Rex! Love the shoes!!
  20. Happy Birthday Perma!!!! Hope your day is great!!! topic du jour - eh, I'm still in the wait and see car for the most part... and it is what it is, I guess. I'll be thrilled for him if true and not surprised if it's not given the lack of any confirmation... I mostly agree with jamar that he said his private life is private... he may choose to share stuff when he wants to (on his timetable and no one else's) but I don't see him responding to any tabloids... so maybe some day, some how, the answer will be known.... I'm guessing Jaymes' baby with big ears and red hair maybe? eta: muski - too funny!!! and so true!!!
  21. Beatles - Love - pretty much everything. Paul - loved him in concert when I saw him about 5-6 years ago. I do remember thinking how ridiculous over $100 for nosebleed seats was... bwah! And he's a legend. Who knew a few years later I wouldn't bat an eye at that for some young CUTE guy?! Stones - not my thing but I do appreciate some of their stuff. Elvis - Mom was a HUGE fan so I'm familiar with almost all his stuff - got to watch his movies with Mom - and I actually didn't mind them. Something like that now would be pretty cheesey but back in the day, they were ok. I like a lot of his stuff - some favorites - Suspicious Minds, In The Ghetto and the JBT stuff. First concert - Charlie Pride (I was Mom's driver!) First concert that I picked: Fleetwood Mac Never followed anyone like Clay though - I've seen enough concerts now that embarrassingly I can't remember how many times without sitting down and counting for each tour... spoiled, I know!
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