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Posts posted by claytonic

  1. Denmark and Copenhagen have excellent trains and bike paths on all the major streets and then some. We are getting a company car though, so I think I'll make the attempt at the license. I have a feeling it will be me who passes first since John doesn't have time to go to driving school.....and he isn't the best at making time. After 60 days his Texas license will no longer be valid in Denmark.
    One of us is going to have to drive I think.

    How lucky for you they drive on the right hand side, unlike the UK and a number of other countries, including Australia. That is the oddest thing when you are used to driving on the 'wrong' side, and the driver's seat is also on the 'wrong' side!

    What's really cool is that you can take your dog on the public transportation (and into restaurants). I saw a Yorkie eating Chicken McNuggets at a table in McDonalds when I was there. Here in Baku the neighborhood pups eat what they can find in the garbage. I have a lot of Alberta beef left in the freezer, so there is going to be some fine doggie dining out on the road come next week.

    That DOES it!! I'm moving to Denmark!!!! Can you adopt me until I am old enough to fend for myself? :puppykiss:


    Nuts include almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts,peanuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts. (Note that a peanut is technically not a nut at all--it's part of the legume family along with peas, beans and lentils, but most people still consider it a nut. It is not.)

    Must be why Clay is not allergic to peanuts, because it 's technically NOT a nut.

    Liney... I got this info from a website that I subscribe to about alkaline foods. It says all nuts are naturally acid-forming except for cashews and almonds ( :dancingpickle: my favorites), and that they should always be eaten raw, never roasted... as roasting increases the acidity of the nuts and destroys their nutrients. They gave nuts in general the big thumbs UP ... which is a relief since there are so many of us here... :hahaha: (For those who are wondering what the heck this is about, Liney mentioned in another thread that she lost weight without dieting but by simply switching to more alkaline foods, and there is a lot of info online to support this.)

  2. I have a question about reality shows.
    I know AI is shown in "real time".
    There is actually a week between episodes. Does anyone know the schedule for other reality shows like ANTM, the Apprentice, Amazing Race etc. etc?

    I don't watch a lot of them, but it seems to me that they could film two, maybe even three episodes a week. Because of the learning curve, I would guess that SYTYCD and DWS are done in real time. Any thoughts?

    I don't know about American Idol since I've never watched it at the same time as the "main" audience but Oz Idol isn't live/real time. Rather, it's live-to-air, which means it is taped live, tidied up, then broadcast.... this gives them a level of control. I must admit I assumed it was the same for AI.

    ilyshine, I imagine reality shows really need the week. They aren't like scripted shows with professional actors, where they are set up to tape several episodes at a time.

    ETA: I just read ldyjocelyn's post, you could be right, I haven't watched any of those shows (other than Idol, SYTYCD etc) except I did watch a little bit of Survivor Aust. I don't know enough about them really.

  3. OMG, of all the things I've done for Clay, watching this excruciatingly boring show and sitting through 1000 commercials takes the prize. Clay is wonderful, but ACK!!!!!

    No kidding... we had the series here at one time, I have no clue if it is still on. In fact, I had no interest in Tyra until that Clay interview in 2006 which I watched so many times. The only way to watch that show is to treat it totally as an OTT comedy. I hate it almost as much as I hate those beauty pageants for little girls, which I consider to be child abuse. I don't care how much a little girl loves it, ADULTS run the shows and ADULTS take those babies to those soul-destroying shows to be paraded like the meat market.

  4. Just heard on the news here that a woman in Connecticut was so desperate to have a conversation with her husband that she hand-cuffed herself to him. :hahaha:

    Here's a poll to vote for Clay for the singer that sounds the best. Clay sounds sooo sexy. You have five choices. See if you can pick him out.

    I love the way they don't give names and people have to vote according to the voice sample.

    Pretty easy to see which one is the best, and the result reflects that too....

  5. KAndre
    jauntily tips her beret to just the right angle and sez...
    Simplement parce que cette fille parle le français comme une chèvremécanique ne veut pas dire que tu ne peux pas l’aider. Le plus vite tu la renseigneras, le plus vite elle la fermera. Ha HA!

    Clay couldn't say that! Of course, I can't say it either (I had a Bretonne friend write it to me and I printed it out and showed it to people. They laughed, and were amazingly helpful.)

    Yay for tonight! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    ?? Just because this girl speaks French like a mechanical goat doesn't mean you can't help her. The sooner you let her know, the sooner she will shut up. ??

    (canfly, I am not a French teacher so you'll have to come up with a translation that makes better sense... )

  6. And we had to be careful in the states & Canada because even though we thought we were speaking plain English some of the people we spoke to didn't agree. A couple of times I ended up putting on my best American or English accent in order to be understood.

    And don't get me started on the difficulty of getting coffee how I like it............. :hahaha:

    About the coffee, I HATE cream in anything but I like my coffee "white". I have a feeling you know the problem I had too.... The biggest problem I had in the US was the tipping. Over here, tipping isn't absolutely mandatory (depends where you are), and you tip if the service is good and I tip accordingly. In the USA, if you didn't tip ENOUGH, the look you get is enough to have you hang your head in shame. (I love American pancakes, and all I had was a couple of pancakes at the breakfast bar at the Beverly Hills Hotel. I thought I gave a fair tip for what I ate and the service, I mean, the woman didn't even have to walk two steps to serve me. Well, I liked the pancakes so I went back every day for the duration of my stay and yes, I tipped a lot more after that ...)

    Hey! I know
    of French! Croissant! Omelette! Crepe!
    Crepe with nutella
    ! Champagne!

    Crepe AVEC Nutella! See, I know an extra French word!

    And I can pronounce 'merde' in a way that lets ya know how I am feeling!

    Scarlett, good to know you are on the mend!

  7. Irobot is vacuuming away downstairs as we speak.

    Ah, that reminds me...does anyone own one of those hand-held steam irons? You know, the one you use to smooth out wrinkles on clothes on a hanger, and can be used to iron sheets directly on the bed, curtains that are hanging. Can also be used to sterilize and steam-clean clothes you would normally send to the dry cleaners.

    I am about to buy one but just don't want to end up with another unused electric appliance.

  8. Anyone know if Clay was in Norfolk, VI by any chance this past weekend? I have friend who swears she saw him walking around and snapped a picture, but he was walking away and it's basically the back of his head and a little of his left cheek. Anyone wanna weigh in?
    Those look exactly like the Sterling Heights jeans in your avi. On the other hand, the hair seems like it would be too long, in comparison to the length of Clay's hair in the banner from the week-end before (especially over his ears). I'm not sure...

    Where are all the Clay-butt experts when we need them???

  9. When annabear (or was it luckiest1) enlightened me to the fact that avocados can be frozen, the first thing I thought of was this:

    I have been using these Toastabags for a couple of years and I just love them. They are especially useful if you have kids and want to freeze sandwiches for them for a quick snack rather than eating convenience foods.

    As shown in the video, you simply make a sandwich, pop in in the Toastabags and then into your regular toaster. I went one step further by making sandwiches (Vegemite, peanut butter and honey, marmalade, cheese, etc) and freezing them in a snap lock bag and writing the description on the freezer bag. When I get a snack attack or too lazy to create something to eat with my morning coffee, I simply grab one of those ready made sandwiches and pop them into the Toastabags. It works really well in most toasters already in your kitchen.

    No I don't have shares in the company, just wanting to share this as it really is a huge convenience. I buy good quality bread so it's a healthy snack. I don't buy ham but if you do, that works as well in a frozen sandwich. I will be freezing chicken and avocado sandwiches this week. They cost about A$15.00 for a pack of 2. The Toasta bag shown in the video is the cheaper one, about A$10 for a pair. I bought the heavy duty one for $15 (for 2) because they last for a couple of hundred more uses. It is also great for work, more hygienic as your sandwich is in the Toastabag and does not come in contact with a toaster. I bought a new toaster and have used it for quite a while and it is totally clean, no crumbs in the toaster itself. I freak out using a toaster the regular way because a friend told me that at her mother's house, a mouse was stuck in the toaster and they didn't know until they tried to make toast..... :o .

  10. I agree! Hopefully not as the stereotypical gay friend or anything *yawn* like that, but hey, if Clay is on my TV, so am I! I'd love for him to do a weekly late-night show... something that could show off his funny side.

    Yes for sure...I think it would be an insult to have him play a gay character simply because a talented actor of his caliber would be asked to play something that has nothing to do with his own persona.

    When I watched Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man, I was so lost in the character, I wasn't distracted by the fact that, oh, he's not really a savant, he's just pretending for the movie. But I truly hope they give him something to do that we have never seen before and that in the process, he gets a whole bunch of new clayfans who BECAME fans for the right reasons and aren't going to leave the fandom if they find out later that he's with the minority group that doesn't like avocado... or sumthin'

  11. Aiken’s recording contract with RCA has ended, and he said he’s considering other labels, while also looking at stage and television offers.

    “All three look enticing, and I’m in the luxurious position of letting them sit down and come to me,” he said

    OK, I feel like speculating...

    I speculate a TV offer that's too enticing to refuse because it's likely to be in LA ... which is Jaymes' home and where Parker lives when he's not in Raleigh.

    Besides, that's been my Clay dream, for him to be on a weekly show on TV ... although a one-off TV special wouldn't be sneezed at either. But I would like a TV series, peleeeze!!

  12. luckiest1, they are just adorable! Are they related? Isn't amazing how they recover from surgery... pretty much overnight? Me, I couldn't walk properly for a couple for weeks (different surgery... :hahaha: but still surgery...)!


    There are also many other photohosting sites out there -- Flickr and Smugmug are two others you might want to try.

    I joined Flickr but couldn't see how to post a link to a forum for a pic I have uploaded there. Was about to try Smugmug but thought I would check with you first. The main reason I used Photobucket (which doesn't work for me anymore) was to be able to upload pics to forums, and not all forums have the option to upload directly from my harddrive, as annabear suggested ... although it works for FCA, which is great!


    Extreme Shepherding... this is very, very clever. (Amazingly trained dogs...)


  13. Okay, if you are deeply into eating healthy, step away from this post.......

    I just roasted baby asparagus (anointed with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic).

    And made my own Hollandaise sauce to dip it in.

    Nothing unhealthy about asparagus and olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic.

    It's the Hollandaise sauce that's a bit of a worry!!!!

  14. ETA:
    , what kind of a dog is Jess? Sounds like you've done wonders with her.

    For some reason, Photobucket keeps giving me this error message "Upload failed for Jez closeup.JPG with error: A network error caused your upload to fail. Please try your upload again."

    It doesn't happen all the time but it happens MOST of the time now ... very strange as it never happened AT ALL until a couple of months ago.

    Is there a way to post a pic directly from my hard drive, or another way besides Photobucket?



    Thanks so much annabear ... I've only ever used Photohucket for posting pics on forums... thanks also

    ldyjocelyn, I will keep those details and try them out now that Photobucket has started behaving like a man... :cryingwlaughter:

    Jess is a PoodleXMaltese :puppykiss:

  15. It is just an embedded youtube video so I don't know why you'd be getting a white box. The video is available in the Clack Unlimited vault (as are all TV appearances) and to me, it's just so much easier (not to mention better quality) downloading videos from there, rather than streaming them from sites like youtube.

    Left click on this link, and then right click on the IWCY file to "save as".

    luckiest1, thanks so much.

    The reason I tend to look for these clips on YouTube is because it is easier to send to someone who is more an NJU than clayfan.

    ETA: You're lucky Piper comes and tells you she needs to go outside, that's better than having to clean the carpet. My Jess was an outside dog, the people she was with didn't really include her much, and so when I brought her home and she was actually allowed to be INSIDE the house and sleep on my bed, she just didn't want to go outside unless I took her. She has her own entrance so can come in and out as she pleases. But if I came inside, she would rush in, always worried that she would be locked outside like her first home. I was told that rescued dogs who are treated well by the new owners become wonderful pets and this is exactly what has happened. I cannot get over how loving she is. It wasn't easy at first but the accident was a blessing in disguise. I dropped everything and nurtured her back to full recovery and this is partly the reason she became so bonded to me. I bought professional clippers so I clip her (she does not drop hair), cook for her (she has rarely eaten commercial dog food) and she has become the perfect pet, I never have to worry about her being left at home. She weighs 9.5 kilos so she's like a baby.

  16. As far as I know, a (female) puppy needs to be 6 months old before she can have her womanhood removed.Maybe things have changed and no one told me.....

    Yep. They have. I got my dog from the Humane Society as an 8 week old puppy and she was already fixed. Our Humane Society will not adopt out animals that aren't fixed.

    I have always wondered about whether there are any risks involved in getting them fixed when they are young puppies.

    All dogs have to be registered here and the difference between the cost to license a 'whole' dog and a 'fixed' dog is negligible. When my local council told me that there was a real problem with too many dogs being unfixed, I tried to get them to consider reducing the cost of a 'fixed' dog and then charging at least 10 times more to register a 'whole' dog once it is 6 months old, and have severe penalties for unlicenced dogs. This is the only way I can think of to reduce the number of unwanted puppies and kittens. Those who are serious about responsible breeding surely wouldn't mind paying the considerably higher cost since there would be fewer puppies available as it would go long way towards reducing and/or eliminating irresponsible backyard breeding. I watched a documentary on puppy mills, it made me sick to my stomach and I continue to be haunted by it.


    At CANN, the featured video is Clay singing a ballad version of "I Will Carry You" on Oprah. But all I see is a white box. Does anyone know why? I can't find that video via a search on YouTube.


    I just spent a very happy 45 minutes in your blog... THANKS! I loved every video you had on there and had to play every one of them! Kai is ador.a.ble!!!

    I LOVE her blog too!

    Black is the new black ...

  17. Piper is 11 months...so actually a bit late for this, but she's new to me.

    AH cool... my dog was also 11 months old as I got her from a family who could not longer keep her. They'd never had a dog before and boy she was a handful, and was run over because she was always trying to get out of the gate. It was a miracle she survived the accident. She is now almost 6, and an absolute joy. The dedication I put into training her in obedience has paid off. The gate can now be wide open and she'd never go out of it unless she is on a leash. The dog I had before her I raised from 11 weeks, yet Jess is so much more attached to me even though I got her when she was 10 months.

    I absolutely love that emoticon :puppykiss:

  18. Thanks for that comprehensive post,
    . I haven't been keeping up with the Clay news, so I'd missed all that. Last night was not good - Piper was really out of it and needed lots of care, so I'm just now checking in. Thankfully, she is doing much better this morning, and is currently chewing on one of her bones, so life is getting back to normal.
    Thanks for all the well wishes.

    How old is Piper? As far as I know, a (female) puppy needs to be 6 months old before she can have her womanhood removed.

    Maybe things have changed and no one told me.....

  19. gfi_golf_2.jpg

    Dunno nuthin' about golf but I just know this is my new favorite Clay pin-up.... (thanks Bottle)

    If you're a mother and you play the piano, you will want to see this:

    (Actually, makes no difference, you'll still be moved and inspired whether or not you're a mother and whether or not you have ever touched the keys on a piano)

    ETA: On the news here, Simon and Garfunkle (both 67) are touring and coming to my home town. AW shucks.. I no longer feel the need to rush out and buy tickets just to hear Garfunkle sing BOTW now that I have a newer favorite version... wonder whose that could be? :huh:

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