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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Glad we're going to be there on that weekend, couchie & ansa!

    And CG and muski!


    And my Lurker Friend!!! :clap:

    Of course, my Lurker Friend and I still need tickets.......

    Details, details!

    Me tooooooooooooo!

    Also still in need of tickets... I'm afraid by the time I can afford to buy them (moving is EXPENSIVE y'all!), the only thing left will be broker tickets which means I won't be able to afford them... :unsure:

    Off to bed :offtobed: where I hope to actually sleep tonight! :please:

  2. Indian summer here in Ohio, too, although short lived... the high is supposed to be 87 today, 58 by Friday. The swings in temp, the ragweed in bloom and the leaf mold are killing me, allergy-wise. I've yet to find the right combination of meds for this year.

    ETA: Thanks for bringing those over, ldyj. I saw over at the OFC last night/this morning the little girl, Bella, who was the peasant yesterday. She's adorable!

  3. Kenny Alert

    I'm showing My Life in Four Cameras Scrubs episode coming up on TVLand at 4 pm.


    I had TV Land on in the living room while I was working at the computer & suddenly heard the name "Kenny" - I had to take a break so I could watch! :D Love that Kenny guy. And that Clay Aiken guy, too.

    Perhaps the spate of fugly sweaters at the stagedoor a couple of weeks ago was actually a subliminal suggestion that the sweatshirt supply at Casa Clay was running low. :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

    Bwah, bottle! I think you might be on to something... sweater supply dwindling, Jerome pointing out that laundry duty is NOT in his contract... :hysterical:

    Belated Happy Thanksgiving to our lovely Canadian FCA'ers!


  4. jmh, there's a story behind that:

    At the CH a rule was put in to automatically translate song codes (eg. ATDW, OMWH, etc) into the full song titles and that's fine for most songs but SL = "Sacrificial Love" was giving me kittens at the Striped Sock Sirens (knitting thread) where SL1 P1 is supposed to mean "Slip 1 Purl1 " not "Sacrificial Love1 P1" :Kolobok_Laie_haha:


    Perhaps I could do better with my attempts to learn to knit if I *did* sub Clay songs for, you know, actual knitting terms! :cryingwlaughter:

    Back to w.o.r.k.

  5. Friday night SPAM!

    Wearing the Canada hoodie, blue track pants, and sandals with socks. Clayngel said the show was really great. Bradley Dean was out tonight. She didn't say much else, i'm sure she'll be posting a recap soon enough.

    I went to Spamalot tonight. Brett was at stage door!!! He is soo cute . Jerome came out and said he was looking for someone that sent him a text message and it was Brett lol. So Brett and his 2 friends walked into the stage door while Clay was signing. LOL I dont think Clay even noticed them walking in.

    ETA: Only one pic so far, from a camera phone:


    He looks like he's got something green glowing from his ear... :cryingwlaughter:

  6. Well, I just figured out the cause of and answer to ALL my problems!!! :idea:

    It's all right here in my colorstrology profile:

    "Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Autumn Sunset helps channel your creativity and intensity in a loving and flowing manner."

    I don't particularly care much for orange, no matter how fancy the name of the shade, so I'm never wearing, meditating or surrounding myself with it, so my creativity and intensity are channeling in anything BUT a loving and flowing manner!


    I suppose this means I should paint my condo in shades of Autumn Sunset?! Wonder if Clay would come by & help me?


  7. Sad that I couldn't get home fast enough to do that. I'm still whipped.

    And the Pantone website people are going WTF?! :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

    Devoted, persistent, intense...

    YOU function best when you are in a leadership position. You are not one to follow someone else's drum beat. Loyal and committed, your influence is felt when you believe in something whether it is to a person or a cause. Due to your royal nature, you need to be treated with respect. Your personal color supports ease. Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Autumn Sunset helps channel your creativity and intensity in a loving and flowing manner.

    I like what it says. I just don't like that the color sounds like something from the Golden Girls!

    Can you tell I'm procrastinating? :whistling-1: I don't wanna do my homework...

  8. I bought the candycorn kisses. They are okay but I still prefer the original candycorn.
    I bought some the other day too. I'm disappointed because they don't taste like candy corn at all to me, just white chocolate. The Honeycrisp apples, on the other hand, have so far been DELICIOUS!

    ETA: Wish me luck - I'm off to sign my life and bank account away for my new condo! I'm :D and :unsure: at the same time...

  9. OT rant for a moment...

    We have an organizer/calendar program for a reason here at work. It's so that we can, you know, keep track of meetings and appointments, not say "Oh, I forgot" when someone asks why you didn't show up at the mutually agreed upon time & place to help them unload and haul to the other end of the building, the car full of sh.. stuff from last week's vision screenings. <_<

    Ok, back OT... while that ^^^ may not sound particularly cheery, when it comes to Clay, I'm still cheery! :flirtysmile3:

    I agree about ClayAiken Pix, Cotton. :( It would be nice to be able to get a hold of the hi-res versions of the People shots.

  10. Hi 00lsee! :hello: Loved your post.

    Gibby, thanks for your kind comments on the montages. Hope you are enjoying the Merrillville CITH. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
    I will be enjoying the Merrillville CITH, but I have to remove & re-install my download mgr., so thanks in advance to you both! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I actually think I need to take my computer in for service because it's acting a bit weird, but I don't have time to be without it. That's an argument for a laptop. But that's an argument for money... blech... :huh:

    College? I had enough scholarship money to cover my books freshman year. My mom helped me out a bit, but I worked and had my own loans. Ultimately, no matter where I went it was just too expensive for me to keep racking up debt when I had no clue what I wanted to do, so I quit and went to work full-time. Actually, I did have an idea what I wanted to do back then, but I listened to people (guidance counselors, relatives, etc.) who I naively thought knew better than I. Fast forward 12 years and I'm finally back in school, paying for all of it myself, but also making the decisions for and by myself.

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