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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Late evenings & weekends are bad for me, too. As much as I hate being at work, the structure of a work day does help me stay on track better. I've got to get back to exercising, which I HATE to do. I was doing really well prior to Spam, but was sick afterwards and haven't really worked it back into my schedule. I liked that in NY you can walk everywhere.
  2. Hee, nope, Clio again. But now you've got me curious about Columbus! I'll have to watch it tonight. OK, this is scaring me! :o Did I attend Clio telepathically or something? Oh YESSSS! Forgot to mention earlier - love your doggies, Perma!
  3. Hee, I think you mean Clio. And yeah, that ranks right up at the top for me, too! Or how about "playing with the wood" from the JNaT 06? And Chautauqua DCAT/SRHP tour, when the easel fell down? That was hilarious! I know he talked about the Clack in Columbus! That must have been where he said, "Yeah, I know your words." Whatevah! I think I've laughed at every concert - he's just so damn witty and CUTE! And speaking of "playing with the wood" there's that clip from the David Foster gala where he ends up putting his head down because he was laughing so hard!
  4. See?! Yeah - ya'll are proving my point! Can't pick a single funniest Clay moment 'cause there are sooooooo many! Vermont as a 'city' making choir-boy Clay bust a gut? Oh yeah! The Leno McDonald's & twistie chronicles? Oh yeah! Charlotte NAT ornery, humping Clay? Oh yeah! The Asheville bats & bugs? Oh yeah! Columbus JBT "God forbid the Clack skip around"? Oh yeah! Philly DCAT/SRHP "Now I'm a man!"/puberty? Oh yeah! OMG!!! "Ah shaved mah leg for you..." from Kimmel - CMSU!!!
  5. Um... I'm feeling for ya, Couchie... especially because I'm in the same boat. I'd lost 8 lbs. between my first & second helpings of Spam, but have now gained back 11. Mine too. I think maybe I pushed it off the plane without a parachute. Must.get.busy.
  6. Narrowing down the funniest Clay moments is just about as difficult as narrowing down favorite Clay songs! Who knew?! (tm King Arthur)
  7. Of course. We're also passionate! Bella Re. the Musicpass, it's supposed to be a better quality digital download than Amazon and iTunes. And I'd also like to know what the deal was with the texting & voting for the songs that went on, of which I couldn't be a part of... *sob*
  8. I think Clay has progressed just fine. In fact, I'd say he's very fine! For me, part of the excitment and joy is seeing and hearing what he does next. The wheels in his mind always seem to be turning over something new. I'm willing to hang out, enjoy what we've got so far - which is more than I could ever have imagined 5 years ago! - and be surprised once again. Isn't there a lyric that goes "the best hasn't happened yet..."? I love OMWH! To me, this is a "classic Clay Aiken song" and I mean that in the BEST way possible. I think I might have over-played it a bit while waiting for the album (hee!), but am now able to really listen & enjoy it again. I can relate to the "Standing still can make a lifetime disappear" line... Need to remember that... But I think this song really represents Clay's journey: I’ve seen the best I’ve seen the worst I wouldn’t change what I’ve been through I’ve touched the sky I’ve hit the wall But I did what I had to On my way here Where I am now I’ve learned to fly I have to want to leave the ground I’ve fallen hard But I’ve been loved And in the end it all works out My faith has conquered fear On my way here Yep. I'm not running away, but rather to, to wherever the next there might be!
  9. The term is actually "anarcho-cynicalist" -- and it's one of those things I know for no good reason. This is funny because I've heard & seen it both ways and both make sense. Although "cynicalist" seems to be the term used most often with reference to the Holy Grail, while "syndicalist" seems to be used mostly when not necessarily related to Python. From Wikipedia: Just something to fill my time this morning! Maybe we can change "cyclically" to "cynically"!
  10. Thanks. Based on the way the day has already started, I'm going to need it. Uh oh! :chair: There is one fan I know who finally realized that her issues with Clay had to do with her ex-husband. To her credit, she admitted it on the boards but it was hard to read her comments over the years. Another fan, a person I used to admire, was gone for several months (don't know why), but returned bitter. The tone of her posts changed from fun and up beat to not liking much if anything about what Clay does. She doesn't just state her opinion once or twice but posts repeatedly her dislike of certain things. If someone posts something positive about a song this person hates, she pops up shortly thereafter with a negative comment. These are only two examples of why I agree with your comments. People often seem to be hiding their own issues or have become obsessed with the negative. Some don't hesitate to say that they aren't buying the product. What a slap in the face to the rest of us. I would not mind them not buying something but it is often repeated and it is the repetition that seems so in your face. I'm trying to ignore those posts but sometimes they are excessive. Apparently. I'm going to try to look past them and to continue to enjoy this fine entertainer. Hooray for #1 on AOL. I too have seen this happening, especially lately. Word, word, word to your last statement, ivy. That's all we can do as individuals. OMWH - - > I think it can! I think it can!! I think it can!!! ETA: Good grief! I keep forgetting - Thank you, Scarlett, for all the goodies! YUM!!!
  11. Good morning! :F_05BL17blowkiss: It's going to be a looooong week... something possessed me to work "summer hours" this week, which means 4 - 10 hr. days so I can take Fri. off without having to count it as vacation time. I can barely get through an 8 hr. day!! But, yep, as luckiest said, things could be worse - at least I have a job! Btw, good luck with the big boss being in town. R.I.P. George Carlin. Bringing over a post from just last week in the Family Matters-Laughter the Best Medicine forum:
  12. Oh, well of course, you consulted muski, CG! I love it! Hee! Droopy & Lacey are cute, too! I'd love to have a dog again, but 2 cats in an apartment is my limit. No doggie until I have a condo/house with a little more space and a yard.
  13. {{{merrieeee}}} I know what you mean. I had a terrible time when Abigail died. I'd had her since high school and she'd been my roomie through college, first job, moving away from home, etc. She'd mellowed out as she got older, was much more huggable and loved to "talk" with me when I got home at night. It was so strange to come home to an empty apartment. ETA: Bwah! Leave it to muski! The only thing I noticed was that the boy was wearing yellow overalls. Bright yellow overalls!
  14. I'm loving all the furbaby pics! They're all sooooo cute! Iseeme, seeing your Siamese reminded me of a friend I had growing up. Her mom raised Seal points. My experience with bringing in new cats has been mixed. I had one (my poor Abigail, who developed diabetese and died in 2005 at age 14) who never get along with other cats - at.all. Then I've had others who tolerate each other fine. I originally got Gidget with the idea that Gabby might be lonely since she had been living in a home with other cats... I think Gabby's initial reaction to Gidget was, "WTF?!" But that could have been the age difference. They get along OK now. Occasional sibling rivalry. Waldo, huh?
  15. Too cute! Does the duck work at the YMCA?? *g* Hee! I see a resemblance...
  16. Aww - cute kitties, lal. Here are my furbabies: Gabby - She's around 10-11. I got her from the Humane Society when she was about 5. I had gone into the pet store just to pick up a bag of cat food.... Gidget - She's a little over 2 now and was the first kitten I've had in about 15 years. I don't think I can go through another kitten-hood! She was (still is!) a WILD one! And the view I often see when I look behind me while sitting at the computer: Gidget loves her cat tree and she likes to use the chair back as a latter to get up there & keep an eye on me.
  17. Thank you both! :F_05BL17blowkiss: My mom drinks soy milk and I have tried it and like it, but alas, my soy allergy is quite a bit worse than my dairy allergy, so absolutely no soy milk for me! I've tried rice milk, too. YUCK! Especially in coffee - just.not.good. I need to get to the point again where I only drink coffee on the weekends. Then the little bit of half & half won't be such a big deal. Thanks to those who have posted their thoughts on the "Get Smart" movie. I love catching that show in reruns now & then - LOVE it! I think I'm going to see it next weekend. Still want to go see SATC, too.
  18. Morning! [whine] I neeeeeeeed coffee!! [/whine] But I'm really trying to cut out dairy, so I have no milk. Can't do coffee without milk. I may have to re-think this healthy thing!! Scarlett - there's a "Feta cheese place"?? That's oddly intriguing... Have a great vacation, 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: We'll try to make sure everything's cleaned up before you get home. Heh. Cotton, your story about the lyrics to LAA and your niece was very touching. As some others have mentioned, sometimes this song feels almost too personal to me. I love it, but it can really hit me hard if I'm in a certain frame of mind. I'm also glad we got it as the iTunes bonus 2 years ago - I remember sitting up at midnight, downloading and listening to it over and over. But I'm also glad it was included as a regular track on this album and I think that gives more feeling to it this time around. I've always felt this song was like a stream of consciousness set to music. And I love, love, love the way Clay's voice and the cello become one... Thanks for the link to vzubie's Syarcuse video, Perma! GAH. Wow, ldyj - it must have something to hear that in person! Thanks for the link. OK, off to try to accomplish something else today. Didn't get much of anything actually done yesterday...
  19. Good morning! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Off to accomplish *something* today, but dropping off a pretty I've been playing with. Original - He was quite yummy during the JBT... "Old photo" treatment - He really is timeless... "Charcoal drawing" treatment - Hmm... a bit washed out, but highlights the pants nicely... ETA: So glad you found Carrie safe & sound and are working through things, {{{muski}}}.
  20. You've got it, {{{muski}}}. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Also *waves* to Jazzgirl!
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