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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I believe the "—" is actually supposed to be a dash - but their formatting needs to be fixed.
  2. Just popping in between more storms to post about the new bio, but I see merrieeee beat me to it! It is nice to see them updating things over there. Now if they would just proof things beforehand. Typos/formatting aside, the content is verra verra nice.
  3. Note to claytonic for glossary: ATJ = "all that jazz" While I'm here, in between storms again, I also can not see Clay not claiming a child of his own. To quote the guard to Dorothy, "Not no way, not no how!" I dunno, couchie... this is Clay's baby we're talking about (IIT, IIU, ATJ) and he supposedly has sooper human texting abilities. Don't ya think that can be passed along in the genes? This baby could come out googling!
  4. There was a boat at the last supper? Was it sort of a dinner cruise? ETA: I just saw the Tim Russert news, too. Wow.
  5. Copy & paste it into a program like "Paint", usually in "Accessories", then save it as a jpg or bmp.
  6. That's great, luckiest! I'm trying to 1) pay off debt and 2) save for a house. Thank goodness I live so close to work, which helps with gas. I need to work on my grocery & household items budgets, though. I think I'm going to have to ban myself from Target! Every freaking time I go in that store, I come out with a bag of stuff that wasn't anywhere near being on my "need" list!!
  7. 5 hours here and just about everyone is taking off after lunch, so I'm thinking my 5 hours might turn into 4...
  8. If women ruled the world... and finally...
  9. Too many to count! I think that's my favorite line, too. Can't wait to hear this song live!
  10. Tomorrow is Friday. Finally! :laola0: Clay content? "Baby Boom" is on TV tonight and David Foster did the score for it. Clay's worked with David and may *soon* have a relation to him with his very own "baby boom". IIT, IIU, ken lee, tulibu dibu douchou, whatever other qualifiers, etc. Good night all!
  11. Wow! Glad to hear your house escaped the worst of the storms and that you have power, play.
  12. And thus ends the search for a 2nd job! :7: What? You mean I wouldn't actually get paid?
  13. That might depend on what shows they've been watching or mags they've been reading recently...
  14. Amen. I'm looking for a 2nd job so that I can try to get ahead for once.
  15. me too!!! Me three. Me four. So does this, it actually makes sense!
  16. "Evidently all that partying at FCA this week has worn everyone out. Guess I'll take a nap, too..."
  17. Holy smokes! I think that picture just made me shoot out about a dozen eggs - without the assistance of fertility drugs. Guess I better move a few of the Lean Cuisines around in my freezer so I have some extra storage room. TMI? Sorry... Anyone else hear Sir Not Appearing in this Show when reading that "Sorry..."? I was hoping he'd show up again on this page....
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