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Everything posted by annabear

  1. yep..theory number 84. Number 57 on my list. I'll drink to that! :bier:
  2. Here's a link to the pic in my photobucket account. Here's a Youtube link to the supposed Clay/camera incident - I can't make anything out of it. *shrugs* Oops! Too late!
  3. Awwww! That made me tear up - in a good way! How wonderful for all of you, roh! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. She was his PA a while back, couchie. Laughn wrote those cute little "Adventures of..." skits about them. I think they're here on the board somewhere. ETA: Yep, they're here.
  5. Aww, I see Mary was there last night, too. And is that Jennifer??? Paging laughn.....
  6. Glad you're back, rohdy! And belated Happy Anniversary wishes to you & Mr. rohdy. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  7. Yes, please and thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. Another recommendation from moi... Stonyfield Farm organic yogurt Particularly their fat-free Chocolate Underground and Caramel Underground flavors - YUMMM! With my dairy allergy, I try to limit my intake. These are great for dessert!
  9. They've got pills for that now. Just sayin'. It is amazing what that little hit of Clack made me feel last night. Seeing him up there on that stage with the President of the United States (political leanings totally aside - I agree with whoever said it's an honor), looking proud, doing his thing, living his life and ignoring the *insert string of insults and obscenities here - too many to choose from* turd stirring media..... Go Clay!!!
  10. Geesh! Y'all contined to be chatty overnight..... Hee - leave it to Wanda to cut right to the chase.... Amen. Oooh! I can get into this. I love "Pushing Daisies". Is it coming back? It disappeared with the writers strike and I haven't heard anything about it lately. Of course, I haven't gone looking. And in other news, I see the reports that TMZ chooses to keep the going. *sigh*
  11. That's where I went too. Dang...tomorrow is Monday and I should go to bed. But... things. just. got. interesting. [tm Monica Geller} Haven't you learned anything in the past 5 years, jamar?! Sleep & housework are very highly overrated!
  12. YouTube video of someone named Joseph Lynch singing "Sarah" from "The Civil War". No offense to Mr. Lynch, but I'd rather hear Mr. Aiken singing.....
  13. A friend and I were just saying the same thing. As many who were expecting the white picket fence fantasy, there seem to be just as many with quite vivid imaginings for this scenario. Interesting news about Clay being in DC. I'm guessing there'll be some photo Clack *soon*.....
  14. Bewildered is a good term. My term for the weekend has been WTF. Welcome back!
  15. I went slumming.... found the video on the Access Hollywood website. It's not an actual real-time interview with Clay. Billy Bush is talking about the "shocker", then they split in a clip of Clay's interview from last month where he's laughing about something. ETA: Yep, just what the Invisible (heh) calurker said ^^^!
  16. Okey dokey. I would think someone will cap this. I hope the Easter Bonnet DVD is still available someday when I've got money to spend again! Such pretty pics.
  17. Scroll down to the 'What's going on?'/'Currently active users' section at the bottom of the main mb page. On the left hand side is a blue box with a 'C' in it - click on that and it will take you to an index of who's online where. ETA: You're welcome, laughn! Ah, but the mods are there now & threads are being locked and moved like crazy....
  18. I keep forgetting, but now that I see your name down there - - - calurker!
  19. Thank you! If there's one thing that's pissed me off, it's been the posts that point out that the board dynamic has changed - and not necessarily for the good - as new people have joined. It hasn't just been today, but has been mentioned before as well. And it makes people like me who are still relatively new, having just joined in Dec., feel oooh sooo welcome and like we want to contribute to the conversation. Only not. But, hey, I'm stubborn and I keep posting anyway. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hee! I love me some KAndre! Thinking back to a line of conversation on the board a few weeks back about you not having the sentimental gene and not knowing what to do with it if you did have it - I seem to have an abundance of sentimentality, but am missing the bling and bitch genes. My point? We're all different, so we all sort of balance each other out..... Bwah! Wait. Did Gibby say something?
  20. I believe I've seen that post-it note floating around my home on more than one occasion....
  21. How about the supposed 2nd round of promotion for OMWH? Ideas on what it could/should/might be? Or is that too dangerous? Hee...
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