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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Hmmm... mine did that too, CG, but then the little RealPlayer download option popped up in the right hand corner & I downloaded it from there.
  2. Yep, me too. I said the same thing when we were talking about this at work today.
  3. You can download it directly from the podcast site - look for the little blue, downward pointing arrow.
  4. Doesn't Claygasm count? I understand the Clay/Clayton thing. I go by a variation of my name with family & friends. Although a few friends sometimes call me by my screenname, which is a nickname, too. Definitely keep us posted. I might try something like this with a couple of people.
  5. Animal Planet - Just finished the Bissel Kitty Half-Time Extravaganza!
  6. I agree - Michael is soooooo good looking! Of course I agree about Ghost Hunters, too. I've been flipping between GH, AI and Puppy Bowl IV with some seriously CUTE and ornery little dogs!
  7. Lovely bird, the African swallow. Ah, but they're non-mi-grate-ary! Beautiful plumage. The plumage don't even enter into it. It's about air speed velocity. How many 5 oz. birds would it take to carry a 6'1" popstar?
  8. Lovely bird, the African swallow. Beautiful plumage. The plumage don't even enter into it. Oh, wait. Unless you're talking about Clay Aiken and not the African swallow.... Yet another reason for it to be time to go home - I can't listen to this at work!
  9. Speaking of missing Hannah.... *Fun speculation here* I wonder if he'll be back in NY for her departure from Spam on June 15th? I'm betting he'll be there. I hope he gets to, if he wants to, anyhow. Oh YES! Agreed. Oooooooooo! I didn't check there last night! Is it time to go home yet?
  10. Speaking of missing Hannah.... *Fun speculation here* I wonder if he'll be back in NY for her departure from Spam on June 15th?
  11. See current thread title & option 2 in the current poll..... "Clay Aiken: # 1 Bad Ass with titanium balls" Sounds kinda dangerous to me..... I am soooooo not a smutter! Where is this sh...stuff coming from???
  12. I emailed the Dayton & Cinci AC stations that play in my area, saying that I'd heard Clay perform OMWH on GMA and asked if we'd be hearing it on their stations anytime soon. No response from either one. *sigh* I'm thinking about emailing another Dayton station where one of the morning DJs likes Clay and I've corresponded with the PD before. He used to be a DJ at now defunct radio station we listened to in high school! ETA: Bwah! KAndre
  13. If you posted it in "The Man" forum, which gets the most traffic, it would most likely get moved to the "Clay In You" forum at the OFC, Cotton. That seems to be where they plunk creative efforts. If you do decide to post it, let us know - I'll put my blinders on, head on over & support ya! I had a really good Clay dream last night..... :kiss: No, no - not that kind of Clay dream! I dreamed that I was seeing Spamalot with him. Just sitting with him in the audience. It was so good because he was laughing and I love his laugh - guffaws, giggles & all. I'm not sure if I was laughing more at the show or at/with him. I actually woke up laughing this morning. I feel happy!
  14. Well hell! I had all these quotes pulled out to reply to about all the sh...stuff that went on tonight. I had so much to say, but when I hit reply, there was nothing here but this blank box.... y'all are verra verra lucky! Had a good dinner with friends, reminisced about seeing Spamalot, blasted OMWH in the car, fell in love with Clay Aiken - again - and now I'm off to sleep. Everyone have a good evening! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  15. Watch out!!! It looks like there's an accomplace in the bum nibbling department!!!
  16. Are we on "Lost"? Good grief! We are NOT the ones who need to find our lives! :dumb_people:
  17. Agreed - on both points. I went over to the OFC last night because I had a message. I decided while I was over there I'd take a look around.... There was one thread in particular where the originator and last poster (at that time) had me scratching my head as to what exactly they were up to. I understand it got pretty ugly. I didn't stick around and didn't bother to peek in anywhere else. Ignorance really is bliss, sometimes. I hope wherever he is, Clay's having a good day.
  18. (Please people, have a sense of humor!) Not even going into what is says and/or who it says it about, I too find some humor in that part, Claytonic. Actually, I find some humor in the whole Python comparison as a result of being a Clay fan over the past few months. It truly is a small world.
  19. Yes. I've had that happen, too. YAY! for Clay movin' on up (picturing his George Jefferson dance here... ) the All Access/Mediabase chart - - - You go CUTE singer man!
  20. Unfortunately, I agree with this. You are me, Couchie.
  21. I'm with you here. Our primary here in Ohio was tough since he was still on the ballot, but officially out of the race. There are actually quite a few Edwards supporters at work and in talking about all of this, we've found that we're all over the place as to who we're going to support in Nov.
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