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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Like AI came to their senses? And not that I don't like professor Clay, wearing the vest (yum!), but why can't I see your new avi today?? Weird!
  2. Play, you CMSU with the barhopping - good luck! Whew! Just had a meeting here at work to give an update on a project I'm heading up that I've been hopelessly struggling with. I must be better at bs'ing than I give myself credit for 'cause they were actually impressed with what I told them. Now I just have to figure out how to put my words into an actual proposal by next Thurs. TGIF!!! TG for Clay singing AND talking AND joking AND being all-around CUTE on Kimmel tonight!!! :bier:
  3. Hee! I loved that, too. ETA: YAY! Thanks for the good news, Claygary!
  4. Oh I won already. Our date is next Tuesday!! Well, that explains the whole job bruhaha!
  5. I'm trying to figure out how OMWH gets into our brains in such a way that we wake up singing a different song each day! Is Clay really sending us sooper sekrit messages? :o I know yesterday's song was Ashes, but I haven't been able to get Falling to quit playing over & over in my head long enough this morning to make any comments on Ashes! ETA: The video of Clay answering questions is now up on Rachael Ray's site! CUTE!!!
  6. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to Solo! :bday: Enjoy partying with Clay & the rest of the eHP in SoCal tonight!
  7. Spot is having server issues & is trying to fix the pic links in her recap. ETA: Pic links should now be working! Glad you're feeling OK with the job situation, Couchie. Ansa, your avi keeps cracking me up! Kung fu Klay! The Rachael Ray promo is cute!
  8. Yay! Glad the CD & poster arrived so quickly, Clayzor - and together, even! I like your in-depth music analysis posts, Gibby. It's interseting to me because I have absolutely no musical knowledge WHATSOEVER! Unlike most kids, I always wanted to take the dreaded music lessons growing up, but it just wasn't possible. I've tried since on my own. Not successfully..... I forgot to chime in on ALAWH yesterday. I really like the song, especially the Celtic sound. My favorite part is the way he builds, starting with "when you're with me" and ending with "right now love me". So much emotion in that little section! GAH. I'll have to do my Ashes listening this evening. for the Kimmel performance confirmation!
  9. Thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I couldn't get the other links to work for whatever reason, but this did!
  10. Yeah that! Thanks for the Just Jared pics! I needed something CUTE after dealing with my PITA neighbors when I ran home at lunch.
  11. I never saw that pic - thanks rohdy!
  12. I think we officially reached the WTF price range here in Cinci yesterday. I was out at lunch and saw one station up to $3.97 and another at $3.95 for regular. It had been ranging from $3.69 to $3.79. Just about back to work, I passed one station with cars lined up out on the street to get in - they were still at $3.67.
  13. Are you kidding? Are people really saying that? I got a comment about this at work today. The comparison, what with the ballads, isn't totally out of left field, but this person actully had the nerve to say that David A. "was much better than Clay Aiken"! I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying but I think my face said it anyway. You know, I think that just about covers it all. To quote Sir Robin, Oh YES! Or Brother Maynard, Amen!
  14. Wow - that was fast! You're welcome. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I work with a bunch of IDIOTS! On what planet is David A. "much better than Clay Aiken"???
  15. bwah, I have a few of those... for me it was the Billboard awards or any time I watched MTV And who could forget Spongebob Squarepants?? ETA: Aww, I just caught the very end, with no sound. What was he pointing at?
  16. These are great! You did a much better job than I did - I kept finding myself caught up in the moment and forgetting to actually, you know, take pictures with that thing called a camera that I was holding!
  17. Those are my deep thoughts for the night. Oh, and woo-hoo for making top three. That will get some media attention, no doubt. Oh, and my first listen of "Forget I Ever Knew You" had me scratching my head, going 'huh'? It's such an unusual song, I didn't 'get it'. But...the second time I listened to it, my whole body got slammed back into my seat. Clay's long, elegant fingers grasped both armrests and yanked as he loomed closer to pour out his heart's resolute valor in my ears. Gah. What an amazingly complex, difficult arrangement...unusual rhythms, unexpected chords and structure. He's disappointed, angry, determined, hopeful...and...prevailing? And that last exhalation where his throat clings to the note even as he releases it? *dead* LOVE. Masterful. I like your recycled post, 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And what you said about FIEKY? Ummm, yeah that! This is how I've been listening to it, too, and it's fun not to know what's coming next! Does anyone else have the problem of having to sit in the car until the song finishes.....I get some strange looks in the underground parking garage. LOL. Yes! I love putting OMWH on shuffle. I keep finding myself wanting to hit repeat on songs, but then not because I want to hear the next song, too. And yes, I also find myself sitting in the car until a song ends.... hee! This morning I woke up singing EIDN! I don't think I've ever had an album like this before, where it's practically impossible to pick a favorite. Different songs hit me at different times for different reasons. I love it! And him! Oh, and I want Clay to say he loves me like he did Hannah in Spot's latest recap - GAH. Well that just SUCKS about your Ferguson tickets, KAndre. I saw posts start popping up last night about that. Me thinks they're about to find out the meaning of Hell hath no fury.....
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