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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Heh, and that'll make you stand out in the crowd? Everyone's gonna have a BIG SEG this weekend! *does that sound a bit dirty to anyone else?* I was gonna say - and that descrip will make you stand out HOW, cha cha? I couldn't sleep either! Grabbing my Starbucks & heading out the door right now - EEEEEEEE!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. It took me a few times, looking around to find it, too! I *love* him!!! Off to finish packing!
  3. I was going to just quote part of this, luckiest, but hell, I'll just it all! Me too. Thread title?
  4. Ooooooh! So many tidbits to read! Busy Friday here. We had a meeting first thing this morning to discuss the "restructuring" we heard about yesterday. Sixty-five people let go. All over the board - been here 2 years, been here 20 years. Supposedly this was the plan for this year all along, but due to the stinking economy, it happened earlier than originally planned. Also supposedly, the rest of us are safe. For now. I guess my belongings won't be in a box on my desk when I get back next week! *Always look on the bright side of life....* Twenty-four hours from now I will be on a plane preparing to land in NY, meeting some new friends and applauding from my heart as the Spamalot chapter in Mr. Aiken's life ends and the OMWH chapter begins! I feel HAPPY! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. So far so good up here. Our project team was moved up to the far west corner of the top floor of the building. We kid about being "forgotten" up here. When sh..stuff like this starts happening, we kinda start hoping that's the truth! Bingo! That's exactly what they're doing, pk. And of their pre-conceived, warped notions about the man, at that.... :italianflick:
  6. Eeeeep! Rumor going around here at work this afternoon is that they let a bunch of people in my old department go this morning.....
  7. Mmmmmmmm...ice cream.... I happen to like vanilla. And I also happen to like ice cream. I think Clay is a rich vanilla with a buttery, thick, luscious caramel core. Heh.
  8. If anyone happens to know of a matinee ticket for 5/4, let me know. I'm still looking for that one. Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. Thanks for answering me last night, Ansa! I came back over to say something & when I went to reply, IE kicked me out. I was too tired to mess with rebooting, so I just went to bed. I've quit trying to reason with anything the 3 stooges say. "Reality" TV at it's finest....
  10. "She's family." That's Seacrest's defense? Mmmmk. I missed the end - who went home tonight??
  11. That gave me chills! Beeeyuuutifulll! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. Eeeeep! Paula also tends to cook with a lot of tree nuts! :o But she makes a mean macaroni & cheese, and lest we forget Clay's reaction when Tyra mentioned mac & cheese!
  13. WORD, JennaZ. It's funny that when I first started my fandom back in 2003, I was on a little board started by a college student. Most of the posters were younger. I was the "old" fan, at an age just slightly beyond Clay himself! I now have friends of all different ages within the fandom. Another WORD to jmh! I've been slowly working my way out of the "worrying" car over the past 5 years and enjoying myself beyond belief in the process! Living in Ohio - of all places! - has had it's advantages when it comes to Clay touring. I've usually been lucky enough to have at least one, if not multiple shows within a few hours drive. I've traveled to see him as well. With the exception of the insane price of gas, I love roadtrips! Spam is the first time I've flown to see Clay and it just happens that I'm lucky enough to be in a position right now to be able to do so. I've said it before and I mean it - I wish it was possible for everyone who would like to see Clay to be able to. There's nothing like a live Clay Aiken preformance.
  14. I interrupt this topic of conversation only to announce that I have finally & completely lost the rest of my mind.... And that I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible this weekend in NYC!!! :nana:
  15. You go, Play! That little birdie is helping me count my pennies right this very minute, Couchie! Should I or shouldn't I? That is THE question! Only for The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken.....
  16. Clay & Hannah Clack? :7: Thanks for the reports, Play & couchie. Glad you got to see it!
  17. Oh WOW! (tm Sir Robin when seeing the large wooden rabbeet for the first time) Great news for Spam - $264,000 in 2 weeks! As for our Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken, if you ever play the lottery, Sweetie, I think you should play all 2's! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm loving these recaps, although with my current sinus crud, everytime I laugh, I cough. I thought KAndre's part 1 was actually going to kill me! And if that doesn't kill me, my credit card might if I actually charge the unbelievable $189 airfare I found on Travelocity for this weekend! Food & lodging are highly overrated, right?!
  18. I finally made it to work after spending almost 4 freaking hours at the doctor's office! Big thanks to all who sent some good vibes my way - they worked! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Got to chatting with a lady in the waiting room whose hubby is an airline pilot & just got transferred to Miami. She was telling me about how she's not going to be able to let her cat out & will have to be careful with her dog because of the alligators down there. She's also not looking forward to the huge bugs. She had my sympathies up until she crossed a line..... In keeping with our travel discussion, I mentioned having just returned from NY and she asked if I saw any Broadway shows. "Why, yes, as a matter of fact I did - Spamalot and it was terriffic!" She then says, "Oh! Isn't that one American Idol guy in that one now?" I say, "Yes, Clay Aiken plays Sir Robin...." and before I can say anything else, she says, "I can't stand him!!" I said, "Good luck with the alligators & bugs in Miami, beeyatch!" Ok, so the "beeyatch" part was said silently, but still. Off to catch up on the last few pages since no one is here & I evidently could have taken the rest of the day off without anyone noticing..... Sometimes there are advantages to being bored at work.....
  19. Well, bottle, he couldn't risk killing off all of the ordering public too early in the 30 minute slot... I was waiting for him to let loose a little bit, especially on EIDN, but overall I *loved* him! And with that, I think I'm going to call it a night. Must be up early tomorrow. I could use some prayers and/or positive thoughts, if you're so inclined. I've got a doctor's appointment for something that's most likely nothing, but the slight possibility of it being something is freaking me out a bit tonight. Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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