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Everything posted by annabear

  1. WTH happened this week??? I just tuned in at the very end last night & I couldn't believe Michael Johns was standing there on the stage with Ruben's CMH playing in the background!
  2. Sending good travel karma out for all heading to NYC - hoping nobody has to resort to this: For those already there, I hear there's some mighty fine at the Shubert theatre! HAVE FUN!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: This time next week I'll be there, meeting a friend for breakfast, sightseeing in the afternoon & anxiously awaiting my first Spamming that night! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! :00000442: Ooooooo, liney, have fun! I *love* Disneyland! Having grown up in southern CA, we used to go quite often when I was little.
  3. The Gupta Media link is also showing up in the paid sponsor results on Good Search! And I wanna see the Clay & Tyra pics, too!!!
  4. Wallpapers from fountaindawg at CH: Oh my...... talk about double the pleasure, double the fun.....
  5. You are me, 00lsee! :04: I'm 3/4's packed, my alarm clock is set for 4:30am, and I'm getting really, really excited about leaving tomorrow for New York City, bay-bee! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'll EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! along with ya, bottle! Have a BLAST!!! :14: One week to go for me.......
  6. Ok, the new pic with the tan vest? YUMMMMMMM!!! Not feeling the love for the blue shirt/brown tie combo. There's something about the lighting, shadows, coloring..... I dunno.... maybe I'll feel differently when I get home & can appreciate them both in a window that's not smooshed to 2" high. Afterall, Clay Aiken is HUGE....
  7. I agree with both of these statements. For me, there is way too little consistency from week to week, both in performances and in styles. If these people are serious about singing, I think they should already know for the most part who they are musically. The 3 stooges don't need to be pointing that out every other week in between telling them that they need to break out of their molds and try something different. I also think that when they get to this point, we shouldn't be wondering if every performance is going to be a train wreck. The mark of a true performer is knowing their voice and working it to their advantage. Like someone we all know and love....
  8. Those are CUTE! Ooooooooo! I can do that! :PickMe-1: I wanna start my vacation a week early!
  9. When I can pull myself away from the eyes, I'm cheating with the red sideburn peeking through the reddish gold highlights. Then there's the stubble..... Whew!
  10. I agree, although I didn't think he was too bad tonight. He's sooooooo easy to look at! I thought Jason was the best tonight. Thought Kristy was surprisingly good, for her. Syesha is trying too hard to fit into the diva mold & I think it's backfiring on her. David A. I usually like, but he didn't do it for me tonight. David C..... um.... wow - and not in a good way. Not crazy about Brooke or Carly. Yep, that sums it up well for me, too.
  11. I think his hair looks better in the video than the still photos. He's so CUTE!
  12. I couldn't agree more, 00lsee. Now the one's cha cha kindly posted the link to above, courtesy of invisible926..... mmmmmm.... green eyes and stubble..... I think his hair looks more reddish blond than blond. Anyone else?
  13. Super flat ironed, fluffy hair could be the new edgy. Just sayin'.
  14. Play! At least you get a bark in response. The cats just look at me and then walk over to their food bowls. Regarding a bonus track - while I'd love Kyrie, Tears Run Dry, Just You, or any number of other songs we've heard in concert, I'm hoping for something we haven't heard before. Another gem like Lover All Alone or If You Don't Know Me by Now (which I've never managed to be able to get on my iPod for whatever reason... grrrrr...) perhaps?
  15. I know the "edgy" talk has been in relation to his new music & album, but I think Spamalot was quite the "edgy" career move for Clay Aiken. And I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting to see this in just 10 days:
  16. AMEN!! Hee ldyj! iTunes per-order bonus track and a push to radio! :nana: As for QVC, here are some tidbits: - QVC broadcasts in four major countries (US, UK, Germany, Japan) - QVC broadcasts via cable and satellite TV 24 hours a day, 364 days a year (the Christmas show is pre-recorded), to 90 million homes, and ranks as the number two television network in terms of revenue (#1 in home shopping networks), with sales in 2006 giving a net revenue of $7.1 billion - QVC reaches approximately 96% of all U.S. cable homes and nearly 25.3 million satellite homes, totaling more than 166 million homes worldwide - QVC reaches more American homes than networks such as Lifetime, MTV, VH1, E!, Style, HGTV, Food Network, Discovery, and A&E IMO, I don't see how that kind of exposure could be a bad thing.
  17. Yes! I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but that is EXACTLY what's wrong with it, merrieeee!
  18. That's great, luckiest! It's always nice to be able to go down a size.
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