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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Huh?? First we have the mysterious forehead floating behind him and now we have a supposedly photoshopped jacket?? Ooooooooh! Is the album cover/insert going to be like Colorforms and we're gonna get to peel & (un)stick outfits to(from) Clay? :lmaosmiley-1:
  2. I dunno..... that could really play into Kipper's comments about people going, "That's Clay Aiken??"
  3. I also need to clean this weekend and am not looking forward to it. Being the typical procrastinator that I am, I'm waiting until tomorrow because it's nice & sunny here today - a perfect day to be out running around. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy & windy with possible storms moving through. Perfect weather for staying in and cleaning. Or watching Clack...... Good points about the CD parties, jmh. I'm just not into sitting around with a bunch of other people when I listen to Clay for the first time. We like our privacy! Posted by lindylo at CV: ETA: That's exactly what I've been thinking, too, aikim!
  4. I'm just excited to hear the new album. Period. Report from tonight's show is the Eric Idle was in attendance & headed back stage afterwards. Sending healing vibes your way, Claygary. Glad to hear your mom is doing so well, Couchie.
  5. Was it sort of a dinner cruise? :F_05BL17blowkiss: I also thought that Jerome would have been invited.
  6. Gooooooood morning! {{{{{keepingfaith & family}}}}} Thanks for the real-time updates, Gibby! Have fun, ldyj! :00000441:
  7. OMWH is now showing up on Amazon UK & Amazon Japan! And the extra forehead has been removed.
  8. It does sound like this could be a big step in the right direction, Couchie. Here's to hoping you can get some answers and the help needed for the best quality of life for both of you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. Glad to hear muski & gibby are enjoying themselves. Safe travels ldyj! Oh my goodness - those drawings & the story that goes with them are too CUTE! Off to grab a very large cup of coffee & then get to work.... Happy Friday Eve, everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. That must be what one of the kitties just took off after! LOL! Intermission report from ClayIzzaQT at CV:
  11. Hee, Cotton! 00lsee, how.... what.... where.... who.... ???
  12. So fast you'd think Clay actually came with the blankie for snuggling!
  13. popovercafe.com Ok, I thought I was full from lunch until I looked at that menu. Now I'm ready for dinner. YUM!
  14. Considers buying tickets for closing weekend. Checks bank account after April trip. Remembers that there's a summer tour coming up! Thanks for the Ruben updates, Play. I always thought his first album should have been a more classic R&B sound and if that included covers, so be it. I was sooooooo disappointed in that first release. Keep meaning to thank you for the hillarious Peep Art the other day, too! I emailed those around and everyone's been getting a kick out of 'em! Prayers & positive thoughts for you and your family, {{{keepingfaith}}}.
  15. I agree about the lyrics & the journey. I love that this seems to be such a personal project for Clay and that he seems to be so willing to share it with us. I'm a truely sappy, hopeless romantic anyway and he manages to amplify my schmoopiness factor by about 100.... I did listen to the links provided and liked the songs, particularly The Real Me, but can't wait to hear what Clay & Kipper came up with. I'm also very intrigued by the song that Kipper brought to him with the R&B sound - that Green Eyed Soul needs a chance to be heard by everyone!
  16. I couldn't have said better myself, luckiest, so I'll just you! I will add, though, that I would absolutely LOVE to hear him sing LNM live. Particularly if he works that growl in the beginning....
  17. Claygary... I echo luckiest... Great recap!!! Thanks! Hear, hear! I loved your recap Claygary and am so glad you and goldarngirl had such a good time. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm with ya on that one, Couchie! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Three weeks!!! :00000442:
  18. Yes, there does appear to be a Clay forehead behind, uh, Clay's head in the hi-res album cover pic.... From ClayizzaQT at CV
  19. Yeah that! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
  20. I love that sweater too, and I do think of it the same way you do. I think we all have a piece of clothing that we just can't stand to get rid of, because it's pilling, or has a tear in it....as long as it's comfortable, I'll wear it. I can see this sweater being Clay's outfit like that. Me three! Oh how I *love* these little glimpses we're getting - the album, a photoshoot.... he's teasing us, ya'll!
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