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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I just keep listening to/watching that whole 16:03 minute interview over & over with a permanent grin on my face..... he's so animated and excited and involved and in charge.... GAH!! Oh yeah - and CUTE!!!
  2. I'm so sorry about your Aunt Hilda's passing, Cotton.
  3. OMG! The 16 minute video of Lynda Loveland talking to him - or more aptly Clay talking - about music is INCREDIBLE!!! Click on WRAL Exclusive: Clay Aiken Spills the Beans on Upcoming Album underneath his picture.
  4. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! A possible R&B song!!! And he wants to include "Lover All Alone"!!!
  5. Sending get well wishes & hugs to {{{{Clay & cast}}}}.
  6. Hee - oooops! That's what I get for trying to be on the board *at work* and keeping the screen minimized to about 2 inches - tend to miss the posts at the top & bottom of each page! ETA: Muski, I wanted to comment on how selfless it was of you to text Clay last night.....
  7. They are nasty, nasty, nasty!!! I know - that part made me laugh out loud at my TV! HA HA! Scarlett made a BIG funny! Aww, Cotton..... And a very gentle {{{hug}}} for your adorable little Aunt. My mom & I have had the 'you only live once' discussion many times over the past few years. At one time, she might have been one who thought that traveling to concerts or shows was ridiculous. In 2001, she was diagnosed with stage IV breat cancer. As we sat in her oncologist's waiting room on 9/11, watching the news, I think we both changed our outlook on life and started living more for the moment because you never know when or what you could be hit with. She'll be going with me to NYC in April. I'm loving these great reviews!!! Go Clay!!! Seriously, I wish they'd consider doing a DVD of the show while he's there so that everyone could see him.
  8. I love your little Sir Robin teddies! Your put a lot of detail into them even thought they're small. I'm sure everyone who got one loved them, too! Thank you! Yes, I made the bear. He is articulated & is 18" tall, standing. I quit counting hours on such projects a long time ago! Yes, I block printed the squares. The chicken on his tunic is a rubber stamp I found. I was going to print out & iron on, but decided to make it a little different. The rubber chicken is actually a stress relief toy - it's filled with sand-like stuff and you can squish & squeeze him! The chicken, that is......... Chain mail & armor took a back seat to cleaning today. I haven't been able to train the cats to vacuum and do laundry yet - damn. :glare: Your recaps and the new details you bring back each time are cracking me up, Play! If I lived close by, I'd probably end up at the Shubert more often than not. "Not let's go to a hoedown and bring a banjo country music" BWAH!! Thanks for the explanation CUTE AI2 Clay!
  9. I did change wigs, Play. I ordered the same one, but in a larger size, along with another longer style. The longer one was just waaaay too much hair, even if I cut it. This larger version of the original worked out well, I think. When he's done, I'll post a profile & back shot. No painting for the mail part - I found a great metallic knit on the upholstery bargain table at the fabric store. I will be doing some painting on his armor, though. Still need to "soil" - hee! - his tunic a bit, too! I'll say!!! I absolutely adore that main pic you used. Well, I adore almost any profile shot - he's sooo beautiful. Thanks for sharing! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Couchie, I was actually the same way in home ec when it came to making clothes. My mom & grandma were so disappointed, as they had always been big sewers. They could go window shopping, pick out some fabric, go home & whip up the latest styles. The few attempts I made on clothes always looked like a science experiment gone wrong... Teddy bears are much more forgiving! gbmifan, I admire your attitude, strength & faith. I hope that your son & dil will draw from you if they need to do so. More {{{{{Big Hugs}}}}} to all of you.
  10. From toni via CH: And progress report on my Sir Robin Teddy - We had a rough fitting for his tunic this evening. Chainmail & armor tomorrow!
  11. {{{{gbmifan & family}}}} How tragic. I'm so sorry. Hope Clay is feeling better *soon*.
  12. Those are too CUTE, Cotton!! Happy Birthday, skybar! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  13. Aww, {{{{Muski}}}}. Job woes SUCK. Sending positive vibes :F_05BL17blowkiss: your way. And a whole lotta handsome, too....
  14. *wanders off to thread title nomination thread humming something about sunshine in the month of May*
  15. Yeah...and she was like, rolling around in bed with those big fluffy...pillows. And stuff. Okay, you guys...You flattered me into making a wallpaper. http://www.findingclayaiken.invisionzone.c...43_37_48025.jpg heh I can see your graphic above on the side of a bus!! Can't you? It would cause too many accidents as women as the bus drives by...... The banner is verrrrry, verrrry niiiice, 00lsee.
  16. Good idea. May have to take a trip downtown, but it might be worth it. I had to do a double-take & make sure that wasn't muski posting there! And now I'm off to so I can get up early for day 1 of a 2 day "Project Management" workshop tomorrow.......
  17. Awww! So cute with the plaid shirt & jeans. I'll be sure to let you know when I finally finish if you'd like to order one, laljeterfan. Thanks for the feedback, everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Yes, extensions would be perfect, laughn. I wish there were a craft store locally with more of a selection than Michael's. Online ordering is always so iffy. I'd love to go into 'mass production', but I'd have to charge too much in order to actually make a living! I did it for a little while right after I left college. We had a wonderful co-op craft store that had been in business for about 20 years - true handmade, high-quality items like clocks, pottery, fiber arts, oil painting, quilting, stained glass. At times I brought home more per month than working a regular full time job. At times being the key phrase, unfortunately. I do things now more as a hobby and for charity events. I used to travel for shows/sales, but now my time off work is for traveling to concerts! I design all of my own patterns and try to buy as little 'ready made' as possible, things like the rubber chicken for example. ETA: Ooooooooh, Florida!!! Have fun & safe travels, rohdy! And, yes, get to work on those extensions, will ya?!
  18. I loved reading about the bear bidding. If I had the money to be able to do such things, I'd do 'em! This latest great recap of the show with so many details is great! Thanks for bringing it over, ldyj. And Quiana looks so cute with her new hair cut! Progress report on my homemade "Clay as Sir Robin" teddy: I'm not sure about the wig.... it doesn't come out as long once it's on the bear's head. I'm looking for another style. It & the ears are just pinned in place for now.
  19. LOL, muski! Um, no...... Once I get the outfit done, I'll add up exactly how much he cost to make. I might take some orders if anyone is interested when I post a pic of the finished product. He'll be 18" tall. BTW, making bears is how I got my nickname/screenname! Play, I actually found a good deal on the doll wig here - Kemper Dolls. After messing with it a bit, I think it'll look pretty close.
  20. I'm actually making my own "Clay as Sir Robin" bear, and fortunately he'll end up costing much less than $17,000! Of course, he won't be autographed either. He's a work in progress right now. I even picked out a tousled looking blond fur.... Tomorrow he'll get a nice filling meal of poly-fill, a nose & mouth and I'll decide what to do with his ears vs. his wig. Then I can start on his chain mail, armor & tunic....
  21. That look is priceless! What is he signing there? A bobblehead of himself?
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