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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I am getting absolutley NOTHING done at work today! If I had the time, I'd take tomorrow off just 'cause - I can't imagine I'll be able to accomplish anything then, either.
  2. I hope your headache disappears *soon*, ladyj. I woke up feeling so happy & schmoopie & excited for Clay today. I keep trying to find a way to get to NYC tomorrow. Not going to happen, but a girl can dream, can't she?
  3. How cute is that bear??? I had been thinking about making a Sir Robin bear myself! Fresh ET Clack & I can't watch it until tonight! I don't think it's always better to wait, no matter what Clay once said.....
  4. Great banner, 00lsee! Scarlett: Nope. Not a thing. Just this: and this: and this: To everyone traveling to NYC to give our very cute, very hawt knight some opening night love - Have fun, be safe, bring back lots of recaps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. I love his green eyes! And his smile! And his voice! And his heart! I could go on... *very happy, proud, excited sigh* Has this already been posted? It's a hoot! The very silly Spamalot catapult game
  6. Ok, it was not a good idea to be sipping hot tea while reading this page of recent posts!
  7. BWAH! Me either! Exactly 3 months from Friday. And I wasn't checking last minute airfares on my lunch hour. Really. *sniff* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG - are these pics real???
  8. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! From Spamalot to summer tour?!?! :club0: I think I need another job.....
  9. I can't get it to play, no matter what I do...... ETA: Thanks, ansa, but I'm using IE - it's just weird, I click and it acts like it's going to play, but nothing ever happens. It's all OK though, I just downloaded from the vault - - - He's sooooooooo CUTE!!!
  10. What a great review for Quiana! Thanks for posting it, Play. Here's to hoping we read something equally as great for our brave, hawt knight! Not a mod and still somewhat a newbie, but I'm with luckiest & ansa regarding no links to possible Spam Clack.
  11. Sending healing thoughts your way, Permaswooned. :F_05BL17blowkiss: What a beautiful pic!
  12. Way to go, Gibby & luckiest! Clayzor: Gibby: Both very true statements. There was a lady at my WW meeting Sat. who's been there since Oct. and just hit her goal of losing 8 pounds and became a lifetime member. She got up to say a few words to the group and started out saying that she realized most people were probably thinking, "Your goal was to lose only 8 freaking pounds???" She then went on to tell us that for most of her life she weighed over 300 pounds - you NEVER would have guessed it to look at her. She looked great! Proves both of those statments I quoted and also that you really can't judge a book by its cover.
  13. Hee! Didn't bother me either, just made me :lmaosmiley-1: I'm betting that's where he called Quiana from to apologize for thinking she was crazy for being so exhausted from her rehearsals!
  14. I think this Monday is the longest Monday in recent history. I hate being at work and not having, you know, actual WORK to do. Of course next week when our project supposedly re-starts (I'll believe it when I see it....) I'll probably end up with 20 assignments due at once. :glare: For now, I will just be happy to just surf around Clayland.... Yeah that ^^^ Muski! ...as long as he doesn't have a "Clique" moment...because apparently they suck. heh Oh lordy, no! I would only wish a "Clique" moment on a few select induhviduals...... (Yes, I do know how to spell. *g*) Surprisingly, it didn't bother me to watch AI2 Rewind last night, but I did think the whole pulling out of the top 3 only to ship one home was cruel - especially since Clay was the one shipped home! I did wanna give him a big hug & tell him it would all be OK.
  15. AMEN!!! Do you know if you have to resubscribe? TIA for any info. I don't believe you do. If I find out otherwise, I'll bring the info over. I'll take it. Thanks. That's exactly what I was going to say! I loved his blog! This man has had me more schmoopie over the past few weeks. I'm with those who think he must be doing OK if they allowed him the weekend off, otherwise they'd be working him every possible minute. I certainly do hope & pray he gets his "click" moment this week. I'm so excited for him and for everyone who gets to see him Friday! claytonic! What fun to be discovering all things Clay!
  16. Hey, 3-4 pounds is GREAT, Clayzor! The norm is 1-2. I certainly don't expect every week to turn out like this one. Wouldn't that be nice!
  17. Yeehaw!!! :7: My first week back to sensible eating and working exercise back in paid off big-time! I managed to not only lose the 4+ lbs I put back on over the Holidays, but also an additional 4+ lbs!
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