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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I'm eeeeeee'ing so loud I've scared my kitties several times this evening.... *blushes* He's too freaking CUTE!!!! Now Jerome & Mary said hi! You can still hear him every now & then in the background talking to people! Brown velour jacket, salmon colored shirt, jeans.
  2. Wow!!! When A Man Loves A Woman Love of My Life Get Here If you Can I think he's taking requests for $$$!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  3. EEEEEEEEEE!!! I just tuned into the golf-cert and heard Clay saying something about playing golf in his backyard! He's so CUTE!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  4. Did you count the additional $$$ form the AYSTAFG pledge drive, Play? They're up to $78,000 $72,000 actually received now. I just checked the BAF website for the correct total.
  5. LOL! I used to be an assistant buyer for shoes - we had a bulletin board in the front of the office where we'd post pictures when this happened! ETA: Hee, JJ!
  6. Finally out of boring meeting! MUST.HAVE.CLACK.OF.THE.MAN.IN.BLACK!!!!!!!! I like this! Although I hope he's wearing sunscreen, I also can't help but picture how cute he was with his slightly sun burnt nose in Sterling Heights this past summer, after they'd spent their day off at Cedar Point.....
  7. Running back to boring meeting, but dropping this tidbit off from CV - hopefully it's not a repeat, but even if it is, the visual is worth repeating!!
  8. You're welcome! Thanks to eveyone else who's bringing over the fun stuff, too! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I've been in the situation of having Clay walk towards me. *takes a moment* TM Jemock The first time was at the buses in Lexington, KY during the NAT. This was at the beginning of the buslines. There weren't all that many of us & he was able to actually stop in front of each of us, look us right in the eyes, say thank you and give a good, strong handshake..... Where was I? Ah yes, as he was in front of me, shaking my hand, looking me in the eyes and thanking me, my mind was running amuck. All I could think was, "OMG!!! I'm lost in his eyes!!!" *Wasn't that some corny 80's song, or something?* I think I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. How attractive. It's amazing we made it back to Ohio alive since I was driving/floating. And now, with that and all this morning's fun running through my mind, I must go to a 2 hour long meeting on "PO & DC limitations and process requirements". Don't y'all wish you could go, too????
  9. I wondered the same thing, rohdy! As for golf lessons, I think they'd end up paying me *not* to take them - my aim is really that bad! :lmaosmiley-1:
  10. See, now that is the way to make a statement about his hair - simple & to the point! There are now 11,817 and 1/2 different images of Clay's perfect hair running through the Clay Nation's minds....
  11. I thought he wasn't going to play golf? Maybe he's just getting the tournament started. EEEEEEEEEE! Again. annabear, you are me! (I?) Sucks, huh? Yep, GAH pretty much sums it up. ETA: Looks above and sees that the lack of sleep has in no way imared muski's imagination!!!
  12. aikim beat me to it! More from Katy4Clay at CV: EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?! Also from toni2marie regarding Quiana starting in Dream Girls this week: ETA: for chacha's request.
  13. I missed the board last night, too! I had one of those 'it's Sunday and I don't wanna go back to work tomorrow so I'm going to stress about everything I possibly can and not go to sleep until sometime after 2:30 AM' nights. Grrrrrr. If I'm not :856: by the time I get in the door tonight, I can help bring some info over from CV, too. Yes! I was thinking about that this morning. I'd love to actually have a reason for being late to work some mornings. Very cool! I personally had no idea a portion of these went to BAF....even cooler! (I assume we're talking about the pins...) I had no idea either. Very cool, indeed! Have a good day everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. Watching this now, seeing the dynamics & knowing how it turned out, is really strange for me. I didn't watch until the WC show when it was on originally. Liked Trenyce & Charles.
  15. I don't think I've ever called in 'cause Clay was on TV. *thinks* *head hurts* Stayed up waaaaay too late? Yeppers! ETA: I gotta say this thread title makes me grin like a fool!
  16. Hee - they did prompt me to break my 'no more credit card purchases' rule and finally buy myself an iPod! Next to any Clay concert tix I may have charged, this was the best investment I've ever made. Seriously. I've found this to be true for me as well. I think the fact that the media, including the "news" has become increasingly more tabloid-like over the past 5 years has helped, too. And yeah, 'STFU' has been on the tip of my tongue a time or two. OK, maybe three. Or four..... I did this, too! And oh my word, I have a drawer full of VHS tapes. I remember being in Canada on a business trip when the Diane Sawyer interview was on and the stupid Marriott did not have ABC on the TV!!! I'd forgotten to set the VCR and didn't have a computer at home at that time so I couldn't download Clack. Luckily I had a dear Clay friend who was willing to send me her VHS tapes and I made copies of them! Not the best quality, but hey, it was Clay!
  17. This ^^^ is me. My mom gets it because I dragged her half-way across the country with me early on, hoping she would realize that I wasn't crazy. Sort of! No hubby or kids to contend with, just the cats. As long as I leave extra food & water when I travel, they're happy. For some strange reason LTS on CD seems to calm them in the car when we go to the vet, so maybe they're fans, too. LOL As far as work goes, people know I'm a fan, but I don't go out of my way to talk about Clay. I'm surrounded by people there who worship Howard Stern, think Kathy Griffin is hillarious, love TMZ and Perez H. - pretty much anyone who takes shots at Clay. My former manager (who got me hooked on this joyride) and our admin are casual fans. I also think that some people don't understand having something that makes you happy like Clay does for us. They may have hobbies, but not necessarily something they're passionate (no smutting intended!) about. I think that was weird even for me in the beginning - Clay Aiken makes me smile like practically nothing else in the world!
  18. You're welcome! I'm sure there's a way, too, but I couldn't figure it out in 5 minutes, so a link is what we got! As for "obsession".... well.... um....
  19. Countdown to Spamalot!!! Cool story about the pic of your grandfather in the antique mall, aikim!
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