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Everything posted by annabear

  1. My first reaction last night was, "Wow! He's tired and cranky and not sure what he's gotten himself into", which sounds about rigth for someone stepping into a big, new creative endeavor. I also thought, "Wow - he didn't read Jemock's blog about how to properly put on your tights and his were in a wad!" I don't see anything bad about what Clay did or said. I think the reporter was a horse's ass for asking such inane, dated questions. And as for labeling those questions "about his personal life"? WTH??? They had NOTHING to do with his personal life! Why not ask him how he's adjusting to life in NY? How's he doing getting around town? Oh wait, that might be sort of logical. Never mind! There are no reports of Clay cussing the guy out or decking him, which has sadly become "the usual" for some stars nowadays. I'm sure his tone went right along with what he said and I don't think he was rude. Doesn't mean I didn't cringe at first, or that I wouldn't have kicked him under the table if I were his publicist, but this certainly sounds like it was Clay being Clay - and isn't that what everyone cires about so often? Let Clay be Clay? And he so is! Yet again, he manages to be "the king of contorversy" over much ado about nothing - just another day in the Clay Nation! BWAH bottlecap!!!
  2. That is too cute, 00lsee! Thanks again for the Spamalot movie - I'm finally downloading this evening. Welcome back, merrieeee!
  3. Ok, Cotton, this actually got me a little misty! I loved the whole thing, but especially the "dynamic smile from within" because that's what it is when it reaches those lovely green eyes! Lots of good posts today! I'm still at work waiting for a torrential downpour to let up. I didn't bring an umbrella & I'm parked in the complete opposite corner of the parking lot.
  4. I thought smut wasn't allowed in this thread? Bwah! That was unintentional smut....
  5. I love all the healthier options at Starbucks. I hadn't heard of your chai tea concoction before, though - YUM! I ended up making myself a variation this morning with the Celestial Seasonings Gingerbread Spice tea I got for Christmas & it was really good. Thanks for the idea! I guess I could have qualified that I'm also cutting out the buying lunch & dinner and trips to Starbucks to save money as well as calories - seeing Mr. Aiken in NYC in April don't come cheap!!! I wouldn't be much help in the motivation to exercise area, KAndre. I hate it, too, and have got a good bit of weight I need to lose. I have found that riding my stationary bike is better now that I bought a TV & DVD player for my bedroom - I just pop Clay in there & ride away. Now I just need to get myself up earlier (groan) to get to work earlier so I can leave earlier so I can make it to Curves before they close in the evenings. That's next week's goal. Baby steps.
  6. Popping in quickly on my lunch break.... {{{{{{Claygasm & dad}}}}}} Sending healing thoughts your way.
  7. Couchie, you are me! Or I am you! I wanna chat and smile and eeeeeeeeeee about how excited I am for Clay's new adventure, but I also must get to the wasteland of work..... iPod? Check! Headphones? Check! New Clack loaded? Check!
  8. Wow, YSRN! So glad that tree missed your house. What a close call! I can't wait to get home & download this! I love his mind, too! I do this, too. Every now & then I just seem to have to try reasoning it out one.more.time. Your last statement there sums it up quite nicely. I think it's that green-eyed soul. I would LOVE an opportunity for an entire concert done sort of like the GFI performance - sort of a jam session with just Clay, his voice and a piano....
  9. ICMYLM & a partial intro are now in the vaults. I've got it on loop & can't stop listening to it....
  10. Thanks for all your efforts on doing this for us, 00lsee! Yes! Thank you, 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Like Couchie, I was worried the new downloads would be used up before I could get to them this evening. Off to download! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  11. I just finished Windexing the lick streaks off my monitor. And Lysoling up the drool puddle from my desk. I just got back from lunch after breaking my self-imposed 'stay offline' rule. Some rules are highly overrated. That picture should come with a warning that it will intoxicate you, so you should stay away from things like DRIVING immediately after viewing. Not that I almost had an accident while daydreaming or anything. Nope. Not me.... Oh how I wish I could take you up on your offer, justclay12! I've checked my calendar, I still have one vacay day 'til April, I even checked flights...... then reality hit by way of my checkbook smacking me upside the head. Laughn, I don't think there is a more fitting quote. Perfect! I can't wait to get home tonight and download! EEEEEEEE!
  12. Hee! I think I love you, KAndre! Thread title? Bye Couchie! I've got to be offline most of the day, too. Loving all the rest of the recaps from last night! And the screencaps! And reports that Clack is in the vault - yay for something to look forward to when I get home! And love, love, love the blogger & her interview - he is just too CUTE! Hope everyone has a good day! :F_05BL17blowkiss: *This post jointly sponsored by ! and emoticons everywhere*
  13. I plead the fifth..... Oh nooooooo, couchie! I think that's coming to a workplace near me soon as well. Something about a new internet portal, blah, blah, blah. {{{hugs}}}
  14. Whoa baby....there's an illustrated manual?! Be still my heart............ Exactly, rohdy!
  15. Happy 30th anniversary, gbmifan!!! The weather is strange here in OH, too - almost 70 today, with wind advisory & storms tonight. Crazy! Kept forgetting, in all the excitement today, to tinkerbell2! It's been such a fun day! I saw some of the other CRAP TM Clay posted around today and just rolled my eyes - one of these days I'm afraid they may get stuck! But seriously, I don't think some people would know how to be happy if you handed them an illustrated instruction manual. Oh wait, that's what all of the pics from today would be, so yeah, that proves my point. I'm glad I finally decided to check out this board!
  16. I'm pretty sure Katy4Clay said they had everything, but she wasn't sure when they'd be able to get it to someone as they're travelling with several other couples. Or jamar said!
  17. How does he manage to reduce me to a whimpering puddlle of goo practically every time I see him?
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