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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I like Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah, as well as k.d. Lang's, but would definitely like to hear Clay sing it someday.
  2. As far as I'm concerned, you get extra credit 'cause it's a profile shot, too. Feel free to drop off more pretties anytime! ETA: That pic is also a verra verra niiice way to start off a new page!
  3. While I was sitting in traffic on my way to vote last night, they were talking on the radio about the contestants supposedly singing Beatles songs --- is that next week??? I was more than a little surprised when the first performance was a rather bad version of a Wham! song.... I didn't watch, but listened for the rest of the show. Meh. Sorry about no pay for sick days, but glad you're feeling at least a little better, aikim. We recieved our appointments this morning to go over our "compensation & incentive" worksheets next week. IOW, I'll find out exactly how much of a raise I'll hopefully be getting this year and how big (hopefully not, but likely small) my bonus will be. Wish me luck!!!
  4. Yes, definitely take a sick day tomorrow! Lots of rest, clack, hot tea, clack, soup, clack - you get the idea... :thbighug-1: I hear ya on the coughing, muski. I'm thinking my co-workers are probably looking at me like that guy in the Japanese restaurant on the Halls commercials - thank goodness we're in eyewear and not ginsu knives! Love the banner. Love the eyes. Love the freckles. Love the eyelashes. Love the guy.
  5. Geesh, Play! Don't make me not believe my own thinking quite so soon! Is it bad that several people came immediately to my mind when seeing that sign on the far right? :27: Keepingfaith, I remember what you remember regarding Simon's idiotic 'explanation' for Clay's success with TITN/BOTW. Talk about needing to buy a clue!
  6. I not only graduated from the Clay Aiken School of Financial Management with honors, but I also recruited my very financially prudent bookkeeper mom! Or more like I dragged her on a roadtrip and then she subscribed of her own free will. My aunt (her sister) does not approve. We fart in her general direction and head off on another adventure! I am trying very hard not to put any of the upcoming Spam trip on credit cards. We'll see what happens. I could wind up having to print out my favorite new emoticon: :blinkies_14:
  7. From toni2marie's recap that 00lsee so kindly brought over: I am wondering if I will survive my first show. Three pieces of Clack, huh? Oh goodie! Now I have something to work on at work besides, well, work....
  8. You could sub all chicken stock in place of the wine. Maybe add a little cherry preserves, or up the honey just a bit to even out the sweet, fruitiness that the wine adds to the recipe. I had it again last night & it was even better left over! Here's some info on Marsala wine - Marsala Wine Wiki
  9. Sorry that link didn't work for the Canadian package seekers. As has alrady been noted, yeah, our tracking number is where your unfortunately useless DHL link is. Clique is nothing if not consistent. Welcome back, rohdy! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope you feel better, aikim. I'm still trying to recover myself. Yesterday we hit 73 degrees. This morning it's 31. I think I've got whiplash. I also think I need some coffee.
  10. I got my number, but it didn't work. Didn't surprise me. Have you tried this link? UPS Mail Innovations
  11. Thank you again, marilyon! Does anyone know who's going to be replacing Chris Seibert when he leaves in a few weeks? I've read so many times about how good he is and how he & Clay play so well off of each other. I hate that he won't be there in April!
  12. Ooooooooh, Marilyon - thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Haven't we had the discussion about the tortoise & the hare? He's looking awfully tortoise-like in that green hoody! He's so CUTE! And he looks so cuddly, too!
  13. I do! :PickMe-1: Both at work & at home. ETA: I'm dying here.... went back on Zyrtec this weekend and it's making me sooooo sleepy! I don't know how I'm going to make it to 6:00. :856:
  14. That's gonna be quite a trip, Ansa! Safe travels to you & yours. Glad Aunt Hilda had a good send off, Cotton. Sorry about your van. I've just been skimming other places and picking up little useful tidbits here & there like hotel/air/shuttle discounts for NYC! As long as Clay is singing, dancing and speaking in his Geiko gecco inspired British accent all is well. Oh, and I like the new emotis! Especially this one -> :blinkies_14: Hee!! And this one -> :blinkies_114: for this weekend!!!
  15. I've been reading up on the anit-inflamatory properties of foods (thanks, YSRN!) and saw that cherries & berries are among the best fruits. I also have a bottle of good Marsala wine that I need to be using up, so I made this tonight for dinner. Served it with brown rice & oven roasted aparagus - yum! Grilled Chicken with Cherries serves 4 1/2 c. Marsala wine 1/2 c. chicken stock (I used reduced sodium) 1 c. fresh cherries, pitted (I used frozen, thawed on the counter top for 15-20 minutes) 1 sm. shallot, finely chopped 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar 2 tsp. honey 2 Tbs. butter (I used 1 Tbs. lt. butter w/canola oil + 1 Tbs. olive oil) 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs (usually use breasts, this time used thighs) salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder to taste Add butter/oil and shallot to small saucepan over med. to med. high heat; saute until soft, about 2 minutes. Add wine, stock, cherries, vinegar and honey and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until cherries soften, about 7-8 minutes. While sauce is simmering, season chicken with salt, pepper, garlic & onion powder and grill until done. I used a heavy, non-stick grill pan. You could also bake the chicken if you prefer. To serve, spoon a little glaze onto the plate, place chicken in middle and then top with more glaze and a few cherries.
  16. Safe travels, KarenEh! Whoa - look at those sideburns! I will fervently join you in this hope! Thanks for bringing over that blog entry from James Beaman - interesting stuff! I see Couchie was feeling reflective today - I love it! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I really have to say that for me, it's the whole package (no smut intended!). His voice, his smile, his faith, his personality, his humor, his heart.... He's just got IT. In spades. I don't think I voted until finale night & I did manage to get through a time or two. I got teased pretty good at the end because I was a very reluctant watcher to AI. Didn't watch the first season and had no desire to watch the second season, but did so on WC night with the intention of that being my only time so that we could do the "water cooler" talk at work the next day. I wasn't even really watching - I was in my kitchen cleaning or doing dishes or something equally as thrilling when I heard Clay. I was intrigued and for whatever reason, felt drawn to follow his progress. I liked Ruben well enough and remember reasoning that Clay was so good he'd probably get a record deal, too. I ignored the AI tour (and now kick myself looking back to see that there were 3 or 4 shows within easy driving distance) and wanted to ignore MOAM when it came out. I told myself it was silly to be a fan. As with most things, I have no self control when it comes to Clay and I left work early to stop at Best Buy, then drove around for much longer than the 10 minutes it should have taken me to get home. Then came my first concert, before which I could never have imagined going to mulitple shows of the same person, let alone the same tour! As for other fandoms, ummm, let's see.... I had a huuuuuuuuuge crush on Ricky Schroder and my mom actually let me join his fan club - I think I still have my "Ricker" button somewhere - hee! Of course, I was only 7 or 8 at the time so I didn't do much following around, but we did have a family friend who was on the production staff of Silver Spoons, Facts of Life and Diff'rent Strokes over the years and she was able to get us into an SS taping one time!
  17. I flew on Air Trans from Georgia to Florida, I believe. It seemed fine. It was on time and didn't lose our luggage, so that's a miracle in itself. What more could you ask? Hee! You're welcome, Couchie - hope it works out for you. I'm thinking I flew on Air Tran the last time I went out to California, which was several years ago, and had absolutely no problems.
  18. This link was posted over at CV by cindydoe: Air Tran Leap Day Specials Thought I'd bring it over here for those who are still working on their Spam travel plans. Only good thru 11:59 PM tonight 2/29/08.
  19. This link was posted over at CV by cindydoe: Air Tran Leap Day Specials - Good only through 11:59 PM tonight, 2/29/08 Thought I'd bring it over here for those who are still working on their Spam travel plans. I think I'm going to use it to purchase my tix to NYC this evening - EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :7:
  20. Hmmmm.... was the foot wearing a Killer Bunny slipper with great big, pointy teeth by any chance? If so, I *might* be a leetle sorry.... I'm still dealing with the crud, but am back at work this morning wondering why I'm back at work this morning. Can we just skip March and get right into April, then May?? Huh?! Can we please?!?! I would say "Have a great weekend!" to Claytonic, but I think that's a given!
  21. Glad to hear Clay seems to be feeling better tonight. Thanks for the report, Caro! Great recap, ducky!
  22. Yes - good earbuds helped a lot. Not so much for hearing Lynda, but Clay came through loud & clear! I think I resemble this emoticon an awful lot this evening even though I've come down with the dreaded crud going around. I have no more time off until April, but my boss sent me home today and I'm not sure I'll be up to going in tomorrow. I think this means some late nights & possibly weekends of work in my near future. But for now I'll just go watch that interview again....
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