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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I found an outfit for my Spam trip - - - Subtle & tasteful, coordinating with Sir Robin's tunic.... the lack of length and blinking might be just a tad distracting from the front row, but should be get some attention at the stage door, no? Why yes, I am procrastinating at work this moring.
  2. Indeed, that is one CUTE leprechaun, 00lsee! - doesn't say a THING about counting! hee...! And the posts were older than the statute of limitations allows anyway (sorry - don't know how to reference her quote, apparently...) But just the same, this is now SEVEN. I think Brother Maynard might have a different stance on the counting thing & the number seven, shak...... heh!
  3. I'm wishing a little bit now that I hadn't run to Telecharge like my life depended on it back in Oct. and bought tix for the first date I could get to NYC. It might have been nice had I thought more about doing closing weekend cause I wanna be there.... Overall though, I'm just glad (and lucky) to be going - period - and I'm loving all of the recaps, whether the attendees have been 1 or 20 times! I forgot earlier, in my I HATE MONDAYS!!!! morning fog, since the Starbucks hadn't kicked in yet -
  4. Other than that, love all the pics & hope everyone is feeling better. Have as good a Monday as possible.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. Oh YE-EESSS! I'm ridiculously in love with his profile.....mussed hair....sideburns....eyelashes.....nose....cheekbones....lips.... *whimper*
  6. Crops from butterflyshine.... more eyes to sigh about....
  7. And a few more from today, again courtesy of butterflyshine at CV: You're welcome! Thanks for asking..... um, well.... he's currently sitting nekkid in my dining room.... Hee! I got off track the last couple of weeks, too tired to do much in the evenings after work from fighting off the crud. I'm planning to work on him tomorrow & hopefully finish up. I did get his armor done - Just need to whip up his chainmail!
  8. Dropping off some stage door pretties from today, posted by butterflyshine at CV:
  9. Have to laugh at this again because I was perusing the outragious April rates for hotels in NY again this morning and saw flight/hotel combo "deal" on some website for the Pennsylvania. Fitting right in with your brief description, wanda, the price was $666..... Ooooh - yummy pics, bc! A belated :hb2: to Gibby!
  10. Thought this was kind of cute. We know Clay's got the sweaters - wonder if he'll wear one!
  11. *sprays another round of Lysol about FCA and sends a text to Sir Robin about heading over to ldyj's with chicken soup* Great pic, laughn! Could you remind me which story was yours? I *think* I remember it, but I could very well be confusing it with someone else... This has been the looooongest day - and it's not nearly over yet. Good grief! Will it never end?!
  12. LOVED your recaps, wanda and lucky! Thirty-five days! :00000442:
  13. From CV: I was just checking out Anthony Holds website after I saw he was replacing Brad Oscar tonight and he is going to be replacment a few other actors in the weeks to come. Here is what his site says: April 17 - 19, 2008 Anthony will play the role of Lancelot for four performances in MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT at the Shubert Theatre Thursday through Saturday. April 8, 2008 Anthony will play the role of Lancelot at this week's Tuesday evening performance of MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT at the Shubert Theatre. April 3 - 6, 2008 Anthony will play the role of King Arthur for six performances in MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT at the Shubert Theatre Thursday through Sunday. Ok, now I'm bummed about not only missing Chris Seiber when I go in April, but it seems Rick Holmes won't be there that weekend either.
  14. Kim Yeah that! Among other things.... Feel better, Couchie. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  15. They are oral syringes, right? The towel suggestion from 00lsee (unfortunately minus the hips - hee!) is a good one for that, too. I did that with my youngest, wrapped her up like a mummy and kind of tucked her under one arm, steadying her head with that hand so that I could get the syringe into her mouth with the other. Easier if there are two of you! Good luck & my kitties send feel better wishes to Cinnamon!
  16. I love this thread! Got this in an email at work.... It's titled "Due to budget cuts, this is your new cube"
  17. *passes bottlecap a box of kleenex while she waits (and waits.... and waits.... and waits....) for Sir Robin to arrive on the scene* Thanks for bringing those recaps over, ldyj. I'm amazed that I never get tired of reading them and smiling and thinking how I can't wait to see it all for myself!
  18. Thanks, djs! Ooooh! Another Ghost Hunters fan? I guess I'd have to agree with this, seeing as how I forgot to tune back in!
  19. bottlecap, you are killing me! Late to the party, as usual, and many have already better stated how I feel. I'll just add that campaigning for Sir Robin is about as far as I want to get into politics discussion here, in this thread anyway. As someone else mentioned, certain names & issues make me want to join King Arthur & his Knights in running away.... Sending positive vibes your way today, {{{keepingfaith}}}. Sending healthy vibes to all suffering from the crud. Oh, and here's a CUTE Knight who looks like he's offering to make you some fresh chicken soup!
  20. Ok, who went home? I was watching Ghost Hunters & forgot to flip back to AI...
  21. Bwah, merrieee! *Wishes that just being called 'little' would make it so when it comes to one's waistline* Now that's my kinda candidate! If I could have written in a name in last week's primary........
  22. I didn't give them a hit either, it was posted over at CV if anyone is interested. My reaction was pretty much to roll my eyes and move on. Kim Yep, just another day in Mr. Aiken's neighborhood - roll the eyes, say meh, fart in their general direction and give 'em one of these: :italianflick: *sprays Lysol around FCA* I feel for you, muski. I've had that particular double-whammy many times. Take ALL of your meds and drink LOTS of water!!! And as many naps as possible, which will hopefully include sweet dreams of a certain CUTE someone. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  23. Yay for penny & treenuts not being dead yet either! Nope not in NYC - yet! Thirty-seven days. Not enough time to lose all the weight I want to :glare: yet soooooooo long until I see the CUTE blond guy in person again. Life's a bitch!
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