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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Clay's whole 30 minute segment is up on the QVC site! Click on the 'Videos' tab for his on-air presentation. Unfortunately, it still cuts off TRM for the gadgets...
  2. I don't suppose there's any hope that QVC might put the entire performance of TRM up on their website somewhere??? Oh YESSS! We NEED Clack of Hannah & Clay tomorrow!
  3. I have to say, after he ran his hand through his hair...... holy......
  4. Oh good grief! It's the end of his Spamalot run, we've been donating for pictures, poster & playbills and there's a new album coming out, of which we'll be buying multiples! He's already got our hearts, cash & credit cards - we do not need purses, QVC!!!
  5. I call dibs on the copy he whipped outta his back pocket!
  6. Waaaaaaaaaa!!! I wanna go home & see Clay on MY TV!!! YAY for CG & Couchie!
  7. Thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Can't wait 'til you've had your sleep and can give us the rundown on your Spam-venture, KAndre! Thanks for filling us in on your trip so far, Couchie - glad you're having a good time! How could you not?!
  8. No, supposedly this evening's show. Glad you had a good time this afternoon! Woohoo for your victory, laljeterfan! I think I'm procrastinating on writing a real recap because writing it all out makes it seem so final and I had such a good time that I don't want to face the ending. Does that even make sense?!
  9. Ok, with soooooo many members of this board in attendance tonight, we better get some good details! From CV: ETA: From morganette at CH regarding the feedback on the dinner:
  10. Intermission report for today's matinee from ClaysFayevorite at CV:
  11. en·a·ble, noun 1. to make able; give power, means, competence, or ability to; authorize 2. to make possible or easy 3. to make ready; equip :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. I've only listened once as well! :26: Not for trying - I couldn't find the dang things again on Amazon either. I'm sorta glad to read that others haven't been abel to find them - I thought I was going crazy! Glad you're having such a good time, Couchie! And you haven't even been Spammed yet!!
  13. "The Real Me" Natalie Grant Lyrics - To be changed when we hear the re-written 'Clay Aiken' version Foolish heart looks like we're here again Same old game of plastic smile Don't let anybody in Hiding my heartache, will this glass house break How much will they take before I'm empty Do I let it show, does anybody know? [Chorus:] But you see the real me Hiding in my skin, broken from within Unveil me completely I'm loosening my grasp There's no need to mask my frailty Cause you see the real me Painted on, life is behind a mask Self-inflicted circus clown I'm tired of the song and dance Living a charade, always on parade What a mess I've made of my existence But you love me even now And still I see somehow But you see the real me Hiding in my skin, broken from within Unveil me completely I'm loosening my grasp There's no need to mask my frailty Cause you see the real me Wonderful, beautiful is what you see When you look at me You're turning the tattered fabric of my life into A perfect tapestry I just wanna be me But you see the real me Hiding in my skin, broken from within Unveil me completely I'm loosening my grasp There's no need to mask my frailty Cause you see the real me And you love me just as I am Wonderful, beautiful is what you see When you look at me
  14. Hee! My mom literally said the same thing when she called me the day after we got back from NY. ETA: From GBB at CH:
  15. Oh YES! You are me, cha cha! Ireland - yet another place on my list of places to visit someday. Continuing today's theme..... A sunset caught in between thunderstorms from my back balcony: And something I'm thankful we won't be seeing anymore of for a few months:
  16. I'm loving everyone's yard pics. Ansa, that first one reminds me of a scene out of Anne of Green Gables! Ok, someone please stop me from pricing airfare to NYC for next weekend!! I found a couple of good deals, but then I'd have to look for show tickets & a hotel room.....
  17. Thanks, Thankful! Hmmmm..... and just how did "The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken" make Hannah do that??? I third that for a thread title!
  18. I'll EEEEEEEEEEE vicariously through you, merrieeee! Your post just helped me relive last Saturday. Congrats! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  19. But Clay *is* funny! Singing about dog food & sunshine? I just love him! Glad you got the Playbill, ldyj!
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