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Posts posted by annabear

  1. KAndre looks forward to seeing Spamalot again next month...is enjoying the perfectly lovely pace of CD info...is wallowing in the generally pleasure of this board at all the Clay info...and knows it's time to break out into song!

    Happy! Happy!

    Joy! Joy!

    Happy! Happy!

    Joy! Joy!

    Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy!

    Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!

    Gotta get that out of the way 'cause I gotta clean house today. I hate cleaning house.

    I also need to clean this weekend and am not looking forward to it. Being the typical procrastinator that I am, I'm waiting until tomorrow because it's nice & sunny here today - a perfect day to be out running around. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy & windy with possible storms moving through. Perfect weather for staying in and cleaning. Or watching Clack...... :)

    Good points about the CD parties, jmh. I'm just not into sitting around with a bunch of other people when I listen to Clay for the first time. We like our privacy! :whistling-1:

    Posted by lindylo at CV:

    Found this on Quiana's MySpace. It says they are at a Benihanas Restaurant but doesn't give the date.



    Oh, I did see the track list and "I Draw The Line"...I keep hearing Johnny's Cash's "I Walk The Line" in my head...I am guessing they are not the same, LOL!

    That's exactly what I've been thinking, too, aikim! :cryingwlaughter:

  2. I thought maybe Jerome was actually invited - you know - as a guest. He has been around the cast and cruise since January. They may actually think of him as one of the family!

    I find it funny no one ever considers that possibility.

    Besides, Jerome is very CUTE too, so why wouldn't he be invited??

    Was it sort of a dinner cruise? :imgtongue:

    :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I also thought that Jerome would have been invited.

  3. Look out! It's right behind you!!!!!

    That must be what one of the kitties just took off after! LOL!

    Intermission report from ClayIzzaQT at CV:

    I just spoke with regaled by clay and IMsnoqueen at intermission. Regaled reports a full house with a good mix of Clay fans and a Spring Break, younger type crowd. She said the audience is livelier tonight and that every single time Clay has made a solo appearance, the young girls have been screaming in a high pitched, fangirly way...the tower scene, the Not Dead Yet scene, the Idol of my age line and so forth. She said it's so cute to hear that. She is in the front row and she said the new Galahad is even better than last night and they seem to have gotten his wig under control...no problems with it tonight. She said Galahad's singing is wonderful.

    She could hear two of Clay's off mike comments. In the Find Your Grail scene, when the King tells Sir Robin that the grail is a symbol and the drummer then bangs his cymbal, Clay looked at the orch. pit and said, "Stupid." And during the Camelot scene when the LOTL strips off her armor/glove, Clay yelled "Throw it to meeeeeee!" in a really high, fangirly voice. Very cute!

    IMsnoqueen's 2 sisters are with her tonight and the one seated with her is enjoying it allot and laughing all the time.

    Regaled said she will call after the stage door tonight as she is going to try for an autograph and needs to FOCUS!!!! hee!

  4. I upgraded my final show soooo my good and eh tickets will be on sale, check the thread. Fear is sooooooooo happy. I happened to be on line when someone posted the tickets and almost broke my fingers in replying. She still has O center pair tickets for all other shows Friday, Saturday and Sunday moring. link up to may 3 (the matinee are in another thread, same info. Sadly, she cannot make her shows and has all the tickets up for resale at cost.

    Covers - don't start me. I remember posting that as I look through all my albums of singers, not singer songwriters, most of the songs ontheir albums have been previously recorded. Why? Well, because there are only so many good songs and the rest suck. If you wandered into the Ruben thread, you would have seen he signed with a new major label (good for him! One of the top 3.) and he will be recording Classic songs (i.e. covers) - Good for him again. I guess evil Clive did not force that on him.

    Considers buying tickets for closing weekend. :unsure: Checks bank account after April trip. :( Remembers that there's a summer tour coming up! :)

    Thanks for the Ruben updates, Play. I always thought his first album should have been a more classic R&B sound and if that included covers, so be it. I was sooooooo disappointed in that first release.

    Keep meaning to thank you for the hillarious Peep Art the other day, too! I emailed those around and everyone's been getting a kick out of 'em! :lol:

    Prayers & positive thoughts for you and your family, {{{keepingfaith}}}.

  5. I agree about the lyrics & the journey. I love that this seems to be such a personal project for Clay and that he seems to be so willing to share it with us. I'm a truely sappy, hopeless romantic anyway and he manages to amplify my schmoopiness factor by about 100.... :wub: I did listen to the links provided and liked the songs, particularly The Real Me, but can't wait to hear what Clay & Kipper came up with. I'm also very intrigued by the song that Kipper brought to him with the R&B sound - that Green Eyed Soul needs a chance to be heard by everyone!

  6. I've just never cared that much about the distinction between a "cover" and an "original". They are all original to Clay, because he's never recorded them before. None of the songs on OMWH are songs that got any radio play, so unless you are a fan of the artist who originally recorded them (or the songwriter who wrote them and demo'd them) you won't have heard them before. So it's all new Clay music, in my book.

    I'll echo the sentiments about ATDW too.....hate to see it become the redheaded stepchild. I love that album with a passion, and I think Clay kinda likes it too. ;) Wonder if we'll get Lonely No More on tour this time?

    I couldn't have said better myself, luckiest, so I'll just :word: you! I will add, though, that I would absolutely LOVE to hear him sing LNM live. Particularly if he works that growl in the beginning.... :beatingheart:

  7. Awwwwwww. :wub: Wonderful recap! Thanks for sharing!

    Claygary... I echo luckiest... Great recap!!! Thanks!

    Hear, hear! I loved your recap Claygary and am so glad you and goldarngirl had such a good time. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    But eeeeeeeeeeeeee I can't wait to have my own memories!!

    I'm with ya on that one, Couchie! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Three weeks!!! :00000442:

  8. Yes, there does appear to be a Clay forehead behind, uh, Clay's head in the hi-res album cover pic.... :blink:

    From ClayizzaQT at CV

    From the stage door...regaled by clay reports that Clay was wearing a green cardigan sweater that zips up the front, jeans and a purple shirt with a multi-striped tie. She said his hair looked gorgeous and he was absolutely adorable. Several other cast members came out and signed too and they were all dressed up as well. Perhaps there is a party for the new cast member?

    More to come as soon as I get it typed

  9. I love the poor green sweater. Someone posted some stage door pics where you could see the little sweater pills under his arms. Made me love it more. lol To me it says that is his 'comfy' sweater. I have one of those. I put it on whenever I want to give myself a hug. That's how I see Clay's green sweater.
    I love that sweater too, and I do think of it the same way you do. I think we all have a piece of clothing that we just can't stand to get rid of, because it's pilling, or has a tear in it....as long as it's comfortable, I'll wear it. I can see this sweater being Clay's outfit like that.

    Me three! :wub:

    Oh how I *love* these little glimpses we're getting - the album, a photoshoot.... he's teasing us, ya'll! :Thud:

  10. Why is tomorrow today Monday? Why are weekends only two days? Wwwwhhhhyyyy????

    If you find out, please let the rest of us know, liney! -_-

    I'm sorry about your mother's sister and Fluffy, {{{aikim}}}.

    Still loving all of the recaps! I hope the day off today does {{{Clay}}} & his hurting hip a world of good.

    I'm SOOOOO hoping that Clay and the new Sir Galahad are able to create their own magic, you know. I'm really sorry that I won't have a chance to see Chris with Clay since everyone had such great things to say about how well they played off each other...but then again....these are all professionals we're talking about, including Clay Aiken! :wub:


    I'm going to Spamalot! :DoClay::lilredani: :headbangerf: :pimpsmily::needclay:

    Gee, are you excited at all? :P Have FUN!!!

    :bday: JennaZ!

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