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Posts posted by annabear

  1. This is off-topic, but Beatles Night on AI tonight? The Random Lyric Generator is out in full-force. That said, there have been some really good performances so far.

    You weren't kidding! I'd be going along with the song, then all of a sudden wonder what in the world they were singing.

    Loved your recap laljeterfan. :clap:

    17.gif Thanks!

  2. I'm at work today, but I may end up making a quick trip to my Mom's some time this week. My brother called last night, and she has pancreatitis, caused by gall stones. She'll be having gall bladder surgery later this week, as soon as they ween her off her blood thinners.

    I hope everything goes well with your mom, ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    And I hope everyone is feeling better :soon: - muski, aikim, keldanker, mama couchie, anyone else under the weather!

    Lovely banner! It should be hung in the salon, next to the Renoir! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    But first we should check to see if there's chocolate inside! :P Nice job, cha cha!

    Loved your blog, KarenEh. What an adventure - and Kenai is a cutie!

  3. BWAH bottlecap! :cryingwlaughter: If I knew how to do it, I'd add that music to the gif!

    Cha Cha - I love your "pinch pic within a pinch pic" for CG! :clap:

    What sad news about Char. Life is short - enjoy the time we have.

    All FCA ladies heading to NYC, have a blast! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA: Well, I was just reading back & see that I missed some stuff prior to all the discussion about the oh-so-pinchable Mr. SweetCheeks....

    Maybe I really do need glasses!

    you do..cuz even I see it and I'm blind!

    I spent another evening in my second home... the emergency room. They kept her this time. Hopefully they can find out what the heck is going on. Off to bed...I owe a few PMs but will do so tomorrow!!

    Have fun wandacleo!!

    And welcome gloch!!

    Awww, Couchie, I'm sorry. Hope they can get some things straightened out this time, for both your sakes. :hugs-1:

    ETA2: Since I seem to have killed the thread, I'll just keep editing! :imgtongue: These need to be posted again:

    Those eyelashes are lethal....


    The whole rear-view is mighty nice...


    And even though part of this pic this has been the topic of mucho-goodo convo today, you can never have enough Clay Aiken bum, right??


  4. oK....I'm :lmaosmiley-1: here, imagining Claygasm contorting her right arm and hand, trying to get it to bend that way! :cryingwlaughter: And then getting REALLY PISSED that she's not seeing 'the pinch'! :cryingwlaughter: I love you, honey, you know that...but dang, this is funny! :imgtongue:

    Watch that YouTube, babe :F_05BL17blowkiss: ....you're bound to see things clearly then....heeeeee! I love it!

    It IS funny!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    But I also know how frustrating it is to not see what everyone is talking about. Luckily CG has a board full of selfless, sacrificing friends here who will look at every picture, taking time to study them up close and label them, then watch the video over & over, pointing out every detail and angle, all so that she can hopefully, finally see HANNAH PINCHING CLAY'S BUTT!! :lmaosmiley-1:


  5. Now I am getting pissed cause I STILL DO NOT SEE THE STINKING BUTT PINCH!!!!

    Can anyone make a slo-mo of the .gif?? Maybe then I could see it!

    Ok, added a yellow circle around Hannah's fingers as they grab Clay's cute lil bum - it's her left hand, thumb at the top, pointer finger at the bottom (literally *and* figuratively).


    Can you see it now???

    I had to hide the dang thing umpteen times because people kept walking up & down my aisle here at work and this looks nothing like the Visio diagrams I'm supposed to be working on! :cryingwlaughter:

  6. I have this fantasy. Hannah and Clay have discussed the "enthusiasm" of his fans and the fact that we notice every little detail about him. This information then spreads faster than wild fire through the message boards. Not only do the message boards find out about it within minutes of its occurrence but this detail then creates pages and pages of discussion. They decide to play around with us, hence the butt pinch.

    Now, Lotus.... do you really think Clay would tease his adoring fans like that?! :naughtywag:

    I certainly do! :cryingwlaughter: I heard he was over in the Spam recap thread at the OFC earlier. Probably still in bed, in his pj's, bed-head, glasses, giggling maniacally.......

  7. Um, yeah, CG, ya definitely need to find those glasses! :cryingwlaughter: Ms. Hannah most certainly did get cheeky with Mr. Aiken - and it was CUTE!

    Was talking to a friend on Friday afternoon and told her about picking 3 favorite pieces of Clack. I got this in an email this morning:

    I've decided mine....

    1. Measure of a Man from Independent Tour at Wilkes Barre (Audience sings)

    2. When a Man Loves a Woman - Jukebox Tour (Stump the band)

    3. The Fifth Element - Montage by NCClaymate

    No question these are my top....well until you give me something better to watch of course! :0)

    I'm at work, so I don't have time to look for links right now, but will do so later if noone else has. Everyone have a good Monday - no doubt those getting ready to travel to NYC definitely will! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  8. Welcome, gloch! :welcome:

    muski... what I found interesting about that gif of Hannah butt pinching is the fact that he didn't even look around immediately to see who had done him. Is he so used to being pinched that he could just wait to see who it was??? :cryingwlaughter: I mean if I ever got pinched, I would get whiplash looking to see who had done it. He just nonchalantly returned the playbill he was signing and then looked to see who it was. :cryingwlaughter:

    Yeah, I noticed that too -- he was so focused on his autograph signing that he was like "ho hum, someone pinched me in the butt." Hee. Actually, I think it's kind of that "family" thing that he's mentioned more than a few times. Although I hope no one in my family pinches me in the butt. *g*

    I've watched the video many just a few times and I like to think she said a few softly spoken, well chosen words (use your imagination) in his ear as she passed and that's why he wasn't at all surprised..... :whistling-1:

  9. :cryingwlaughter:Muski, I just love your description of Kimberme! :cryingwlaughter: And, yeah, I knew a lot of girls like her in high school, too.

    This week's show - - - Wow... I didn't remember Kimberme singing butchering EID. :huh: After ATDW, that's another one that belongs to Clay in my book. Carmen singing butchering Blondie. Wasn't crazy about Josh or Ricky either. It amazes me what my ears hear and what comes out of the judge's mouths. :wacko:

    Clay was so freaking CUTE! Orange, but CUTE! :flirtysmile3:

  10. Oh no, FromClaygary! Be careful! I'm getting ready to head out & dig out my car, too, but luckily we *only* got about 15 inches here. Although for this area, that's about an entire winter's worth of snow!

    Ohmahgoodness! I love, love, love the pic & gif of Hannah pinching Clay - too freaking CUTE! And he does look quite pinchable.... oh to be on the other side of the barricades, huh? :flirtysmile3:

    Welcome, calclay! :welcome:

    Cotton, I'm having a little trouble figuring it out, but I kinda sorta get the feeling you might be just a little, tiny, wee bit excited about something or other..... :lmaosmiley-1:

  11. I've been thinking about 3 favorite pieces of Clack and am having a wee bit of trouble narrowing it down, but Clay singing to his Papa is definitely one of them.....

    YouTube - Beautiful Star of Bethlehem Raleigh JNT '05


    And I see skybar beat me to it!!

    Ok, another favorite:

    YouTube - Clay Takes Clack Ft Myers Aug '07

    And another - I may have to have another 3.... :cryingwlaughter:

    YouTube - Quiana Sits on Clay's Lap WLTGD

  12. Help!!! I seem to be lost in a very expen$ive blizzard! Instead of going right for the nap, I decided to check out telecharge.com.... before I knew what was happening, I'd purchased another set of Spam tickets.... I wasn't going to do that.... I was going to wait....

    All could think of as I opened my confirmation email was this emoticon: :thsign27:

  13. Drive safe Annabear and let us know you have arrived home safe and sound.

    Thanks, rohdy! I made it in an hour & a half, which is good time with snow. Granted, I live only 7 minutes aways when it's not snowing, but off of a main street that is only 2 lanes and should be at least 4 with the amount of traffic, which backs everything else up when it snows - grrrrrr. Only had one scare when I made a left turn and the car just kept turning. :unsure:

    Off to take a nap, perchance to dream of a certain CUTE someone..... :flirtysmile3:

    EAT: They've now canceled our winter storm warning. It's been replaced with a BLIZZARD warning.... I ask again, IS IT APRIL YET??? :idk:

  14. Hey all you dieters, I'm feeling kinda lonely in the Shaping Up forum these days, have y'all fallen off the wagon?

    Is that wagon anything like the cart that Not Dead Fred doesn't want to be on? :chair:

    From scrpkym at CB:

    Well, I just made it home from my mini-vacation to NYC. I'm glad you all enjoyed the pics I posted from the last two nights. I wish I could just move to NYC for the next two months and take pics of him every night!!!

    I'm not very good at recaps, which is why I usually just stick to the pics, but I wanted to mention a couple of small change ups I noticed. It's been mentioned many times, but every time I see the show, Clay seems to get better......even when you think he couldn't possibly do it better. I love noticing all the little differences and watching for the ad-libs especially when he's not on mic. I loved the way he delivered the line "African swallows are non-migratory so they couldn't carry a coconut back ANYWAY", with emphasis on "anyway".....so cute! And he also changed up some emphasis in the Not Dead Yet scene too. He said "I can't take him like THAT!" when the emphasis used to be more on "can't" It's just small little changes, but they make a big difference.....especially since he's just much more comfortable and natural in his delivery.

    During the French taunter scene, he is so funny when tying up his horse. On Tuesday, Patsy seemed to be worried about Clay's horse, so Clay made this action as if to say "It's okay -- he's okay" and then pet the horse. Very cute! And then during the "le vache" part, Patsy's line is "what could they possibly do with a cow?" and Clay makes a milking motion with his hands and says "milk it?" with this confused look on his face. OMG! Soooo cute!

    His big number is AMAZING!!! I loved how he warmed up before he started playing the piano. He floated his fingers above the keys, but kept moving them around....as if he wasn't sure where he was going to start playing. It was very funny!

    And the guard scene is THE BEST!!! I laugh more and more at that every time. He's just sooo silly! And now when he starts to leave the room with Herbert's father, he does this little hop-kick before he starts to walk -- soooo cute! I LOVED THAT!!!

    And he changed up the finale too. You've all seen the video from the TV footage where he says he's found his grail....."MUSICAL THEATER" He used to do it with his legs spread, arms out and knees bent. Well, now he's doing it with all his limbs pulled in before he bursts into his song and dance.

    I'm sure there is much more.....more than I even noticed. I LOVE THIS SHOW! And I can't get enough!

    I haven't read that part before in any recaps about milking the cow! :cryingwlaughter: Add me to the list of those who are bummed about missing Chris S.

    Well, the 'white death' has arrived in my neck of the woods this morning. :snowing2: I wasn't really expecting much until they said on the news that this storm could rival the one we had just before Christmas 2004. :deepersnow: I remember that one well - four of us took off on the snow covered, deserted roads the next morning for Detroit. We had to get off the parking lot that was I-75 and take back roads, but we were sure we'd be fine as long as were heading north - hee!

    Is it April YET???

    ETA: OMG!! How funny is it that the theme for our campaign drive for the Fine Arts Fund here at work this year is - are you ready for this?? - "MONTY PEYETHON"!!! The flyer they just passed out even has the Holy Grail & flying la vaches on it! :lmaosmiley-1:

  15. Luke's gotta go. His thin, whiney voice irritates the hell outta me...and WTF? "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go?"

    I LOVE that song--Hallelujah, but mostly know about k.d.lang's version. I'd KILL to hear how Clay would interpret and perform it. :Thud:

    I'm with you guys with the 'not feelin' it' car. Even the guys with decent voices and performances---nothing is special. Nothing really memorable or that reaches into me and grabs me like Clay's voice does.

    I have to say, though...that at a couple of points I was thinking about how, even with all the added enhancements the contestants now enjoy---live band and backup singers, choice to include own instruments, being able to sing longer snippets, etc.---nobody has reached me, affected me like Clay did five years ago singing alone on stage to a recorded track and corny visuals on a screen behind him. Imagine what he might have done with a live band!


    I like Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah, as well as k.d. Lang's, but would definitely like to hear Clay sing it someday.

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