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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Can any imagine this man appearing in the night as you sleep, his presence alone waking you. You open your eyes and see him watching you dream....



    Um, yeah, I wish I would open my eyes to that in the middle of the night instead of one of the cats sitting on the pillow next to my head, staring me down. <_<

  2. OMG, kill me now...check out the cd cover!!!


    sorry I don't know how to post it here.....I'm sure someone will do it soon!!

    How bad is it that I clicked on that link expecting to see some pic we've seen before & be disapointed that it wasn't the real album cover? No offense to you, heinz! Actually, THANK YOU, heinz! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    A profile shot. That absolutely beautiful, perfect Clay Aiken profile.... eyes.... lashes.... nose.... cheekbones.... sideburns.... jawline.... lips.... oh my goodness.... I just GAH'd out loud & scared the kitties.... :Thud:

  3. Actually, I am amazed at the number of people goingto NYC for the first time from all over the country/world. Another example of learning a lot as a Clay fan.

    Also another example as to why we should all be getting bigger tax rebates than the general public - we have, do and will be putting it right back into supporting the economy in various towns all over the country!

    Aiken is expected to tour the U.S. this summer, beginning in July.


    Bring it on CUTE singerman!


    My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.

    Thread title?

    Second job here I come! :thRoadRunner:

  4. I know that the Chelsea hotel used to be there, a real dive, but made famous for all the famous people who stayed there and it is where that punk rocker and his girlfriend killed themselves - there wasa movie aoubt them. Ihaven't been there for years, most places in midtown have cleaned up. I should not talk about it, haven't been there for over 7 years.


    Ok after some Googling & Wiki help I figured out what you were talking about! :cryingwlaughter: That was back in the late '70s, almost before my time. Seems the Hilton Garden Inn is actually in more what is called Midtown South. Even with the cheaper rate I think we're going to stick with our Midtown East reservation as that sounds like it's a little more central to most of the things we're planning to do. Besides that, I'm not sure about giving business to the HGI and in a roundabout way putting more $$$ in Paris' pocketbook!


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a medical alert about a highly contagious potentially dangerous virus that is transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically.

    This virus is called Weary-Overload-Recreational-Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from any of your colleagues, your boss, or anyone else via any means DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe out your private life completely.

    If you should come into contact with WORK, put your jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest grocery store. Purchase the antidote known as Work-Isolating-Neutralizer-Extract (WINE) or Bothersome-Employer-Elimination-Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

    You should forward this warning to 5 friends. If you do not have 5 friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.

  6. Another story coming... tissue may be required...

    My son is a fireman/paramedic. One of his fellow firemen died on the 10th of a very weird disease contracted while fighting last fall's wildfires. My son asked me to come to the memorial today. If you have never witnessed this, it is amazing. First, rigs and firemen from all over Southern California came. Some manned the firehouses so that all the city firefighters could go to the memorial. When you drove up to the church, two ladder rigs had their ladders up facing each other with a huge American flag draped between them. There were 20-30 rigs from all over parked in a row.

    We went in and waited with the families of the firemen. Firemen from elsewhere formed an avenue for the limos of the family and the engines/rigs to go thru. There was a colorguard of firemen holding flags from all over and bagpipes. Once the limos had dropped off the immediate family (three teenagers and their mother), the engines paraded and 3 helicopers flew overhead as part of the parade. The colorguard and the bagpipes escorted the family to their seats.

    The funeral was inspiring. All the speakers, almost to a man, reiterated that firemen take care of their own and this family would want for nothing they could provide for them. What got me to tears, tho, was a video shown. The fireman had died in a hospital in San Diego. When it was time to bring his body back, the hearse was escorted by two fire engines. On EVERY SINGLE OVERPASS between SD and home, there was a fire engine parked and its firemen crew standing on top of it saluting. OMG. That just touched me so much!

    It was an experience I hope never to witness again, but what an honor to have seen it.

    Live your life with gusto cause NOBODY knows how long they have on this earth! Love, live, learn!

    What a great story, liney. Thanks for sharing it. Live with gusto indeed! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    But some good news from my family...my cousin...in his late 50s has a brand spanking new 25 year old hockey player heart! We're so happy and grateful to the donor and his family. It's sad to lose someone so young... but this has really opened up my eyes to the importance of being a donor. It's definitely something I will look into more.

    How wonderful for your family, couchie, especially your cousin! :clap:

    I'm still loving all the recaps & stage door pics. He's so CUTE! Twenty-seven days..... :flirtysmile3:

  7. A couple of questions for more seasoned travelers, which would be just about anyone other than me! :cryingwlaughter:

    This may sound silly, but I'm going to ask anyway.... :blush: Do you need to have cash for cab fare, or can you use debit/credit cards? Also, what's the usual for tipping? Obvious NYC virgin asking here! For that matter, what would we definitely need to have cash for while in the city? I use my check card everywhere I go in my everyday life - very rarely need to use cash.

    Is anyone familiar with the Chelsea area? A friend found a good deal on a hotel that's just about a mile from the the theatre district, around 7th & 28th, I believe. Wondering how the area is?

  8. Morning FCA!

    Cute recap of last night's show from Austenfan at CB - - -

    First of all, it was indeed a sellout. I heard someone say 'sold out' when I entered the theater but I couldn't see the box office because it was too crowded. But when I left I could see the 'SOLD OUT' sign in the window.

    There was a full stage door with signing as the rain and wind stopped and it got milder. I got some video though not the best due to the big crowd but something.

    Lots of young people. As a matter of fact there were lots of large groups of young folk which I'm guessing is spring break related. Spring break, Clay in wooly tights...Yoewa.

    When I sat down the guy next to me looked at the program and read 'Clay Aiken, Sir Robin, Guard 1 and Brother Maynard. Then he said something about AI and 17 year old kids and who says folks from those shows can sing and act. And he said these are the same people who think Britney Spears can sing. At the end of the show he said something about 'amazing'. And the person he was with was laughing so hard they were doubled over in their chair. I thought they were gonna fall off their seat.

    We got a truly majestic 'raising of the tunic'. Full view of all the luscious gorgeousness. And for quite an extended length of time. Got some catcalls and whistles from throughout the crowd. And it even got a laugh from the guy next to me. Clay searching the piano keys for where to play got more laughs. And when he did the faces while turning to the front of the piano and then crosses his leg and moves his head back and gives the 'look'. --- wow. BIg laughs at every move. And the audience went wild at the shimmy. Clay's singing was so rich and strong on those 'Oys'. Just a little singin' 'll do you.

    Second part....

    The drunken guard scene was one of the funniest ever. There was a substitute for Patsy. The sub did get a huge laugh on 'It's not the kind of thing you say to a heavily armed Christian' when he explained why he didn't say he was Jewish. The sub did allright but just didn't catch the drunken guard. So Clay's facial expessions and body movements and Christopher Sieber as the 'dad' really made that scene. And just my goodness. People were laughing so hard and so long it hurt. When Clay did his laugh and said 'I thought you meant him' (thought he was supposed to keep the other guard in the room instead of the prince) - he got huge laughs. I remember early on that got very little laughter. Now every phrase is hysterical. When the 'dad' is about to leave the guards he holds his hands out and hesitates to talk like he's afraid the guard (Clay) will again say something clueless. As long as the audience laughs he keeps at it. And this time it went on and on..I think had the dad not stopped people would have laughed for several more minutes. After that the other actors picked up the energy and Herbert in the tower (Tom Deckman) and Lancelot (Rick Holmes) were hysterical.

    Clay was so animated during the Brother Maynard scene raising his eyes and looking down like he's trying to read and being so serious about the silly Holy Hand Grenade and how 'thy foe will snuff it, in his mercy'. The timing was perfect so laughs at every word.

    During intermission this young woman talked on her cell phone and said the show was 'bleeping hysterical'.

    The peasant was an older man. His last name was 'Height'. And when he said that Clay raised his arm above his head to indicate 'height'. Very cute. Then the King said 'and he's a Jew'. And Clay squatted down to the ground (Yeowza again) and then jumped up and down like a kid at Christmas.

    The entire audience appeared to be on their feet from the first bow. And Clay got a great response. I'd say the best of the night. The whole show was incredible.

    Cute moment from stage door...several folks came to sign while Clay was there..Rick Holmes, Hannah Waddingham and Tom Deckman. At the end when Clay goes in you can hear Hannah squeal 'I Love You Clay' in her best fangirly voice. Clay was on fire tonight. The whole show was wow.

  9. Hey, Muski and Couchie, are ya'll feeling better? I sure hope so!

    Heeee, sounds like a great deal of fun at Spamalot tonight. Can't wait for a full report.

    Yeah that - to both parts! Hope ldyj is feeling better, too. And anyone else struck down with the crappy creeping crud!

    No PW rule?! :o :P

  10. Had to come out of lurkerdom to say that banner is soooo COOL!!! Thanks cindilu :thankyou:

    And as long as I'm here, thanks so much to all of you who share pictures, video, etc. It is greatly appreciated. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Special hello to annabear - can't wait to see your finished Sir Robin bear. :bighug:

    Look at you with your all of 7 posts! :thbighug-1: Good to "see" you, CarolinaBound!

    I wondered if Clay would be involved with the UNICEF Tap Project - they've been talking about it on the news around here since the weekend. Around 100 area restaurants are participating by asking people to donate $ for the usually free water. Can't wait to get home & see the video. :)

    EEEEEEE!!! for playbiller! Watch out for migrating coconuts....

    Also watch out for whatever else the swallows - European or African - may drop..... Have fun, Play!

  11. How cool that Clay is getting radio play somewhere!

    As much fun as Clay seems to be having on Broadway, I can't help selfishly hoping, just a little bit, that as his Spam run draws closer to an end, he starts really itching to take charge of his own stage and get back on the road again.


    Me too! My very first Clay friend called me last week & we realized it was the 4 year anniversary of our first meeting as well as my first Clay concert - the Columbus IT. We've been on many roadtrips since and are definitely feeling the urge to head out again. She wasn't able to do the CITH and won't be able to go to NYC either, so we're hoping for some fun this summer!

    It's raining cats & dogs here this morning - literally, I think. I have a carport in my apartment complex and this morning when I got in the car, it looked like cats had been dancing an Irish jig overnight!! There were paw prints EVERYWHERE!


  12. Migraine trigger, babe. B) Please, your knees look like they're much cute than mine and I don't need the competion. :imgtongue:

    OK, I'll give you a pass on the migraine thing - HATE those!

    Well, I managed to get new carry-on bag ordered for my trip today. And it's not green & white check, nor does it blink. Although for luggage findability (is that a word?), that's not such a bad idea..... Anyway, Ebags has a 20% off St. Patrick's Day special going thru midnight if anyone needs a new bag. And you can shop them thru GoodSearch and benefit your fave charity. [/end PSA]

    I have been working way more then I like to, but this past weekend I did manage a get away with my girlfriends...two of who are going to see Spamalot and two of us who are not....*sigh*. We had a great time, they area scrappers...so we spent some time in Scrapbook stores, did some other shopping, ate out, talked Clay and watched lots of clack. Everything from AI tour to last summer in Ashville. I love that these girl were brought into my life through the wonders of the Clay World.

    Sounds like fun! That guy with the voice really has made a difference, hasn't he? Lots of friendships formed that otherwise wouldn't have been? :wub: I scrapbook, too. For everyone except myself - my pics are in boxes, not books! :glare: Thanks for bringing over Randy "Dawg" Jackson's comments with Lynda L.

    Thank you, ldyj for the USA Today ordering info! I never did find one around here.

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