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Posts posted by calurker

  1. My friend and I saw Neil when we were in Vegas for the skating show........it was a good show. I actually didn't realize how strong a voice he had. Knowing all the lyrics to the songs felt a bit wierd. How old are we?..was the question....my friend and I just looked at each other and laughed. :cryingwlaughter:

    It was great to see Clay accknowledged at the show, and yes we squealed, but so did quite a few others...so obviously we were in great company. :lilredani:

  2. This board moves so fast...it's hard to keep up....z-o-o-o-o-om !!!!!!!!!!!! ....Plus the fact that I got sidelined looking at those gorgeous photos :hubbahubba: OMG...he has turned back time...the man is amazing.

    In response to muskifest....Clay said in an interview that his mother was liking the blonde hair because it was the closest he had been to his natural colour. If you go back to some of the AI pictures, not from the show itself but the casual ones, there are pictures where he appears to be a strawberry blonde or something close to that.

    That's all I got ...oh yeah... :013085001176249046:

  3. FearofH2O...........KUDOS...RIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've been watching the storm's progress on CNN and reading all the posts on this board. I hope everyone is safe . We very seldom get storms like this in our province and I can't imagine being slammed by one after another. Take care.

    Sometimes I think CNN thinks it's putting on a production , of sorts. Why are those nuts standing out in that horrific wind or waste deep in water????? Clear, concise reporting is not enough, obviously, so let's put the reporter's life at risk. I don't get it. I don't think they should fool with Mother Nature, she's very unpredictable.

  4. Obviously she does...and , might I say, very well. Don't ya just love it when people have hidden talents. :clap:

    Now the possibilities are endless..........hey Cotton...we'll just have you interpret all sensual pics from this point on. Someone will be responsible for lighting candles and I'll get the cigs and drinks. OK....I could be getting a bit carried away...... :hysterical: BUT.....Cotton's writing prowess and Nude Spamalot........too much to handle in one night.

  5. :hello: I really thought he was great on Regis and xxxxx(yuk)....he upstaged her, she couldn't keep up, she threw a tantrum....but that's water under the bridge.

    The Leno interview with Jack Black was great and the radio interview where he gave the DJ a hard time because she was at the audition where he didn't make it...that was a hoot...he really gave her a hard time but it was funny. The Ryan Seacreast interview where he said he wanted to be married and have twins was another funny one. I could go on and on...but I won't.

    Regis is here in Halifax this weekend at the Sheridan...why??? ...I don't know.....I would have liked to see him just to verify how short he is. I'm funny that way, but I really don't want to pay to see him, if ya get my drift. Now, if it was Clay....that would be a horse of a different colour.

    Oh yeah...... :013085001176249046: Sure would like to see or hear him on something soon....I know...Spamalot's coming...but I mean an interview or something but then again they would probably drive him nuts with ridiculous relationship/baby questions and I don't think he is going to go there any time soon and I really don't blame him.

    Back to my lurkdom...I'm still walking that dog...dang it. :rolleyes:

  6. I AM IMPRESSED :lilredani: Everyone's on the ball tonight and now "doing Clay Aiken" is one less thing I have to inquire about. Can you still purchase those pins shown above or are they a thing of the past?

    I have no problem with the "doing Clay Aiken" theme now that Clay's a daddy....unless......are there any children on this board? hmmmmmmmm You can still be family friendly and "do" Clay Aiken ...in your mind....why am I even talking about this :hangin: ......how easily a simple phrase promotes thought provoking discussion............. :hysterical:

  7. I'm likin' the new pin....I'll have to have a few. :hello: Nice design.

    What's a "doing Clay" pin?...not that my imagination can't answer that question FOR me...just want to see it in print. Sounds like a tradition that I could adopt quite easily. :DoClay: hmmm.I used to be so shy..........NOT. :013085001176249046:

    Is the coke contest only in the USA ?

    Annabear, the worker in the store is probably used to fans chasing anything CLay related down the isles and thus was not affected by your non exploding cans.It's odd though, don't you think..... I would have thought any can's with Clay's name would have exploded on impact...Just saying! :whistling-1:

  8. Hey....I don't know anyone but Happy Birthday to everyone.....whenever it occurs...that should about cover it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Gossip that has nothing to do with Clay cos "the man's" recouping.....Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman have split...awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :

    Karen eh...degree in geology??? .......I always knew you rocked. :cryingwlaughter: I still haven't gotten over the quilting admission...my head is spinning......I am putting together a question and answer sheet for you to fill out the next time we cross paths........Clay's song "The Real Me " will make a great title for your book ......let me know when it comes out.

    Clay content: There is one thing I am absolutely, positively sure of....I mean this is a definite fact............no question about it..........

    ta-da..... :013085001176249046: ...and, of course, all the other little pieces that hold the man together.

    Good God, I'm gonna be a "dog walker" for the rest of my life............I can feel it in mah bones.

  9. That's the only problem with Clay and "dark" hair.......his skin is so pale(whiter than white)..it makes him look ill sometimes. I'll take him anyway I can get him but I do love his hair when it's lighter. Most of the shots of him with lighter hair are amazing(IMO)........then again there are some shots with the darker( not dark, dark) shoter hair that look great too.

    OK...I'm torn here. Did it look like he had a goatee and a moustache to anyone else but me and aikim????(in the new UNICEF picture , I mean) Maybe it was just because the shot wasn't clear. Naw....can't be..huh?

  10. I just finished reading Karen eh's blog...what a great story....it took no time to read it( so well written)...the humour , the pictures....make sure you don't miss it.The toilet bits are a hoot... I can't imagine ever peeing over there...my bladder would just have to explode or I would have to get a portable catheter :cryingwlaughter:

    I think we all pretty much agree that we only know the Clay Aiken that caught our attention on AI in 2003.We don't really know the Clayton Aiken that lives his private life in North Carolina. The aspects of his personal life that were revealed to us in LTS and in a few early interviews are sparce and totally memorized by now. Due to a series of smut filled tabloid stories , out of context quotes and space fillers made up by those who need hits for their sites.....some fans or so-called fans presume to know more about the man than they actually do.(the imagination can create very imaginative truths) In fact, as time goes on, instead of learning more about him we are being shut out of his private life and I think probably this is a good thing.....for Clay and for those of us who truly want to enjoy this man as an entertainer. His private life should not be for the entertainment of the fans, but his public life where he talks and acts and sings should be for everyone who is interested to enjoy and it should be fulfilling for Clay. He has to make the desicion how this is accomplished. Not everything is going to be a hit and that's OK....he's strong, stubborn, determined and I think it will take more than tabloid gossip and innuendo to end his career. He's not taken the easy road yet.

    All the talk of wanting Clay to have his "fairy tale" wedding....what do we know?..nothing. Just for supposition's sake.....let's sayIIT.....who's to say he didn't have his "fairy tale wedding"...wouldn't surprise me in the least. Yes , it is possible that we would not know....we're not as tuned in as we were years ago, we're not psychic(at least I don't think anyone is)...it takes ages for information to reach us. I don't know Jaymes but I'm sure if Clay has picked her as a friend that she has a quality he admires and what WE think doesn't matter a hill of beans anyway.....it's his happiness...I never asked Clay if he liked my husband, wouldn't matter if he didn't..that was my choice not his.

    I myself have decided not to take sides on the IIT/INT fence. As long as the music keeps coming and Clay continues to push forward(could be a bad choice of words at this time) .......I'll be buying CD's and going to concerts and watching his interviews and waiting to see what he is going to come up with next.The rides's been real interesting so far...can't wait to get a peek around the corner. :013085001176249046: (I just love that emoticon)

    These are my views...JMO....let it go in one ear and out the other if it makes you happy....just chaulk it up to "one more opinion duly noted." :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  11. Rachael Rae had an interesting segment on today about "gossip". They challenged 4 women in their twenties(all professionals by the way) to go an entire week without gossiping. These women were heavy into the tabloids and entertainment shows. It was a hoot and they had a really difficult time...actually had to start over a couple of times. They were suffering withdrawal, I swear.

    You're right, surely I can find a better way to celebrate Canada Day....but it's taken me ages to catch up with you all. You sure can talk. At least today I don't feel guilty because I don't quilt or knit(mind you, your creations are to be admired).......I can't even throw in my 2 cents about radio play in my area.....cos there ain't none that I can find....wonder what he did to mess with the Canadian stations??

    The main thing is the sun has finally come out after a very depressing week of fog( can't do a thing with my hair) The temp got all the way up to18(66)......HEAT WAVE....break out the sunscreen.....Canadain skin must be protected at all times.

    I have no breaking news or reports of anything remotely interesting...I am excited to hear Karen eh is in motion and heading this way........fireworks tonight providing the fog stays outside the harbour. So for now it's back to my cave or maybe I'll venture outside..now that would be a novel idea.

  12. Thanks Cotton.........I have to admit one thing and that is that Clay's travels for UNICEF have made me so much more aware of conditions in the world around me. Those pictures just make me realize how lucky I am....I really have nothing to complain about.

    On a lighter note:I have a question...stupid though it may be......what's all this stuff about "titanium balls" and "too tight bows"???? I'm really out of the loop on this one.

    Hey people...I don't mind being a "dog walker" but I ain't touchin" no poop.......guess I'm a cat person.....LOL

  13. What a coincidense....I have been seeing that "lost 3/4 of his fan base " over and over and I'm thinking ...Good Lord, that's a bunch,huh. Somehow, seems a tad extreme...not that I know...maybe we'll be the only ones at the next concert...talk about meet and greet. How did they come up with THAT fugure? Did they poll the "claynation"? How do you poll people who are not there anymore? Did they pick a number out of a hat? I'm still here....right????( we lurkers are never sure)

    It's been a strange morning.....like the outer limits or the onset of "full moon".

    First I get sent home from work because I'm sneezing over everyone...oops!!!!!! Better than "upchucking"is what I say.

    Then I read a post that says Clay needs a manager that will suggest he take exlax...hmmmm....several thoughts come to mind but I'll keep them to myself...LOL

    And now the topper of toppers....... I hear on the radio that Fantasia and Kelly Clarkson are in talks with Playboy Magazine in regards to the magazine's fall layout. The visualisation of the resulting Playboy images(ack) are interfering with my power of speech. There are just NO words to express what my brain is imagining as it trys to process this little tidbit. How old is the "HEF" now...110???

    OK.....THAT'S IT(I've taken in too much info this am)......I've got my juice and the remote....think I'll zone out.

  14. Ah do-o-o-o love me a marguarita....yum....hic....or two. :cocktail:

    That video is too much..... :cryingwlaughter: ...I think she could use a drink ir maybe even a drug.Mariah gave her kudos for getiing up in front of people and singing that song......wonder what Simon would have given her.I'm sure it would have started with..."that reminded me of..........(fill in the blank)"

  15. Hey muskifest(God I hope that's right...I lost my page...again)........I'm not even sure what page my post was on...I've never seen a board move so fast and the topics just keep floating in and out....... serious, humourous, smutty( have no fears, I've smutted with the worst :cryingwlaughter: )

    This board reminds me of YouTube....I pop over just for a minute to see a video everyone is raving about and an hour later I'm still there and the night has vanished and my uniform is still wrinkled in the laundry basket. Ah well, the crumpled look is in.

    I am just facinated by his hands, huge strong, gentle.....ok..so I'm easily entertained. That's a cute bum in annabear's picture.......I'm also easily wound up....too much info coming out here, maybe I should have had only one marguerita.LOL

  16. Love the typo....hawt....[b]Hmmmm...now that might look good on a shirt.( no name..so that's good,right?) :cryingwlaughter:

    As for the poster who stated her opinion on Clay's sexality to Clay's mother......I'm dumbfounded.........that I think was just too over the top.Talk about crossing a major line. I can't imagine what would go through my mind if someone spoke to me that way about my son. I can't imagine presuming that you ever had a right to express an opinion like that to his mother.( are you a close relative by any chance????)That blows my mind......I 've been lurking for a long,long time and I don't think I have ever heard of anyone, anywhere else being that insensitve................I may need a stiff drink after that revalation. :glare: Who has the bottle...pass it this way.

  17. It's early am and the fog is slowly working it's way up and out of the harbour...I'm sipping my coffee, praying the temp goes higher than 10(50) and catching up on the many posts I've missed since last night. This board is like reading a "new novel" everyday....love it.

    I thought I would add my 2 cents reguarding the montages made in Clay's defense.On the positive side they are extremely well done and the message is clear and unmistakable.(to sane people that is) Why some refute his denials is beyond me but then again what WOULD they have to gossip about.

    The downside to these montages, IMO, is that they just stir the pot once agian and all the sludge that has somewhat settled to the bottom, slowly works it's way to the surface. All the anti-Clay "gnats" are buzzing around again, blogging,posting, spewing their drivel and filling the comment columns with filth. The defense rises again and the circle continues....it's never ending. This is why I agree with Clay's "silence" strategy...sometimes the more you try and explain or defend yourself, the worse things become. This is JMO.

    As for "The Soup's" interview......leave out the part about the children and I definetely snickered once or twice.......maybe once, I wasn't REALLY counting. :whistling-1:

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