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Everything posted by Ansamcw

  1. yup we are discussing it...although now its a bit more about the boards..but you can certainly share your thoughts... I don;t think I can wait till august to say something...hee
  2. I'm lurking too but my question is why the hell would "clayandr" WANT to go read there and if she does, why wouldn't she make herself/himself invisible? And I thought "clayandr" meant Clay A & R, as in Artists and Repertoire. ***Back to lurking....*** Hee...glad to see you... I think its possible its not actually her thats reading. I always thought that this SN was all purpose for TC. If its her...well I remember when I was pregnant I was not always very smart about whats good for me. Those hormones y'know. I think that is one thing that worries me about this whole situation...Jaymes health. Dang it! Bye see ya! BWAH!!! you do have that accent that makes you lovable... Thats what we all would like to know I guess...sigh
  3. HEE....oh and Tijala...hope you don't lurk for long... I have to say that there hasn;t been anything Clay has done that pissed me off. There were times that I was worried about him, specially when he always seem to be sick or having trouble with his voice...some performance that I didn;t like and lots of pictures that just don't do it for me. But none of it really bothered me enough to rant about it. This is not because I think he is perfect or that I have him on a pedestal. I think its because I do recognize that the guy is imperfect ...is apt to make tons of mistake and is only human. I really dislike perfect people or people that think they have to be perfect. I like people that are willing to make fools of themselves...and are brave enough to take risks and make mistakes.
  4. I was just going to say something about how this happens at times. Sometimes people posts at the same time and we get several posts saying the same thing and it seems like somebody is getting a pile on. The other explanation is...maybe there are just a lot of people that like how Clay looks regardless and like to say it. I know I am not one of them...I have finally gotten used to the blonde. There are a lot of times when I don't like a look but I will just let it go, its just not that important to me.
  5. What is it about Clay that brings out all these emotions in people.... Heidi...your post made me think cos I also had some eye opening experiences with my friends in the Philippines who are constantly surrounded by gay friends. They were certainly not PC in talking about people's sexuality and insisting on the superiority of their gaydar. I think this developed because their gay friends are constantly talking about who are in the closet and talk bitchy critical about everyone. I found that it was part of that particular gay culture and it was tough for me to get used to that. I was just thinking that if I never got into this Clay fandom then I will probably be just like them thinking a guy on a hip hop work out video was gay because of the way he dances. I am really very thankful that this fandom has made me more sensitive about certain issues. Scarlett and KAndre...love ya. Perma...great point about the timing of what you say. One of the really helpful rules that I found in TWOP and CH was catch up on the posts before you post. At times people need to read the mood of the room before posting. I am not good at social small talk..I often envy Muski's way of being able to share tidbits of her life with us and always make it so interesting. How Kandre can always be bitchy with humor, how cha cha can share beautiful images with us and ldyjocelyn is great at responding to so many people at one time and always so positive. But thats not me...so I don't try. I just post when something moves me and when I have time in RL so I am sorry if some people do not feel appreciated. I always thought that no one reads my posts in CH because I am usually boring full of analysis and logic...then once in a while I get a pm and someone will tell me they agree ...or when we were in california...I was surprised when several people came to me to thank me for my posts...that was nice. So really...the only way to be part of a community is to take part in it...
  6. Generalization is never pretty...it irks me. I don't know if some people on FCA think Clay's perfect...I don;t know if some people worship Clay....but I know there is no board rule that he is perfect and that people cannot criticize him. Not wanting people to disrespect him does not mean we think he is perfect. It is possible to criticize to give concerns without actual bashing, its all in the choice of words. In my view of Clay...I actually never imagined him marrying a celebrity. I always thought that he will be more attracted to someone that is not in the business. I don't think Clay will go for an empty headed bimbo cos I do believe he needs to have someone that he can talk to or relate to, but intelligence, integrity, strength is not in social status, career or even in education. So I don;t think that Clay is one to look at a persons status or acceptability in the celebrity realm before he can have a relationship with them. I just never took him to be a snob or into trying to be cool. WORD couchie about the "good ol days".
  7. I used to love scary games like DOOM and remember wolfenstein??? But I am a bit wary about putting huge complicated games on my computer now. The girls put guitar hero on their computer...and oh there was a time when The Sims was pretty popular in out family. Now I do a lot of backgammon and puzzles...couchie did get me playing spider solitaire...hee
  8. CG... FIRST OF ALL...I am not Couchie...she is not around to answer you herself...but don;t you know us already? WHERE in our history did you get the idea she was telling you to shut up. We have been a proponent of letting people express their opinions whether we agree with them or not to the detriment of the rep of this board at times. We let you express yours in as strong a language as you need but people who does not agree with you get to express their opinions too. Just because people may disagree with you does not mean we want you to shut up. No one is intimidated by your opinion so you can go ahead and keep posting them but people will respond as they see fit and call it as they see it if some of your opinions become disturbing. ...I have a feeling you are the one that is trying to shut the discussion up because you keep questioning why people are giving this story attention. You have made your feelings loud and clear...you do not like this scenario ergo you do not want to believe it or even discuss it. But you don;t get to decide what other people feel about this. We will discuss it however we want to. You can join in if you want but if its too disturbing for you and you start personalizing every post on this subject then I suggest you just step back from your computer and get some perspective. ...that admin note I put up was a reminder that even if we are pretty lenient here about what we let you guys discuss...there is one rule that has always been a part of FCA...we have zero tolerance for bashing of Clay, his mom, his family and his friends. Clayzors post IMO was verging on disrespectful and it was outright disrespectful in the POV of some of the members. IF I thought she was going over the line then I would've made her edit or I would've edited her myself. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that she was simply having communication problems. The Admin note was a reminder for the WHOLE board that we should be careful of our discussions because Jaymes is a friend of Clay. This is not a special rule because we think she is now Clays babymama and we want to kiss her butt or something...this is just the courtesy we extend to the whole Clay entourage and Clay himself. ...I have no problem when people post quotes from other boards...but nothing in the posts you quoted was new to this board. NO ONE that I know in this board is buying them baby gifts...the idesa in those posts are pretty much echoed in a lot of posts the past few days so I don;t know what you are trying to do by bringing posts from the CH. ...If you want us to respect your feelings and opinions please respect others too and stop questioning how other people feel like we are a bunch of delusional people for considering the possibility. There has been no definitive statement on this so anything is possible. If you are feeling like a pariah I;m sorry about that but at this point my problem with your posting is not your opinion but the fact that you just can't let go and just accept the fact that people feel differently than you on this and because you keep taking the posts personally. and no I am not saying you have to shut up...but maybe think before you post or cool off for a bit. ...This whole issue need not be divisive if we can all agree to disagree and not get too emotional about it. I said I tend to believe the more we don;t hear anything...lots of other disagree...thats cool. I also am not invested in this being true btw...even if we just hear about this in two years and Clay says its not true...I will accept that, no big deal.
  9. Huh. And I am thinking just the opposite. I think if it were TRUE they would have made a statement. Now I think it's being treated like all the other trashy gossip about Clay that is out there...ignored. But this trashy gossip concerns his close friend and the only reason its a story at all is because its Clay, this is very different from all the other trashy gossip about Clay in the past. The easiest way to get rid of this story is for a statement by Clay camp saying ...its not true. At this point this is taken as true in the media and soon it will be fact to most people that hear it. IF there is a baby...this will affect this babies life cos he/she will be known as Clay's kid. Now if Jaymes is not even pregnant then yeah just ignore it. But if she is pregnant and Clay is NOT the daddy then I don't see why they don't just say so. Again...I am not saying I am totally convinced, cos who knows...maybe they are just waiting till Monday for the press release saying he is not the father. BUT if we don't hear otherwise until the baby is born then I will conclude that all parties are satisfied with people assuming this is Clay's kid. HEY calurker!!! welcome!!!
  10. Scarlett I don;t know either cos there are people there that have a problem with it thats for sure. But it certainly is becoming a recognized social phenomena...that is why my friend's husband was asked to write an article about it from a "cougar" partner POV. I always thought that in the asian culture there is less dichotomy...less black and white thinking IMO. At times it seems that there is less rigid social norms so that a sex scandal do not derail politicians careers and we can have female presidents.
  11. I understand this and I personally am not comfortable with with the term either. Both friends I mentioned lives in the Philippines...and the term "cougar" has evolved in the popular culture there such that it now connotes a strong attractive woman who knows what she wants who has a younger male partner. I don;t know how it is used here in North America cos I was not familiar with it until I visited the Philippines. I also have to add that both my friends with younger male partners didn't go after them either. They had a lot of personal reservations and these guys had to go through a lot of hoops to prove they were worthy or at least mature enough for a relationship. oh clarification...about my statement at SOME media responsibility...I meant that at least People got a confirmation although its stupid to rely on Davids rep cos he is not really directly involved. I also think that its this confirmation that Allowed some agencies to run with the story. BTW...never considered this could be a possibility when it was only TMZ reporting it. Only thought it could be real when the rep from David confirmed it. Now with that other article with another source that is not directly involve...I just don't know what to think. I;m prepared for it being true or not although I have to admit the longer Clay's camp keeps quiet about it...the more I tend to believe it.
  12. 2006 vs 2008....sorry to belabor the point but somehow this comparison kinda offended me. Muski I can see that you are making a comparison cos you are seeing similarities...in source, media and fan reaction...but I still say they are totally different. Source...the original source 2006 a sleazy psycho stalker; 2008...multiple unknown sources, but one confirmation from David's rep. The news agency that broke the stories are similar I grant you that. media reaction...here I see a huge difference. 2006 this story stayed in gossip tabloid level because there was never any confirmation from Clay's camp. It was reported in local gossip columns but national news entertainment agencies like ET, AH, People stayed away. That is why it was right that Clay never gave a statement to deny this because that would've been reported nationally. This time...the reason why it spread nationally like this is because its People magazine that got a CONFIRMATION from David's rep. As much as I agree that the media is in the toilet...in this instance I don't blame them because this guy made the huge mistake of opening his big mouth in the first place. YES there is a REPORT that he retracted...but what did he retract? Was his retraction believable? I kinda suspect that cos at this time only one article mentioned this and as far as I know People didn't pull that story out or print a retraction. I also understand why the EX sister in laws statement was never reported anywhere else because I would consider that to be a less reliable...more third hand info than a media savvy official rep that should know enough when to keep their mouth shut. So in this instance I can see SOME attempt at responsible behavior from the media. Fan reaction....is like night and day. 2006 huge majority of the fans were disgusted by the story and never believed any of it. No one was happy or rejoicing about it. The only ones happy were probably a fringe faction that keep pushing the Clay is gay agenda. BUT most fans were heartsick by it. This time the majority of the fans are in a wait and see mode but would be happy either way. YES some fans are upset and disappointed but I believe this is based on personal issues versus something intrinsically wrong or disgusting about the story. I see the disappointment coming from an incompatibility with THEIR view of Clay or they have issues with the age difference or the AI. But we also see a lot of people happy for clay and excited for the two of them. I think to me...equating the two reactions suggests that there is something wrong with being happy with this situation that it has to be questioned. WORD to so many posts this morning. Djs...thanks for giving us your personal experiences with older women younger men. There shouldn't be some rule placed on who we should love. As long as both parties are consenting adults then love is love. Ten years ago one of my best friends was going out with a guy 10 years younger...one of my other friends was very disapproving of it because of the age difference. Well in just two years my disapproving friend had to eat her words cos she met her current husband who is also 10 years younger than her. She realized how wrong she was in putting an age limit to relationships and now they have been married 6 years and have a beautiful daughter together...and her husband even wrote an article in a womens magazine about his "cougar" that showed how much love and respect was in that relationship. So yeah a relationship between a 50 year old woman and a 30 year old man may be unusual but there is nothing intrinsically wrong with it. I just never saw Clay as a conservative that believe a family should be a mom, dad and baby. He has said that he would like to have a wife and family but he never said thats the only family he would consider. Because its not them?
  13. Well naturally the reaction will be different. Those two stories are not even comparable. Two years ago that was such a sleazy story it never got reported in the regular entertainment news. That story also characterized Clay in a way that is totally unbelievable. This story involves a woman that we all know is a very special person in Clay;s life and involves an act of love and very positive. This is believable...and in line with the Clay we got to know...the crap 2 years ago was just the raving fantasies of a lunatic stalker looking for attention.
  14. Someone finally mentioned this to me. My BFF heard it on the radio while driving and calls me and first thing she says...why didn;t you tell me that Clay impregnated his 50 year old roommate??? BWAH oh dear...after I told her its not really confirmed cos there are conflicting accounts and that its his Excutive producer, sister of David Foster and judge in that show Pop start (that she remembered...hee)...she asked me the question of ...WHY? she's 50 yrs old! Then I thought about it and I told her that if this is true its not that weird cos Jaymes is a really attractive woman, she looks like she is only in her 40's to me. I also told her that they have been very close for years and that she seem really supportive and seem to understand him. If she needed help to conceive a child I can see him doing it. Clayzor I really disagree with the notion that she is not good enough. Or thats a step down. Jaymes is a smart woman who has a good career of her own. She is not some dumb bimbo Clay met in a club. I don;t get whats so bad about this kind of relationship. It also never occurred to me that this is a publicity ploy or done to be cool. THAT is so not Clay! If they did this I believe its because he loves her and has very strong bonds with her. ADMIN NOTE: At this point I would like to remind people that Jaymes is a special person in Clays life and hope that we can discuss this without disrespecting her or getting too invasive with her personal life.
  15. I dont think Jaymes needs to issue her own statement cos the story is Clay becoming a dad...but I sure think that Clay has to consult with her before issuing a statement. Even if its not true this should still be done in accordance to her wishes. I think the only proper response TC can give without him is...no comment for now. I think this is the problem with David's rep speaking about this...it was not his job to confirm or deny since David is not directly involved in this. The proper response would be...no comment...if he was not charged by Jaymes to speak for her.
  16. Yup this is where I am at. Clay has said so many times before that he would love to have a family. Children are very important to him so the idea that Jaymes baby is Clay's is great for me. Whatever their relationship is...I truly believe Clay will be a very supportive and nurturing father. If this is not true...I;m ok with that too.
  17. YUP right now my main worry is for Jaymes. Whoever the father is this is both stressful and exciting times for her so sending her good thoughts and prayers for a healthy baby and an easy pregnancy. Having your last trimester in the summer time is tough...
  18. Yeah and I don;t think he would ever put a friend in this position. Clay is all about integrity of the media and so I think he would teach by example not by punking the media.
  19. (CG) Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. I bet you are not alone in this fandom and I think it takes a lot of courage to actually put your feelings out there like this. I can understand your fear of things maybe changing once Clay does get a family. I personally don't think his career will change except maybe we will get to see his family on tour or he will be singing about the joys of fatherhood...but as you said...its just something we will have to get used to when it does happen. As to him owing us an explanation....I do think he should give a statement about this not because he OWES us because I don;t think he needs to explain his private life to anybody but to manage this story since it does involve a good friend and the media can be savage. BUT I do agree with KF when she said that it should be Jaymes that makes this call. It should be her decision when, what and how to give out the information. I don;t think Clay is laughing about this cos this probably is a very stressful time for Jaymes. This is also a high risk pregnancy because of her age and stress is not good for her. We don't know what's true except that she is pregnant. The confirmation was done by David's publicist, the denial was done by David's ex wife...both parties are not really involved in this story so I do not know who to believe. All I know is that since this involved Clay...it became a big story and hopefully they can start to manage it at this point. txflwrgirl...I had the same reaction as you. I really didn;t think this could be true because I got the impression he wanted a family...not just a kid at all cost. BUT time and time again Clay has shown me that I am not him...I do not know him...because ever since he came out on stage wearing a red leather jacket shaking his hips to grease...he has managed to surprised me in so many ways. I don't know his relationship with Jaymes so at this point all I can say is that if this is true...I just wish all of them happiness. Her top 3 songs were Ashes, Falling and WOTW. Her least favorite was SAU, followed by LAA and GOG. Oh, and OMWH the song was her 4th favorite. That said, SAU - her least favorite - she said she had a very high emotional connection and she rated the voice, melody, production, tempo all second from the highest rating! So even though it was her least favorite song, she still really liked it! BUT, she said she was somewhat unlikely to purchase the CD. She rarely purchases or downloads a full CD - averages one or two a year. But she regularly downloads individual songs. If this is becoming the norm, no wonder CDs aren't selling well. As much as she seems to have liked the CD (and looking over the rest of her answers, she did like it a lot), she wouldn't likely buy it as a whole. Thought it was interesting. Like I said, once all this baby talk is done I will go over the survey as a whole. Thanks for doing this CG. Did you tell her its Clay singing? If so what was her reaction to that. Cos if I had enough money I would like to do this same survey with a good representative number but one half has a blind survey and the other knows its a Clay CD. I just wonder if there really is a bias against his music. With regards to buying CDs, I think its really rare right now. The only CD I;ve bought in the last few years are Clay CDs and one or two CDs to give my girls. The rest I dl. Thats why its still an accomplishment for clay to be selling as much as he did on his first week without a radio hit...just on the strength of his name.
  20. BWAH!!!! this has been one of the most amusing days of my Clay fandom...
  21. Yeah, particularly since CH posted this contradictory story. Whew! Can't keep up, y'all! NOOOO!!!! oh well...now I have to stop getting all schmoopie with every Clay and baby picture just in case its not true.
  22. don;t worry about it...it was just something else that cracked me up tonight...
  23. Hee I was doing this too...I thought gbmifan was having some freudian slip or something...hee
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