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Everything posted by Mik4clay

  1. I looked up ‘bad fan’ in the dictionary... It said, ‘anyone who waits longer than 72 hours to ogle their butchy man on a game show is pretty damn bad’ see, you still have time! 😜
  2. Clay did such a great job! funny how the lady player was so excited to meet Ashanti until she played with her - messin up! Clay Aiken did not. I think they would have won it but I guess the guy player gave a bad clue.. didn’t make sense to me 🥴 He did the best he could have done, so I’m happy- - and his eyes were so sparkly and his smile so cute 🤩
  3. Anyone keeping up on current events? I learned today that it was my son’s squadron at the Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, that went into the C17 cargo plane and found the afghan woman giving birth! I can’t wait to talk to him to see how that all went down, a guy who doesn’t want kids for fear of that sight 🤣 i admit I didn’t know much about the Afghanistan situation.. but I sure do now after How the Heck! That was such an informative podcast. I felt the need to take a quiz when it was done ;))
  4. ..just got an update on Gov Abbott. I guess he was fully vaxxed, makes me feel a little better! He can have a cocktail 😜
  5. I hadn’t heard about the Cardinal.. but it sure doesn’t surprise me Any more than the Texas Gov who spouts off and now is sick and getting to take the monoclonal antibodies 🙄 when the hell are these people going to learn? Like some of Clay’s family who are in the hospital.. Jeesh, it’s getting serious at that point. Adam Kinzinger- right again!
  6. You guys, I have niece who is trying to get tickets to see Mike Flynn spread his conspiracy theories. Yes, I have talked to her about it. There are people in my family who have said they will NEVER get a shot! What I don’t understand is where is the compassion? They sit in the front rows of the Catholic Churches each week where they listen how God is love.. yet all they care about is their freedoms. This country is waaay too spoiled, IMO. I went into a crowd for the first time this past weekend (about 30 people- all family) I’ve been vaxxed since last March, so I test before I see the grandkids. I try not to be too anxious, don’t think I didn’t ask if the person was vaxxed b4 I sat down for a chat! so, I get it merrieeee .. it looks like I needed this space to vent also 🤣 ps. What’s depressing me more is the Afghans .. esp worried about the women
  7. Now that’s just right- don’t move- stay just like that you hottie -so glad the man listens to me . Lol Got to sneak n a few minutes of the podcast. Let me be clear, I could listen to Clay Aiken talk all day and night. But some might want to hear what Mary has to say too 🤣😬
  8. Yessss! I love Mary Trump, I read her first book.. a must read! Im so excited but I can’t listen, too busy today. I predict it’s going to be great!!! ❤️❤️
  9. Heh, ok Clay See, he can have cute hair.. it’s all in the cut and color I love the coat with the kicks. Ha ha so cute ❤️ Its been forever since we heard about the game show, nothing we can do but WAIT some more..
  10. Holy cow.. you can’t get any closer to window breakage than that! So lucky! We were to leave for WY yesterday. There is a wildfire 30 miles from where we set up camp. No campfires and smoke obscuring the beautiful mt views.. not for me 😕 We will try again next year. On the bright side, I get to see Clay on the gameshow as it’s airing Wed nite! I think it’s this week anyway.
  11. Yikes! I know how you feel, this dead tree went they my roof during a storm in 2017. Luckily it crashed into a spare bedroom with no one in it! so glad you guys are safe!!
  12. Oh but how this fan (slightly crazy) would like just one little peeky! 😉
  13. Awww I just absolutely love this 💙💙 Great parents make great kids. The end
  14. Ahhh, I’m so glad this marriage lasted. yay ladyj back to work. You were getting bored staying home anyway right ?! 😜
  15. After all this back and forth- is it bad that all I’ve got is that they used a cute pic of him, in the article, at least? 🤤
  16. Oh dear, this may backfire on good friend Meghan. She only had his past mental health in mind- good intentions. but maybe not speak for him 😬
  17. I agree that Kathy was actually funny at times. Her schtick on Catholics was spot on.. I laughed so hard when she sounded exactly like my mother 😂 Meghan is getting slammed now on social media for saying that Kathy owes Clay an apology for being so mean to him before he came out, despite the fact that she has lung cancer and an opioid addiction - both of which Meghan’s parents have had. I suppose Karma can be a bitch.. and say that because one of the first things that comes up when you google Clay and Kathy is an article from 2008 where she is ripping Clay for not being nice to her when she thought he should thank her for helping him in a way to come out 🙄 I too love how Meghan loves him ❤️
  18. The View had a piece about Kathy Griffin and cancel culture. Remember she was shunned for holding up the Trump severed head? When it was Meghan’s turn to talk she brought up how horrible she was to Clay and how it was a good thing that he was so strong because she made homophobic jokes about him when he was still deep in the closet. I know as fans we didn’t like her, no one should be able to try to out someone or make fun of them b/c of their sexual orientation. Today it wouldn’t be funny like hit was, I guess, back then. I finally agreed with Meghan McCain 😬 and right before she’s about to leave!
  19. Ok ok I get it.. shush up about the grey, Mik, or it’s gonna get worse! 🤣 Like I said before.. you dye that once a week that shits going to fall out!
  20. What’s even more cool is that you took ur 11 yr old daughter to a Rolling Stones concert! When my daughter was 11 she was attending Clay Aiken concerts with me 🤓🤓 A trifle more pure.. The eighties were an awesome time for sure!
  21. I too was worried about Biles.. you could tell her heart just wasn’t in it. Just said yesterday the weight of the world was on her. I never thought she would pull out tho- really missed that big smile this time. I think the best part of these Olympics is the commercials.. inspiring! I'm a little more concerned about Clay’s hair. I just realized that he was grey a few weeks ago, then went dirty blond during the Calissa slickback.. and then a week later grey again 🙃 I don’t like the grey personally but now I’m just worried it’s gonna fall out l!
  22. I’ve heard that show is very funny! Clay said, I think during his pop-up reunion, that he started watching it because Hannah was on it. Now he’s hooked and has watched it like 4x. Clay requested we watch ‘Sex Education’ on Netflix way back on his first or second How the Heck podcast. I finally started watching it and now I’m hooked! I’ve seen all 8 episodes and a new season starts in September! Clay says it’s not porn.. but um yeah, pretty racy The man has way too much influence on me!
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