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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Hee I had to put Instagram on my iPhone and iPad! He has moved on but he still has a hold over us!
  2. Email from ykw. Hello, On Thursday at 9:30am at the North Carolina State Board of Elections I will officially file to run for Congress. This is a big step and I am honored to have you by my side as I take it. I believe that this is the first step to help bring back, at least to my corner of North Carolina, the idea that someone can go to Washington to represent all the people – whether they voted for you or not. And maybe together we can play a small part in igniting that change across the rest of our country. This campaign isn't about my opponents and it isn't about me. It's about you. It's about sending Representatives to Washington who think about you each day that they wake up, not the special interests. It is about sending folks to Washington who want to see D.C. work for you, not for the lobbyists – or for one political party or the other. I believe that our future has never been brighter if we make the right decisions and I am ready to go to D.C. and work to make sure that what is right with America — our people — have a voice. Will you stand with me this week by donating $25, $50, or whatever amount that you feel good about today? One of the best ways to generate job growth, and to generate the kind of long term growth that we must have in order to build a new American dream for our kids, is to make sure that we send Representatives to D.C. who will make a difference for you. Our economy continues to stagnate in part because of instability coming from our government. We have to change that. Our campaign has set a goal of raising $20,000 online this week to help spread our message. Will you give today? I promise you that as long as you stand with me, I will be standing up for you. I will stand up for needed investments in each school that will benefit each child. I will be an advocate for women, and everyone, throughout North Carolina who should be paid for what they do, not who they are. I will work with both parties to make sure that we end outdated regulations and policies that stand in the way of entrepreneurs and family farmers. After I file on Thursday I will head to Asheboro for a listening session at Di'Lishi Frozen Yogurt on 405 E. Dixie Drive and I will close the day at the precinct meetings in Apex. Follow along with us as we travel the district via Facebook and Twitter. All the best, Clay Aiken PS - Please consider giving $25, $50, or whatever amount you can now to help us reach our goal? Paid for by Clay Aiken for North Carolina Clay for North Carolina PO Box 3809 Cary NC 27519-3809 United States If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe.
  3. Clay's schedule for Thursday. http://yesweeklyblog.blogspot.com/2014/02/clay-aiken-to-file-feb-27-for-congress.html
  4. Thursday it is! @clayaiken: I will officially file for Congress on Thursday. Stand with me via http://t.co/LXdJCIzLPn. RT this to stand with us. #clayfornc
  5. Nice pic. @GinaFrutig1: @clayaiken So nice to meet you today! http://t.co/XD1In5C22E
  6. Clay also tweeted this pic. Love the fly swatter!
  7. Back in the day Clay Aiken had a concert on Long Island.....one of my faves because he spoke to me. On the way to the concert we stopped and ate at a Legal Seafood. Today that restaurant was in the news because the manager died of carbon monoxide poisoning. It was weird to see a place that I'd eaten at, so far away, on the news
  8. I'd love to know what he's saying/doing in the first pic.
  9. He's always has been our Prince "Charming" and now the secret's out!
  10. He is stunning in those pics and he's schmoozing with the best of them!
  11. Do you think Clay being there had any effect? Oops forgot tweet. @ForwardAmerican: @threeonapage @ClayForNC @clayaiken Sold out event Patty! I heard tonight was the best annual fundraiser for @wakedems yet. #UniteBlue 2014!
  12. Aww he said thanks @clayaiken: Humbled by the support of so many. Thank you for giving! https://t.co/dml9YTaGDd #clayfornc
  13. Want to volunteer? @ClayForNC: Learn more about @clayaiken on our site http://t.co/UDO32IWz69 #nc02 #clayfornc
  14. Ha! Some folks paid good money to get this close to him! All we needed was an interest in politics....who knew?
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