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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Tweets @clayaiken: "There are millions of Americans outside if Washington who are tired of stale political arguments" Agreed. #SOTU @clayaiken: "One of the best investments we can make in a child's life is high quality early education. #SOTU @clayaiken: "If you cook our troops' meals or wash their dishes, you should not have to live in poverty!" #SOTU
  2. Since it was CV I can't bring the postt over but he said they tried to do a concert for each album but it didn't work out. Couldn't find venues in NYC or Vegas.
  3. Clay communicated with a mod at CV. Either way...I WILL WILL WILL find opportunities to sing for EVERYONE at some point. This year just limits my ability to do it any other way
  4. My last show was Joseph great but not my favourite memory. That is hard to define. Was it watching him show the true measure of a man as he struggled to stay upright, in Long Island, suffering from vertigo, when he put his head on my shoulder in Houston, seeing him in Spamalot on opening night, having my first meet and greet, listening to him sing and making that note on All Is Well, or talking to him on the telephone? I treasure all of them! It is so bittersweet. It's like when your kid goes away to college. You want them to spread their wings and fulfil their own dreams but oh my are you going to miss them!
  5. I just mentioned to our intern that Pete Seeger died! He said who is that? The father of folk music is gone and these young folks have no idea what they missed!
  6. I thought I'd "lost" him after AI2 and I didn't! So whatever I have had in the last 10 years regarding concerts, m&g and shows I consider a bonus. I'm sad that he may not be performing again, in the entertainment arena, but I cannot be mad at him. He has given me far more than I ever expected and for that I am genuinely grateful. I loathe politics so this transition will be extremely difficult for me but I'll still be around.
  7. Couchie......the latest thing in a nutshell is Clay did more private concerts for the folks that lost out on the piano bid. They asked he said yes! Lots of angst over secrecy and no clack. Clay PM'd the mod to straighten it out. As usual caused more angst!
  8. I am just rolling my eyes. This is nothing new. It's always been the same. Clay should have, shouldn't have. He can never win with some so called fans!
  9. Gosh I need a drink! Oh wait I don't drink! Ok I'll pop some popcorn.
  10. I so dislike it when we are called wussies, even in fun, because we cannot deal with the cold or snow. We do not have what we need to deal with this. My daughter teaches in a lower income school and by far the majority don't have winter coats. When your priority is food on the table a warm coat is the last thing you buy to wear one or two days every year or so. They cannot have kids waiting for busses and freezing. We don't have snow tires, ice scrapers, salt for the driveways and the majority of our freeways are high so they freeze up immediately. Try buying a really warm sweater, you can't. There were over 200 accidents because of ice yesterday. It is much safer to stay home. Ok off my soapbox!
  11. I wanna see Clay! Went out to eat tonight and in the middle of it the power in the whole block went out! We used our iPhones and had a great time. The staff must have thought we were weird when my dd started making shadow puppets! Brr it's getting cold here. It's going to be 32 tonight!
  12. Tweet @clayaiken: Dr. King said, “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?” - This #MLKDay what RU doing 2 serve others?
  13. Tweet @clayaiken: Follow my great friend @RubenStuddard and preorder his album, produced by the incomparable @officialdfoster http://t.co/mg19G385A0
  14. Tweet! @clayaiken: 2014 Power of Play Conference for @includingkids is shaping up 2B the MOST impactful yet. Check it out http://t.co/mtdag6h7YU & JOIN US!!m
  15. Clay is retweeting about the Presidents visit to NC today.
  16. My understanding is that it was a commitment that had to be fulfilled and not just a private concert for the so called haves!
  17. What I don't get is that you know that this is secret/private information and you also know it will cause a lot of angst in an already fragile atmosphere yet you choose to post this information anyway! Why?
  18. Fear, I feel the same way about posting much that is personal now! It is a fine line. Not that I think anything we write will affect him because let's face it in the scheme of things we are not that important but it causes me to pause before I hit post. I somehow get the feeling that he has moved on and I will have to wait and see where this will go. I don't think that the proverbial "we" are even on his radar! He always has been fun to follow because you never knew where he would lead you and this is certainly no exception! I have no problem with discussing the issues as regards to Clay but if it doesn't include him and becomes generalised, then I cannot contribute and I'm not sure what I will do. As I posted before I hate politics in any shape or form and I will not apologise for that, so that puts me In a bit of a quandary. I guess I will play it by ear.
  19. That's going to be one good looking congressman!
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