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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Even though I sincerely hate politics I will continue to read the boards and follow him! My biggest fear over this whole thing is the message boards turning into nothing but politics. It's already starting on some other boards where the post is totally political and not about Clay. If that continues then I will be gone from that board. I am here on these boards for Clay and of course you guys too. I really do have more than a passing interest in him and his career (surprise, surprise) but I fully understand the delving into certain subjects which can be so divisive. I also understand that if he runs the majority of posts will now be political so I'm ok with that too but this girl just wants to have fun and I see that dwindling! I read on another board that if you didn't have an interest in politics then you were in essence stupid. I had to sit on my hands over that one. That sort of thing just turns me away! Don't stone me please! Well that's enough about me! Isn't Clay a cutie?
  2. Larry Flick, on OutQ Sirius radio, was extremely complimentary towards Clay this am. Said he was incredibly articulate, savvy and feisty! It came across that he really likes him!
  3. The Clayboard has announced it will now be mostly private so you will have to sign in now if you want to access it.
  4. I just checked UNICEF and it kind of makes me sad that it is true! How come I can't edit from my iPad?
  5. Someone at cv said it now states alumni not ambassador on the UNICEF site.
  6. He tweets.......politically of course Hee Hee @clayaiken: Long overdue! http://t.co/J3Eb6bp3W5
  7. Gosh I had to think twice about what I was writing! I've never done that before on silly mundane posts (which seem to be most of mine btw). His maybe being vetted really closely by media etc. is just going to be weird. Do you think they would actually check out fan boards?
  8. At $85 a pop I won't be buying one for each of my rooms!
  9. My DH is mr non committal when it comes to Clay. There was an ad for talk shows and I said to him "be prepared for the jokes about Clay". He asked why so I explained what was maybe going on. He said why would they joke about that seems to me he's pretty intelligent and is fully entitled to go for it! I really expected him to say what qualifications does he have in a snide way! Yeah! I think I finally got him trained. I said I thought the days of flying to see him might be over and he said I bet you'll all get together for the inauguration! Think so?
  10. Also someone at cv mentioned a conversation on the open thread of openly clay! It starts on Dec 3 and in hindsight is very interesting. Someone is definitely fishing!
  11. Yeah Mr Irrelevant certainly has a lot of press!
  12. Joel McHale tweeted this. @joelmchale: This should seal the deal RT @clayaiken: @NBCCommunity is the smartest-best comedy on TV. It starts back 2nite on @NBC Don't miss this show!
  13. I can't go to any news site without seeing an article on Clay! What fun.
  14. Well some of the low life's have started posting on Twitter!
  15. Best New Year's Day ever! Watched the new Sherlock Holmes, from England! Really, really good!
  16. He has to go for a procedure every three weeks and it involves three days inpatient treatment! Not fun for him!
  17. The weather today here was beautiful but as I'm stuck inside a hospital room, with my DH, I didn't get to enjoy it much!
  18. I think I need more than Snapple lately. I wish I drank!
  19. I won a years supply of Snapple and today in the mail I got 52 coupons, each one for a six pack. Good job I like Snapple! Though maybe by the end of the year I might not!
  20. This is nice from Jaymes @BlessThisTable: For our #Claymates to play while cooking up some celebrity recipes: 3 songs from "A Clay Aiken #Christmas" > http://t.co/zwheow8Jqc
  21. One of my first real crushes has died. Peter O'Toole! Hiim and Omar Sharif were to die for in Lawrence of Arabia!
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