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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Yes, it is! But I am still shaky from the ticket tango! Really happy to be able to see so many folks after way too long! Was this tango any worse than others?
  2. From OFC chat. There is going to be a tour date in Florida
  4. Did you know that 19E has a controlling interest in Graceland now? Not the mansion but everything else. That's probably why Scotty McCreery has an outfit from AI displayed in one of the museums.
  5. Went to Beale St. It is like 6th Street in Austin. Gus' fried chicken...omg. It is sooo good. I never eat more than two pieces of chicken and I had four!!! Fried chicken coma! It is such a great place with really cool atmosphere. On to Oxford Mississippi tomorrow. I bet their souvenirs at a bit classier! I have admit I bought a thermal mug with a gaudy gold lining...yeah that will wake them up at work!
  6. No kidding...tacky doesn't even describe it! The green carpet on the ceiling in the tiki room was something else and the hand carved furniture...well... Oh and the mirrors everywhere were too much! We went to the National Civil Rights Museum and it was very impressive but very weird to stand right by the balcony where Martin Luther King was shot. It's hot but I miss the humidity....right!
  7. Ok so I lied...my DH just went and got Krispy Kreme donuts.......they were hot and soooo good! Good job he didn't bring a dozen! Off to Graceland!
  8. I don't think I will eat for a week! I just had the best ribs ever at the Memphis BBQ which is not actually in Memphis! I also had really good grits and I don't like grits. Tomorrow we are going to Graceland........shhh don't tell anyone but I don't like Elvis. The Heartbreak Hotel has the tackiest decor and the pool is heart shaped with a design that looks like a break! I had a hard time keeping a straight face when I checked in. The purple, gold and red lobby furniture just about did me in!
  9. Tweet: @clayaiken: Sing with angels Andy. U brought a lot of pride 2 our home state & a lot of joy 2 America. Headed home, cuz Mayberry was a lot like Heaven.
  10. Number 15 is looking mighty fine! http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-gay-celebrities-pictures,0,3257741.photogallery?index=la-et-gay-celebrities-pictures-007
  11. Anderson Cooper is gay. He just came out to the Daily Beast. Bet he doesn't get as much flack as Clay did !
  12. Omg I can't go on........Tom and Katie are divorcing! How will Suri survive?
  13. Happy BD Fear!,, I am such a happy camper right now. I jus d/l Chrome to my iPad and it is good! See doesn't take much?
  14. Wipeout responded! Another conversation. In response to: Well I hate to tell you I already have one thing! Tweet on Clay! I just love it!
  15. I think the eHP will be there on Friday. I'd love to meet up.
  16. Tour? Oh please!!!!,! I am so there.......ok time to start Christmas shopping so I can go!
  17. Do you think Clay can ever do anything right, for some folks? Poor guy! If I were him I'd give up and run his foundation!
  18. I love tourist traps! All the cheap junk and tacky stuff! My DD and DH went over spring break and although neither are Elvis fans loved it. They insist on taking me, who by the way is the furthest thing from an Elvis fan you could think of! The confirmation letter from the hotel ended with "thankyouverymuch" We are also going to Oxford MS to see Faulkner stuff?
  19. Well it's another hot one today! I think I'll stay in the office! Ldyj I thought of you last night. I booked a couple of nights stay in Memphis for next week. We are staying at the Heartbreak Hotel! And yes it is at the end of Lonely Street.
  20. Tweet: @clayaiken: We're all gonna just have to eat twice as many #Oreos now! http://yhoo.it/MAlX2J Get to eating folks!! Way to go #Kraft !
  21. Geez I am sick and tired of people telling him what to tweet. Please just shut up and enjoy that he is!,
  22. Tweet @clayaiken: I almost wanna get married just so I can have @RubenStuddard sing this song at the wedding! http://img.ly/k2WM #lettersfrombirmingham
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