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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. merrieeee runs to the bank....na! not enought there darn!
  2. Somehow this song springs to mind! Please to the bolded part!
  3. I don't know for sure but i think around 250, maybe!
  4. I finally got around to listening to the audio from Monday night. No matter how good the audio is is cannot compare. His voice was so much smoother and some of the delicacy of the phrasing and notes just did not come across. At times his voice was almost caressing and I didn't hear that in any audio yet. I cannot wait for the CD to come out. He should ssound spectacular. We all got Flash Drives at the GFI with the "National Inclusion Project" video on it and I just showed it to one of our volunteers here and he really liked it. It brought him to tears and he said he had never thought about how lonely those kids must feel and how lucky he had been as a kid to be included! Next fundraiser guess who I am going to hit up? I almost don't want Monday to show up. Since I can't go to any event in Feb. or March I don't really want to know what I will be missing!
  5. From CV: How freeing it must be for him to be able to be seen at an airport and not worry it is going to show up in some tabloid!
  6. What a cutie! Someone pointed out their knees are touching!!!
  7. Good Morning Everyone, I am ghost posting the calendar for aikim until her computer problems are fixed. 4 Days until The Big Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 23 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention! 36 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 45 Days until The First Day of Spring! 4 months until June and The New CD/PBS Special! Clay addresses the Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating!
  8. What excited me about GFI is how long Clay sang- As if he never wanted to leave. I could only guess that he misses touring big time and I miss him touring big time. You know he just kept singing and singng like he was having a really good time. I haven't been able to really voice it too well but it, to me, just felt different. The evening felt so intimate like he was singing to a few good friends. His voice just wrapped around me and grabbed my heart! I almost felt like he "let us in". Does that make any sense?
  9. Good Morning Everyone, I will be ghost posting the calendar for Aikim until her computer problems are fixed......so don't expect anything as fancy! Hee! 5 Days until The Big Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 24 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention! 37 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 46 Days until The First Day of Spring! 4 months until June and The New CD/PBS Special! Clay addresses the Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating!
  10. He certainly is! Reed is too in real life but he doesn't make my heart go pitty pat like the guy up there!
  11. Ain't free wi-fi at the airport grand? Anyone else notice that when talking about the CD he said "I did say "it" didn't I"? It made me wonder if there is more than one and he wanted to make sure he didn't say they. Wishful thinking?
  12. Ever have one of those mornings when you wake up and remember something great happened the night before and you just want to relive it and not get up? Yep that's me this morning but unfortunatley i have to catch a plane! I LOVE CLAY AIKEN!!!!
  13. No kf I wasn't that close and even if i was I wouldn't have looked. I'm pure I'll have you know!
  14. Somehow stories get exaggerated. Reed was standing next to me getting Prime Rib and he handed me the ladle for the gravy.! That was all! Perusing one talked to him about the Chicken. Jerome looked good. He left the room and one point and Clay got skeered! He said he needed him or he might get attacked! I think Clay had on the linen jacket that he wore in Houston, pink shirt & jeans. Reed lavender shirt light grey...tight...pants! The guy has no rear end!
  15. I don't drink or smoke but after tonight I need both! OMG he sang beautifully especially Moon River! GAh! He looked good...loved the short hair and Reed didn't look bad either!
  16. Wer'e here!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hi from Kimiye, Solo and PerusingOne! It's 81 degrees...so it is a struggle to cope with this weather situation!
  17. Well if he isn't there someone's gonna have some 'splainin' to do!
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