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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. That boy sure has grown into his ears! I'm lovin' the cover....he has bedroom eyes! That's it for now as I am exhausted. 16 hour days are getting to me! ETA: I just biggied the cover on my 27 inch monitor.........OMG sweet dreams tonight!
  2. Popping in to say a quick hi! Work is killing me....these 3:30 alarms are just yuck! I'm loving the cover. It is exactly like the covers from the 50s and 60s! I still have some like that.......just change the details and the design is the same. It really is authentic for the era he is re-creating. Where Clay Aiken is concerned I am easy!
  3. You know I have never doubted that he really is that good and I have always wanted others to see it too. I always felt his immense talent was just being wasted and that one day he would get his due. I really think it is now his time and yes it is about damn time!
  4. Hey couchie, nice of you to ask. I'm thinking about going to Asheville
  5. In case anyone is interested I'm going to Reno! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Oh well off to (reno) work I go. I'ts a tad busy for me right now! Reno is coming! I have been soooooo busy I just cannot wait for (Reno) April 10, when I can finally get a day off! Plus it's closer to July...oh did I mention I'M GOING TO RENO?
  6. I honestly thought that this was going to be a very hard few days for me. Not being able to go to the concert and then selling and moving out of a house I have lived in and loved for 25 years! I did not want to move but somethings in life are unavoidable. I felt sure I would be full of tears this weekend and in fact I was but not over the move. I was in tears of joy reading the wonderful re-caps and knowing that our man did good. I will always regret not being there but honestly it really was good for me to have something else to focus on. Thanks to all for the visual pics you painted. (and to my buds in the eHP for the phone calls and texts! ....I love you guys.) It really was as if I was there and it made me feel good, something I did not think would be possible this weekend.
  7. Get thee to Amazon to pre-order Clay Aiken's CD/DVD http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=tried+%26+true++clay+aiken&x=18&y=20
  8. My expiration date at the OFC is now June 7, 2010. It appears that they have extended the date for everyone.
  9. Hey I bet the eHP will be there! You know you wanna!!
  10. My god was he gorgeous tonight or what? His speech making abilities have improved so much. Hardly any "ums"!
  11. I just love Clay Aiken! Clays Speech I just love the new way of inserting a link! Sooo easy!
  12. email? email? I didn't get no stinkin' email!! :blowkiss:
  13. The house is 2400 sq ft which is 250 smaller than my old one but the configuration is different. Everything is downstairs except for a media room up. I am excited because it is NEW and I don't have to fix anything. We are going to put a spa in so I won't even miss my pool. I found an apt today, scheduled the movers, talked to the furniture rental place, the inspection is set for Friday so I am movin' on down the road. It has been a little stressful the last few months, with a lot of things, but today I feel a weight has lifted and i'm ready to go!
  14. I figure I'll rent a corporate place until it's ready. I honestly didn't think it would sell this fast but there were only 5 houses for sale in this area in the price range so i'm not too surprised.
  15. Err no I don't. The new house will not be finished until July 1!!!!!
  16. You know sometimes things work out as they are supposed to. I cannot go to Raleigh on the 12th because of work. Well yesterday at Noon I put my house on the market and today I had a full price offer and they want to close on guess when? Yep March 12th. So no more fretting for me. I have a LOT to do in the next three weeks! OMG What have I just done?
  17. These Tweeters are responding to "Stuntcasting" in the theater:
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