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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. In 1967 I met my DH, who was in the Air Force and his best friend was gay. This guy had just served a tour in Vietnam and no one cared. He was an usher at my wedding and the last time I saw him he was dressed as a woman! It was interesting to find out that this guy was also a transvestite. He was a great guy, who unfortunately died of AIDS. It was ok for him to serve back then when we needed bodies to fight but now?
  2. OMG I just cannot imagine our reaction to that! Rioting in the streets maybe? Oh no that was for free chicken!
  3. I usually don't watch AI but because of the acccident I thought I would tune in. I just got so turned off by the pimping of Adam. He may be good but Rock God? Give me a break...one good performance does not a Rock God make! I decided then that since they had already crowned the "king" there was no point in watching any more. Real Housewives of New Jersey seems a lot better! I did like the guyliner though*g*
  4. I have been studying up on the pics of Parker and I have come to the conclusion that he is stunningly beautiful....Yes I know I am biased. Your point?
  5. There may be no idol tonight. Accident on set. Stage Manager was hurt. One of Mylene Farmer's dancers almost fell and there is technical difficulties. Stay safe out there!
  6. Who knows what he could be getting up too? I'm a little skeered too!
  7. This is on the news page of the OFC. You don't have to sign in to see it. http://www.clayonline.com/news
  8. OK I've had time to sleep on it and yes the baby is still cute and the dad is still hawt! How can someone throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, not shave, tousle their hair and just go to the store look so good? You know what I would look like if I did that? Put it this way the tabloids would be paying big money for someone not to take pics! So now he is our sexy singer shopping man! He can push my cart anytime! Can you imagine being in the store and you accidentally bump into him...I'd totally forget what I was shopping for! Now the question of the day. Do you think he stops dead in the store with a stupid grin on his face, when he hears Clay Aiken singing from the loudspeaker? Not that I've done that...just sayin'
  9. Oh Why is he gay...boo hoo!!! The guy looks soooo good in those grocery shopping pics. It's just not fair.
  10. Who is that guy? That can't be Clay Aiken.......that guy is so smokin' he is cool!
  11. There are some great pics of Clay and a shopping cart at CV. Sexxay!!!! I will bring some over. Maybe someone can bring the rest full size.
  12. No link to them It didn't take TMZ long. From CV I wonder why we are now getting all these sightings at once?
  13. Bwah ha!!! Clay is buying.....wait for it .....toilet paper?
  14. Hypothetically speaking, I'm sure it would be an adorable desktop, merrieeee! You think so? I might just try it out....but only because you suggested it!!! ETA: Surprise it does make a cute desktop!
  15. Not that i did it ::coughcough:: but Parker's pretty pic makes a great desktop!! Just sayin'
  16. OK is Parker cute or what...or am I blinded by lurrrrvvvve?
  17. Pretty Parker Pics but I kind of wish they were not taken.
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