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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. First day of Spring! Oh joy that means Shell Houston Open is right around the corner....anyone want to see some golf? Hee I work there and only see it on the TV in the office (too busy)! Ok so it's not the GFI but there are some cute guys there! Oh CLay isn't the first day of Spring traditionally a blog day? Yep I'm sure I read that in my Olde Farmer's almanac*g*
  2. Hee someone at another board said that not only had the AI jumped the shark but it was now doing 6 shows a day at Sea World!
  3. From CH: Well that clears everything up nicely*g* So Clay bought a new car Saturday and then went partaying at SNL. I want his life and money!!!
  4. OK you guys pick my busiest time to have an eHP get together! From now until April 12 my life is not my own! Oh yeah you think working at a PGA TOUR tournament is all fun and games but no it's work I tell you, work. During the actual week I normally go into the office at 5:30am and stay till about 8:00pm but on the Wednesday I have to be there at 4:30!!! Who goes to work at 4:30 in the morning?? We have two guys coming to broadcast their radio show live. Now I have never heard of them but a lot of people have....they are called Mike & Mike and they are on ESPN. Now if it was you know who I'd be there at 3! I tell you if I wasn't earning money for my Clay fund..........
  5. My opinion is that everyone here loves Clay Aiken...and that's a fact jack.
  6. Hmmmmm! I wonder if Salt mine stocks are down. New York Post
  7. The link is too Clazycoffins Ink cartridge fundraiser. As for vault funds every so often they will fundraise to make them last for the year.
  8. Not at $500 a ticket I'm not. Oh keepingfaith have you seen the pic in the new People mag celebrity edition? Link To Pic of AI5 Clay Hee we watched both Kill Bill movies in BluRay wide screen tv this weekend........talk about blood & guts! Bwah ha ha tribeca! That's a goood one
  9. The Tyra show was one of the best shows ever! Off to watch it again. To heck with house stuff! Since Scarlett has slept with about everyone here this must be a Gay-centric board
  10. So proud of him right now. What a role model he had become. He really is making a difference! They used a decent pic! http://www.glaad.org/events/ma_detail.php?event_id=178
  11. http://www.united.com/page/article/0,6722,...?jumpLink=%2Fps I wanna be rich.
  12. Quite frankly those are not the first words that come to mind when see pictures of him. IYKWIMAITYD (Hee)
  13. Those look just like the ear thingies he wears on stage so he may have to wear the cord like that. I think he looks just so ......Oh I don't know maybe........cute. Yeah that's it! He is just CUTE!
  14. Err I use the little button that has two As on it( next to the yellow smiley face) directly above the first row of typing. Is that what you mean? It will also and do this
  15. Hmmm I don't know I will have to check out the pics again! Hold on a minute, I will be right back? Why yes now that you mention it! He does look cute. How come no one noticed before? Someone at CV figured out the laptop bag is by Paul Smith and it is $495....no more backpack for Mr Aiken.
  16. OK so he's arriving, wearing custom earplugs for his iPhone....cool!
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