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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. You should see how much she travels with!!!
  2. I can't sleep so I'm flipping TV channels this morning and I end up on a Asian talk show, kind of like Jerry Springer lite! Well the girl dumps the guy and then I hear........."We can solve any problems". It's Clay! I'm looking around the house to see where the music is coming from and it was the show! Nice surprise.
  3. Clay News It is on the public side of the OFC about the CD
  4. I have often wondered how one goes about choosing a screen name when you join a new board? Is it something familiar, two names combined or something that makes no sense at all? Discuss!
  5. OFC lists who just joined at the bottom of the message board but it has not been updated. You can click on anyone's name in the list and it tells you about them. I do happen to have an autographed pic so :medium-smiley-070: ........ How do you tell what our # is?
  6. Will this day never end????? It's 82 degrees and i'm stuck in here! I plan to wear my lanyard to ALL the Clay Aiken concerts i'm going to this year....oh wait!
  7. . Oh no I don't drink tea (I know turn in my British citizenship). In fact I don't drink anything hot except for a very rare drink of something called Ribena. It is a blackcurrant juice drink. Yum! Come to think of it I don't drink anything cold either. Just room temperature........I know I'm weird.
  8. I have more 1, mugs than I need 2, don't drink coffee 3, never use mugs........but it's going to look right purdy on my counter....plus it will annoy the heck out of my family....priceless!
  9. I guess he got tired of reading what he didn't do, wasn't offered, not as promised......etc. etc. etc. (said in the best Yul Brunner accent of course) that he figured he won't offer anything other than the basics. I wouldn't blame him if that was true. Here b**ch about this! And you know they will. Yep they'll re-up and continue to complain cos it's fun for them.
  10. Oh Scarlett we worry because we love the clack you. Oh not in THAT way of course!
  11. Couchie if you can't find a Best Buy pack I saw 4 at mine.
  12. Ah not everyone is that excited! He can call me whatever he likes! I lurve Clay's PSA! He sounds soo cute. http://www.menc.org/resources/view/why-mus...-for-miosm-2009.
  13. OMG OMG OMG I'm officially a Claymate! Well I'm glad the renewals have started cos then I won't have to read why "I won't join again"....cos all those folks will be gone! Nah they will all want the mug and lanyard! I re-upped and then had to go back and see what I was getting*g* bfs at the ofc says CA has to use the C ( ) word because of some trademark issue!
  14. Gah! Thud! Slurp! Favourite Banner ever.......well at least until the next one*g*
  15. Some of the things I read says it can take up to a month or 6 weeks to heal! It is quite a "procedure". I think he wants the BAF to stand on its own and not rely on his name. Now it is established it can do that.
  16. The only problem is if you, let's say mailed them to me and I sent them to Empties, you would have to pay the postage to get them to me. If that is OK then I will certainly collect them for us.
  17. Thanks I never got that message. I will have to get some labels but it is going to take me forever to get 10 cartridges.
  18. You can get pre-paid mailing envelopes and they send the money directly to BAF. You need to email llearn@epix.net for information. They just sent me some plastic envelopes and I mailed the cartridges...that's all.
  19. So Reed has a video of last night's performance on his public MySpace. It was put up by a Clay fan...how cute is it that he used it.
  20. I want to go back to Istanbul. I'd love to go to Russia, take the train across Siberia, visit Mongolia and all around that area!
  21. OK I am the world's worst Happy Birthday say-er! So, on that note........Happy Birthday to everyone who ever had one. is having one and will have one!! I think that covers everyone
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